
作者&投稿:浑忽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

外贸函电 求翻译
1. 亲爱的xxx先生:我们已经如期收到你们合同号为4806的销售合同。按照要求,我们要返回一份副署后的合同复印件在这里。我们已经在中国银行建档,我们相信伦敦相关信用证会很快到你手里。一旦收到之后,请安排装货时宜,并且通过电报方式告知我们横幅名字与它的航行日期。2. 亲爱的xxx先生:回复:158号信...

1: Dear Sirs:Thank you on May 4 call, we asked the printed cloth, and demanded to know we have a large number of orders.We have separately sent to you a comprehensive design and materials for choice when you order. We enclose herewith, as well as the price of a single or...

非常感谢您6月10日按照一般交易条件给我们3000打标的物报价为35美元\/件 CFR Vancouver。很抱歉我们的终端用户发现您的价格远远高于现行市场价格。资料显示,你们产品的价格高于印度同类产品价格的20%。虽然我们清楚中国产品的质量较好,但是价格上不至于都如此悬殊的差异。鉴于这种情况,我们不可能说服我们的终...

外贸函电翻译!急!今天就要 !先谢谢了
1 。我们指给你的信10月20日,和我们今天就供应毛衣。正如你也许知道,需求为上述已重型自去年year.we是完全致力于因此目前无法使你提供作为requested.we向你保证,不过,我们会尽快与您联系新鲜用品变为可用。我们也制造毛纺waiscoats可能的利益you.they是充分说明了在该目录enclosed.shouid您找到昂感兴趣...


1 此次报盘以我方实接。11月30日星期五下午三点前最后确认到达我方为有效。This offer from us is a firm one which is effective if we receive your final comfirmation before 3pm,Friday,30 November.2 订货数量超过1000达,客户可以享受特别折扣,比如10%。If the quantity ordered is over ...

to make another inspection so as to prove whether there are grounds for claim.2.继续延误解决这一索赔案件定将严重影响你方信誉,因此,你方必须立即改正错误。Further delay in resolving the claim will seriously affect your credibility, therefore, you must immediately correct your mistakes....

Thank you for sending us your Enquiry No.224. We appreciate your thinking of us whenever you plan to order new supply.感谢您向我们发送您的查询224。每当你计划订购新的供应时,我们都很感激你的想法。However,we regret to inform you that we are not in a position to make you an ...

7. 我们遗憾的通知你们,发票所列第8箱,内装10台打字机,在货到达时,其中 8台严重受损。现附上上海商品检验局所签发的检验证明和船公司代理人的报告书,想必你方在解决我们上述3000美圆的索赔方面,不会有困难。We regret to inform you that the eighth case listed on the invoice, in which ...

1 我方已另另寄给你方样品和三本商品小册子 We have posted you the samples and 3 pamphlets.2 由于原材料缺乏,制造厂被迫停止接受新的订单 Because lacking of raw materials, the factory was forced to stop receiving new orders.3 你方场频作为新品牌,最大的卖点将是它的护发功能 The high...

辟药18563822960问: 外贸英语函电范文 -
辉县市欣诺回答: 一、中英文函电范文对照 1、外贸函电:回信 外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look ...

辟药18563822960问: 求一份外贸函电翻译,谢谢 -
辉县市欣诺回答: The shipment(which despatch from port on December 10)have arrived at destination port. When will you release the payment for the left 50% ?The documents of Feb. 8 shipment are attached in this Email. Please check. I will send you BL of this shipment as soon as possible.

辟药18563822960问: 翻译10句外贸函电句子~谢谢啦~!(汉译英) -
辉县市欣诺回答: 1 your countoffer does not go with the market price2 we are sorry that there is a big difference between our price and your countoffer.3 sorry that we can not...

辟药18563822960问: 急急急!!外贸英语函电翻译急用一篇英文函电的译文,希望大家广伸援手啊!!谢谢啦~ 内容是,我司为打开国内销售市场,希望向你方出售我方产品,现... -
辉县市欣诺回答:[答案] In order to open domestic market, our company would like to introduce our products to you. We have 500KGS of peanuts & 300KGS of hickory nuts. If you are ineterested in this, please make offer and we will make delviery immediately. As the winter is ...

辟药18563822960问: 外贸英语函电 短文翻译
辉县市欣诺回答: 亲爱的先生们: 很高兴收到你3月20号的来信,作为中国丝绸制品的出口商,你们想和我们建立直接经贸往来的愿望也正是我们所期望的.目前,我们对于Crepe Georgette很有兴趣.请告诉我们你们最新的C.I.F.C 3% Lagos 和你们付款方式,还有你们是否能够在收到订单之后一个月内实现送货. 为了能让我们更加了解你们产品的材料和工艺,希望你们能寄给我们你们的产品目录,样本册和所有我们需要知道的Crepe Georgette的情况. 如果你们的报价具有竞争性而且送货日期可以接受,我们将下实际订单. 希望能尽早收到你们的回复.

辟药18563822960问: 有关外贸英语函电的句子翻译,“欣告有意订购8000打手套,请报有关上述商品的实盘”请翻译成英语 -
辉县市欣诺回答: We are pleased to inform you an order of 8000 dozen gloves. Please kindly send us your firm offer to the above mentioned commodities.

辟药18563822960问: 求外贸英语函电译文,谢谢,急! -
辉县市欣诺回答: 至于支付方式,我方经常采取的是保兑的不可撤消的汇票即期信用证,然而,为了扩展业务,作为一个特例,提供金额不低于10,000美元,我方将实验订购付款交单的方式.换而言之,我方将通过我方银行以托收的情势开出跟单即期汇票向贵方收款.希望我方上述付款方式将被贵方接受,在这个过程中将收到贵方试验订单.早日回复为盼. 此致

辟药18563822960问: 求外贸函电翻译 万分紧急!!!!!! -
辉县市欣诺回答: 1. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for canned goods.我们从中国国际贸易促进委员获悉您有意购买罐头货品.2. We wish to establish friendly business relations wish you to enjoy ...

辟药18563822960问: 谁能提供些外贸函电的范例啊?
辉县市欣诺回答: Dear Mr. Jones:Thank you for your inquiry dated April 9.Regarding the product you are looking for, currently our factory doesn't have the exact specification as you mentioned. We would appreciate it if you could supply us more details about the ...

辟药18563822960问: 有没有英文版的外贸函电范文?
辉县市欣诺回答: SPECIMEN:ASKING FOR LOWERING THE PRICE Dear Sirs, RE:COUNTER-... but the price was 10%lower than your present price. Sinece we placed the last order,price ...

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