
作者&投稿:尉翠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我们一般采用分述法将带定语从句的英语复合句译成并列分词。分述法就将主句和从句分开翻译的方法。此方法除了将定语从句译为并列分句外,还译为状语从句。 (三)状语从句 让我们来看看下例该怎么译: He insisted on building another house which he had no use for. 上例能译成“他坚持再建一座他不用的房子”...

英语翻译 定语从句+同位语从句 他没通过数学考试,这令他的父亲感到生气...
The father heard the news that his son did not pass the math test,which drives him mad.这个同位语从句真不好写啊 个人意见 仅供参考 欢迎轰炸 - -


从结构上分析,常见的定语从句翻译方法:一、前置法:把定语从句翻译到所修饰的先行词前面,可以用“的”来连接。既然定语从句的意义是作定语修饰语,所以在翻译的时候,通常把较短的定语从句译成带“的”的前置定语,翻译在定语从句的先行词前面。He who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is ...

英语翻译 主语从句 很遗憾 你错过了这次精彩的演出
It's pity that you missed the wonderful performance。

1 I am reading a book which is about Bill Gates.2 Where is the pen that you bought yesterday?3 That is the dream that I have never realized.4 The book which is on the floor is mine.5 The boy who broke the window is Tom.6 This is the room that you cleaned last time...


例:1、This is a book( that we all like). 这是一本我们所有人都喜爱的书。(先行词book)2、Leo is the man (whom you should marry). 里奥是那个你该嫁给的人。(先行词man)3、He( who laughs last) laughs best. 笑到最后的人笑得最好。(先行词He)非限制性定语从句翻译原则:...

英语翻译 定语从句 他没通过数学考试,这令他的父亲感到生气
He didn't pass the maths exam which made his father feel very angry.

英语翻译 主语从句 他没通过数学考试,这令他的父亲感到生气
主语从句 1 That he didn't pass the maths exam made his father very angry.2 It made his father very angry that he didn't pass the maths exam.

军佩13367899071问: 英语定语从句翻译
盖州市复方回答: The person who went to Beijing with me is Li Ming.

军佩13367899071问: 定语从句怎么翻译 -
盖州市复方回答: 答:定语从句分为两种,一是限制性定语从句,其与所修饰的先行词之间关系密切,翻译时,一般将定语从句放在先行词前,译为“…的+先行词”,如: Doyouknowtheboywhoisstandingunderthetree? 你认识那个站在那棵树下的学生吗? 另一...

军佩13367899071问: 用定语从句翻译
盖州市复方回答: 1:我记得我们在一起的那几天. I remember the day that we spend together. 2:这就是贼聚集的房间. This is the room where thieves gathered. 3:小车迟到的原因是车坏了. The reason why Xiao che was late was that his car is broken. 4:这是我看...

军佩13367899071问: 翻译定语从句
盖州市复方回答: 1. I'm interestd everyting that is about him. 2. This is the only book that I can give you. 3. Please tell me whether the girl in the news was here or not. 4. I've lost the bicycle which my father gave to me.

军佩13367899071问: 定语从句翻译
盖州市复方回答: 1.:将去南京的火车晚点了. The train which is leaving for Nan Jing arrives late 2:他正在爬的树很高. The tree which he is climbing is very tall 3:我想跟没交作业的人谈谈. I want to have a talk with person who doesn't hand in his homework 4...

军佩13367899071问: 汉语翻译定语从句
盖州市复方回答: 1. He was surprised to look at our school which had changed greatly. 2. I was shocked by the way he had acted. (一般会说I was shocked by what he had done.) 3. It seems as if he knew the news. (这个我不知道怎么变定语从句) 4. hundreds of ...

军佩13367899071问: 英语定语从句翻译,在线等 -
盖州市复方回答: “我最喜欢的学科是英语” “The subject that I like most is English.” “我们最需要的东西是时间” “The thing which we need most is time.” 【公益慈善翻译团】真诚为您解答!

军佩13367899071问: 定语从句翻译 -
盖州市复方回答: 1.This is the magazine (that/which) i like most.2.This is the village i used to live at.3.The girl who is singing is a classmate of mine.4.The people who serve people devotedly should be respected.5.All that must be done has been finished.

军佩13367899071问: 定语从句 翻译 -
盖州市复方回答: He lives in a room whose window faces south.可以翻译成他住在窗户朝南的房间.这两句话翻译的本意是一样的.这里 whose window faces south:whose在这里是修饰He.做定语从句.以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助! 杭州图书馆

军佩13367899071问: 定语从句在线翻译:1.这就是他为什么缺席的原因.2.那个房子的门朝着大海的房子是我的. -
盖州市复方回答: 1. That's why he was absent. 2. The house whose door facing the sea is mine

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