
作者&投稿:素谈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



基本信息书名: 外贸函电作 者:魏巍,罗鹏 出版社: 大连理工大学出版社出版时间: 2010-6-1ISBN: 9787561155295开本: 16开定价: 20.00元内容简介本书介绍了外贸商务活动各个环节函电往来的书写,包括:建立贸易关系、询盘、报盘、还盘、订货、支付、结算、包装、运输、保险、索赔和理赔、代理等,涉...

后两年主要学习英语在商务环境中的应用,包括商务英语写作,与客户交流,外贸电函,文秘英语等实际工作中运用到的知识。 培训经历 2010-03 ~ 2010-04 *** 市场营销区域渠道分销及经销商管理作详细分解 2007年7月 **教育 口语 工作经验 英语专业商务英语实习 2011-10 ~ 2012-10 实践内容: 作为英语专业的...

工作描述:主要负责报盘,回盘,包装等翻译工作。离职原因:公司名称:各类展销会 起止年月:2006-01 ~ 2007-12 担任职务:工作人员(指,接待人员)工作描述:主要负责办理接待海外人员办证工作。离职原因:公司名称:-- 起止年月:2005-01 ~ 2007-12 公司性质:所属行业:担任职务:英语家教 工作...


童沈13681643242问: 根据以下内容写一封外贸函电2根据下面所示条件写一封报盘函:a.         买方询盘收悉时间为2003年9月28日,所询问的产品为:货 号为63 - 12... -
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答:[答案] Dear Sirs, Thank you for your enquiry of September 28, 2003 and we are glad to learn that you are interested in our Cotton Bed Sheets. We are making you an offer, subject to your early reply reaching us within 7 days, as follows: Article: ART, No.63-12 ...

童沈13681643242问: 帮忙写一篇外贸信函敬启者:感谢你方4月5日对衬衫的报盘由于市场竞争激烈,我方遗憾告知不能接受你方的报价,因为获利的空间不大.事实上,我们接到... -
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答:[答案] Dear Sir: Thank you for the April 5 on the shirt offer As intense market competition,we regret to inform you can not accept the offer,because not much room for profit.In fact,we have received you in the other vendors offer,than you to a 10 per cent reduction...

童沈13681643242问: 外贸英语函电范文 -
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答: 一、中英文函电范文对照 1、外贸函电:回信 外贸函电:回信(英文版) Dear Mr. / Ms, Thank you for your letter conveying congratulations on my appointment. I wish also to thank you for the assistance you have given me in my work and look ...

童沈13681643242问: 急求一套 外贸函电的 发盘 还盘 写作范文 !!! 谢谢各位大大~~ -
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答: 发盘 Dear Sir, We were very pleased to receive your letter of 5th April answering our advertisement for typewriters and, as requested, enclose a copy of our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list. We think the "Portable 95" is a ...

童沈13681643242问: 求外贸函电关于“重新报盘”的英文范文
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答: Dear Mr.***/Ms.***, Thank you very much for your reply. Regarding to your request of some discount of our offer,i have confirmed with my boss(你也可以说其他人员)about that,and we replied your request as following: In consider of our good ...

童沈13681643242问: 函电作文汉译英xx先生:很高兴收到你们9月9日DA500A47 - 1复印纸报盘,但是遗憾地告知,你们报来的价格与我地市价不一致.由于目前市场疲软,这样的价... -
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答:[答案] 楼主放心:Mr XX:Glad to receive your DA500A47-1 manifold paper quotation(复印纸报价单,即报盘) on September 9 .While I'm sorry to inform you that your price is inconsistent with our market price .Becau...

童沈13681643242问: 急求一篇外贸函电询盘英语范文
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答: Dear ***, Hope you're very well. Well,I'm sorry for put you in the trouble.I just want to know the prices about the following goods. *** *** Best wishes, Sincerely yours, Ping

童沈13681643242问: 帮忙写篇外贸函电还盘信件 -
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答: Dear Sirs: Thank you very much for your offer of October 3 ,and the samples of men's shirt. We are very satisfied with the quality, but we find your price is rather too high for our market, and that will leave us no margin of profit. Also, information ...

童沈13681643242问: 请教外贸函电的完整正文格式? -
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答: 文章正文 20 May 2000 Date Line 日期) Kee & Co., Ltd 字串734 Regent Street 字串4 London, UK Inside Address 字串3 收信人地址 Dear Sirs: Salutation 字串2 称呼 We have obtained your name and address from Dee&Co. Ltd, and we are ...

童沈13681643242问: 外贸函电信函写作 -
阿巴嘎旗枇杷回答: 1、dear sir, we have acknowledge your letter dated may 25,2005,with thanks. to give you general idea of our products, now we are glad to forward you a catalogue together with price list and sample book for your reference. with regard to condition of...

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