翻译问题请教――汉译英 原句:他老是磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,脾气又是惊人的好,我们都拿他

作者&投稿:牢芬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. The school from which we come is a foreign language school.
2. He is now on a lecture trip around the middle schools and universities in China.
3.The speech is about the history and school life of Yale university.
4. You can write down the questions in a small piece of paper.

泡菜冷豆腐Cold tofu kimchi; 香芒芝士鱼腩寿司Mango Cheese belly sushi; 芝士三文鱼寿司cheese salmon sushi; 日式温泉蛋Japanese hot spring egg; 炙烧带子寿司Grilled roast scallops sushi; 和味牛蒡and taste great burdock; 鲣鱼刺身bonito Sashimi; 赤贝刺身red shell sashimi;阿拉斯加长脚蟹 Alaska crab; 大阪焗乌冬面Osaka baked Udon; 深海虾寿司deep-sea shrimp Sushi; 软壳蟹手卷soft shell crab hand-rolled; 茄汁虾饭ketchup shrimp rice; 木鱼丝薄饼wooden fish wire pizza; 原条海鳗original article conger; 日式炸猪扒Japanese style fried pork chop; 帝皇蟹沙律Imperial crab salad; 芝士海鲜焗饭cheese baked seafood rice;炙烧三文鱼腩寿司 Grilled salmon belly sushi burn; 墨鱼籽寿司Mexican caviar sushi; 豚软骨石烧饭dolphin cartilage stone cooking;大阪酱焗龙虾 Osaka, baked lobster sauce; 提示烧饼tips biscuits;北海道青口 Hokkaido mussels; 海鲜石烧饭seafood cooking stone; 雪花西冷牛扒snow sirloin steak



He is a man of cheerful humor. 他是一个性格开朗的人。


中国的那种 “你可真幽默”的意思是 “ 你讲了笑话真好笑” 或者是“你说话真有趣。”

举个实例,我英语不太好,一天和房东老太(英国人)俩人在家,门口有敲门的,我开门一看,是穿的两个西装革履的高大威猛的男士,说了一些关于邀请什么blablabla,我就接了他们手里的宣传页,然后微笑(其实我没怎么听懂),然后俩绅士告别。老太问我谁啊,啥事啊,我一看手里的宣传页,上面有bible的字样,我想都没想,就说,bible talk.老太顿时脸上开了花似的,一个劲的说喜欢我的humor.把我搞一愣,想着姐这也是humor?哈哈


翻译问题请教――汉译英 原句:他老是磨磨蹭蹭,马马虎虎,脾气又是惊人的...
He is a man of cheerful humor. 他是一个性格开朗的人。所以,有的时候英语不是那种和汉语意思一对一的关系。英国人的思维里,看待生活比较乐观随意就叫humor.人的话语中可以体现出一种对事情比较看的开的态度,或者喜欢一些小嘲讽啊,这种叫做humor.中国的那种 “你可真幽默”的意思是 “ 你...

英文:He is always slow and careless 磨磨蹭蹭 英文:move slowly; dawdle; dilly-dally ;马马虎虎 英文:palter with something; careless; casual; make a hash of something fair ;脾气 英文:temperament; disposition; (易怒的性情) bad temper; behaviour temper ;

晕车的时候坐在远离窗户的位置。5.如果游客能做到――,旅途将会是轻松愉悦和舒服的。带足够的衣服 带一些药物 带适量的钱 遵循广播的建议 满意请采纳

[点 评]这里因为前文有spend,这里可以省略money;此处如果先把“一半”的意思撇开,更易“化解”原文,即先译出“一天里在利兹和在伦敦花同样多的钱”,spend as much (money) in a day in Leeds as in London,然后将“(只有)一半”加进去,这样来看(only) half只能放在as much前。91. By ...

With the box office success of the movie "So Young", people are once again turning their nostalgic eyes to youth ― an era of passion and pain, of hope and heartbreak. The reason why youth is such a soft spot for many people is that its intangible nature cannot be truly ...

