
作者&投稿:汪往 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文:Hongkong lies in the southeast of China
Macau lie in China the southeast, about 30 km of distance.
澳门位于中国东南部, 距离香港大约30公里.

Located in south China,Close to the coast,an area of more than 7400 square km,Population of more than 1000 million.

Hong Kong is a prosperous international metropolis, located in the southeast of China, covering an area of 1045 square kilometers and a population of more than 600. In Hong Kong, you can feel the pleasant climate, annual average temperature in 22 degrees, may and July is the rain season, should take an umbrella out rain. Here, beautiful scenery, famous attractions are: Disneyland, Ocean Park, etc. Hong Kong is the world's largest trade center, known as the "Oriental pearl", shopping paradise, attract many customers. In Hong Kong, convenient transportation, the subway, bus, ferry, etc., do not need to worry about travel and. Hong Kong is a beautiful city, welcome to our arrival.

HongKong is a flourishing international city at the southeast of China with the land of 1,045 kilometers square and the population of more than 6,000 thousand,where you can enjoy the comfortable climate which is 22 centigrade generally.From May to July is the raining season,so you'd better go out with an umbrella.There are many famous tourist attractions such as Disney Park,Sea Park and so on.HongKong is the international business center as the attraction in East,the Heaven of Shopping,which attracts many customers.There is convenient transport such as underground,public bus,ferry and so on,so you don'y need to worry about the way to go out.HongKong is a beautiful city which welcome us.



...英文翻译的话,是不是有很多不同的意思.有没有一个比较正确的_百度知 ...

5. 熟练且独到的网络搜索技巧。现在是信息爆炸时代,新的东西快速涌现,好的翻译必须向“即学即用”的方向发展。原来的学习模式是预先储存知识,所谓学富五车,现在你这辆大车再大都不够用。举例说,要你翻译一个香港的地名“干诺敦道”,你翻阅专门的地名词典要花多少时间?这还是一个大的地名,可能...


而与香港只有一海之隔的澳门,语言文化上和香港几乎完全一样。两地同是使用粤语和繁体字,因此香港用语其实可以称为“港澳用语”。http:\/\/www.jobdao.com\/protest\/vtest001_1971.htm 一个很好玩的香港用语网,可以自己提交测试.边度—哪里;边个—哪个、谁;咃—们;佢—他她它;嘅—的;呢—这;啲—些;喺—在;...

"尽管中国大陆与香港的政治制度不同,但他们同属一个国家"如何用英语翻 ...
Though the Chinese mainland and Hongkong differ in their political systems, they belong to the same country.

香港学校一般都是中英文都用的,名牌的香港院校,如香港中文大学的学生的普通话程度是非常标准的,当然香港地区的日常用语还是基本都是粤语的,不过现在去香港一般百姓的普通话很多也是可以听说的,只是不熟练发音也不标准而已,好的大学一般是英语授课的,也有中英文通用 ...


Watch In Group (HK) LTD, Watch In 集团有限公司 Room 03, 20\/F, 20字楼03室 Millennium Trade Centre, 贸易之都 No. 56 Kwai Cheong Road, 56 葵昌路 Kwai Chung, 葵涌 N.T. 新界 Hong Kong 香港 全个名称:香港新界葵涌 52-56 葵昌路 贸易之都20字楼03室 Watch In Group (HK) ...

辽阳县19173034384: 用英语翻译:香港是一个经济发达,与国际接轨的大都市,在这里可以开拓视野,丰富自己,能来到这里是我的梦想 -
乐莉迪扶: Hong Kong is an economically developed international cosmopolitan. It has always been my dream to come here to expand my view, and to enrich myself.

辽阳县19173034384: 帮忙翻译一下呀!(翻译成英文)众所周知香港是一座国际化的大都市,
乐莉迪扶: 众所周知香港是一座国际化的大都市,是世界金融中心之一,经济高度开放,在这里可以接触到最新鲜、最时效的信息和咨讯,这为经济学的学习和研究提供了很好的客观...

辽阳县19173034384: 香港是一个美丽繁荣干净美食又多的一个大城市用英文怎么说 -
乐莉迪扶: Hong Kong is a big city with a beautiful and cheerful food

辽阳县19173034384: 快来帮忙翻译一下..急求哦!!!!! -
乐莉迪扶: 香港位于东亚地区的中国南部,南临中国南海,是一个著名的国际化大都市.1104平方千米的岛屿面积包括香港岛,大屿岛,九龙,和新岛等一些其他岛屿组成了香港岛的最基本区域.香港在经历了99年的英国统治后终获独立于1997年7月1日回归中华人民共和国.香港是亚洲旅游的领军城市,被誉为-购物天堂.

辽阳县19173034384: 中国香港用英语怎么说 -
乐莉迪扶: 中国香港 英文翻译 Hong Kong China;

辽阳县19173034384: 翻译文章Hong Kong has about forty public beaches. Some of the beaches are among the best in the wor -
乐莉迪扶: 香港有大约40个公共海滩,其中一些是世界上最好的.人们可以去那里游泳,大多数海滩你都可以乘坐公交抵达,...

辽阳县19173034384: 翻译..以香港为题,
乐莉迪扶: Hong Kong is a influential city in the world, it is located in eastern china. Hong Kong is a large city, it has 235 small islands and covers more than 1000 square kilometers. Hong Kong has over six million people, it's weather is very mild and it has ...

辽阳县19173034384: 谁有关于香港的英语演讲稿,要中文翻译 -
乐莉迪扶: Pearl of the Orient "- Hong KongHong Kong is China's southern gateway to the world, where the charming beach, the famous parks and bustling markets. It has been called the "Pearl of the Orient" reputation.Hong Kong's Repulse Bay ...

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