
作者&投稿:卫施 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

We are from the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo, Commercial Counselor's Office that the line of your company name and address, and understand your company is operating appliance products have experienced exporters; 2. Our customers want to buy a Japanese black tea in China; 3. We understand that your company is a Chinese handicrafts exporters, therefore take the liberty to write to you; 4. your side February 15 letter noted, and has been transferred to the Shanghai branch handling response, because you have asked of goods belonging to of their business scope; 5. If you offer a competitive side, delivery time acceptable, we would like to order your side; 6. If you are interested parties,
Please e-mail notification to our side and on the required quantity; 7. This offer is a real drive to your side at the end of this month to an active rehabilitation; 8. This is our latest price list, you will find our prices are competitive; 9. a receipt of your specific inquiry, we immediately reported the most favorable CIF Lagos; 10. We are pleased to give you a permanent place bicycle Lagos reported that the cost of insurance and freight of the real disk; 11. With regard to the goods under the heading, Enclosed, 88 to form a duplicate invoice. Please note that we offer is valid until June 10; 12. Us to attractive prices to your side reported a variety of
Kind of Chinese canned fruit; 13, our pen prices are CIF Vancouver 6 U.S. dollars per dozen; 14, unfortunately, our price with you side is still too wide a gap between the plate; 15. A large number of contractors around, we have can not accept new orders, but once the new supply coming, we will then go to power can not contact the wrong side with you; 16. you have side must cut prices about 2 percent, there is no deal possible.



11). Please fax and inform us of your best counter-offer if our offer is not acceptable.
12). The goods have been ready for shipment, and please amend the L/c by telegraph.
13).The foreign trade corporation lodges a claim against the insurance company due to the goods with inferior quality (原句好像表达的不太明白,所以我理解为:这家外贸公司因这批货质量低劣而向保险公司提出索赔,不知道对不对~~)
14). Please quote us the most favourable price CIF London , including 3% commision.
15).Please look through the contract No.335 which stipulates that the payment is made by L/C at sight.



1 我方已另另寄给你方样品和三本商品小册子
We have posted you the samples and 3 pamphlets.
2 由于原材料缺乏,制造厂被迫停止接受新的订单
Because lacking of raw materials, the factory was forced to stop receiving new orders.
3 你方场频作为新品牌,最大的卖点将是它的护发功能
The highlight of your new product 场频 is its haircare function.
4 这些品牌都已得到我地市场的认可
All the brands have got the approvement from our local market.
5 希望早日报给我们车床的实盘,最好电开
Please send us your firm offers for the lathes, Teletransmission is preferred.

6 因无直达班轮,请允许转船
Since there’s no through ship, please allow us to transship.
7 在前一次报价中减价3%是我方能做出的最大让步
The 3% discount we offered in the last quotation is our best compromise.
8 很遗憾,我们不能接受这一索赔,因为你们的保险没有包括“破碎险”
I am very sorry that we can not accept the compensation since the risk of breakage is not covered by your insurance.
9 感谢你6月15日的来函和样品
Thanks for your letter and samples on June 15.
10 我方客户对你样品的试用的结果非常满意
Our clients are very satisfied with your trial samples.
11 经与同类火舞做仔细比较,我们发现你方报价有点高
After comparing with 火舞 carefully, we found that your quotation is a little higher.
12 你方产品要想在我地市场打开销路,必需还要具备价格优势,否则是很难与一些老牌产品竞争的
If you wish your products gain more market share, the price should be competitive, otherwise it will be very hard to compete with other established brands.


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龙岩市18216895494: 外贸函电用语 翻译 -
廖雷保和: We shall effect the delivery upon receipt of your L/C. make relevant arrangments 10ft.shipping containers 十英尺集装箱 20ft.shipping containers 二十英尺集装箱 road transport, sea transport, air transport

龙岩市18216895494: 求一份外贸函电翻译,谢谢 -
廖雷保和: The shipment(which despatch from port on December 10)have arrived at destination port. When will you release the payment for the left 50% ?The documents of Feb. 8 shipment are attached in this Email. Please check. I will send you BL of this shipment as soon as possible.

龙岩市18216895494: 求外贸函电中译英,希望专业点的高手帮忙翻一下 -
廖雷保和: Payment: Our company are accepted in the export trade letter of credit, which is always the practice, you probably already know, now you raised the installment request, having regard to 50% of the loan credit permit the shipment of goods in the first ...

龙岩市18216895494: 求帮我翻译两封外贸函电信件,急!求高手!术语和格式要正确,不要翻译器直接直译的,谢谢!满意加分!信件1:尊敬的先生:我们确认收到贵公司关于... -
廖雷保和:[答案] 信件1: 尊敬的先生: 我们确认收到贵公司关于五百打手套的第613号订单,交货期为七、八月份.现随函附上我售货合同一式两份,请签退一份以便存档. 所有货物在收到你方信用证后即可供应.请放心我们将严格按照合同规定履行你方订单,并希望...

龙岩市18216895494: 求外贸函电作文帮忙翻译下 -
廖雷保和: with regard to the Sales Confirmation No.0312 DearXX,Greetings!1.With regard to our Sales Confirmation No.0312, the 1000 sets bicycles already has been packed and prepared for shipping.2.Though it comes the date of shipment,we have not ...

龙岩市18216895494: 几个外贸函电的句子,麻烦帮忙翻译一下 -
廖雷保和: 1: 我们破例接受即期付款交单,但只此一回,下不为例.2:我们已将2100公吨的棉绒按发票价格的110%投保了一切险.3:Our usual terms of payment is by confirmed and irrevocable L/C.4: Please cover the shipment insurance against the W. ...

龙岩市18216895494: 求外贸函电翻译 万分紧急!!!!!! -
廖雷保和: 1. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for canned goods.我们从中国国际贸易促进委员获悉您有意购买罐头货品.2. We wish to establish friendly business relations wish you to enjoy ...

龙岩市18216895494: 翻译10句外贸函电句子~谢谢啦~!(汉译英) -
廖雷保和: 1 your countoffer does not go with the market price2 we are sorry that there is a big difference between our price and your countoffer.3 sorry that we can not...

龙岩市18216895494: 帮我翻译下这篇外贸函电,谢谢了~~(1) Dear Sirs,(Re: Your Order No.456 for Ammonium Sulphate) With reference to our faxes dated the 20th of April and ... -
廖雷保和:[答案] 亲爱的先生,(回复:关于硫酸铵PO号为456的订单)依照四月20和五月18日的传真,要求你出具上面提到订单的LC,到目前为止我们还没收到新的消息.我想提醒你,这个你是已经同意了,当下单的时候,你就应该开LC了给我们确认,...

龙岩市18216895494: 求高手翻译一篇外贸函电信件,谢谢!Dear sirs, The Chamber of Commerce in your city has recommended you as one of the largest importers of children's ... -
廖雷保和:[答案] 尊敬的先生们, 贵市商会已举荐您作为最大的各类儿童服装进口商之一.因此,我们给您写信,渴望与贵公司建立商业联系. 您一定会有兴趣了解上述二十年多年来已被海内外广泛认可的商品.这些商品享有良好声誉. 我们的商品品质优越,如贵公司不...

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