首先,用一块干净的布或手帕在受伤的腿部以止血 First, use a clean cloth or handkerchief on the injured leg to stop the bleeding.首先,用一块干净的布或手帕在受伤的腿部以止血 First, use a clean cloth or handkerchief on the injured leg to stop the bleeding.


it is said that even God can not make it a sinking ship - "unsinkable" and "Titanic Royal Mail services."Titanic is an American company called JP Morgan, but it is manufactured by the British shipyard, by the British administration. The ship is famous, not because it was fast...

and的意思。英语连读的时候,rock and roll就是这么读的:rock n roll。望采纳!


静乐县18122417106: 英语翻译就是原谷谏父中有一句“他日父母老,无需更作此具”中“他”的翻译 -
烛旺感冒:[答案] “他”在文言文中的意思:①其他的;别的.《齐桓晋文之事》:“《诗》云:'他人有心,予忖度之.'”《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》:“海誓山盟,各无他志.”②指第三人称.《陈州粜米》:“他也故违了皇宣命,都是些吃仓廒的鼠...

静乐县18122417106: 他将汉语翻译成英语的英语翻译怎么写 -
烛旺感冒: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题.原句:他将汉语翻译成英语 翻译: He put the Chinese translated into English 永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

静乐县18122417106: 请教一句汉译英的问题
烛旺感冒: Most altogether is that of firearms, and you stare in the sky that the desire to fly, you will be filled with the smiling faces confidence, you use body movement, singing with soul, do not fear a strong opponent, just enjoy the game's open-mindedness , ...

静乐县18122417106: 请教英文翻译 -
烛旺感冒: serve for the national economy and the overall development of society,serve for the new socialist countryside-construction,serve people for a safe and direct travel.

静乐县18122417106: 请教翻译一句,汉译英.
烛旺感冒: “遥远,是只差一步,而又永远都无法触及到你的温暖.” remote,being only a step,have never touched your warm for ever

静乐县18122417106: 请教翻译问题.下面句子怎么翻译? -
烛旺感冒: Jefferson 应为美国第三任总统杰斐逊. 这是他的一句明言,全文如下 : The people may safely be trusted to hear everything true and false, and to form a correct judgment. Were it fall to me to decide whether we should have a government without ...

静乐县18122417106: 请教一句中译英? -
烛旺感冒: Such crime scenes are commonly seen in movies with medieval background, in which necromancers took others in their controls with the help of their hypnotic ability. 首先,我要说“大魔法师”uread 的翻译非常好,尤其是对前长句的处理,只是...

静乐县18122417106: 请教一句话的翻译 -
烛旺感冒: “如果中国国内市场价格升高或下降超过60元,则该合同价格可随之升高或下降10%.”If the price fluctuations exceed 60 RMB in China's domestic market ,a 10% of the contracted price is adju...

静乐县18122417106: 翻译问题请教各位
烛旺感冒: 原句有笔误,应作以下:Penitence is something that enervates our spirit. causing a greater loss than loss itself and not making a good word!这1句应理解以下:Penitence is ....- something that enervates our spirit; - causing a greater loss than loss itself; and - not making a good word!后悔是....- 1种使人觉得懊丧的情绪;- 造成比损失更大的损失;- 不是1个好的词!

静乐县18122417106: 请教一句汉译英的问题请教各位英文高手我即将开始为期10天的假期
烛旺感冒: I am about to start on my holiday of 10 day's duration. 我即将开始为期10天的假期 be about to 即将 10day's duration为期10天 VACATION:休假,假期:专用于娱乐、休息或放松的时间,尤指职员的有薪度假;休息日:特定时间的假日,尤指学校、法庭或商业部门不上班的日子 holiday:假日:人们可不工作而享受闲暇的日子;休假 节日:法定或习俗上能够停止通常的商业活动来纪念或庆祝某一特定事件的日子. so ,how to choose vacation and holiday, it's up to you.

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