
作者&投稿:乌轻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


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100% 人工,我没直译因为不同语言有不同的表达方式,这样会比较自然的,硬硬译会很奇怪的。。

Beijing University is a famous university in China .

When I was a little girl,I remembered that I had watched a drama.

There was a part in the plot in which a girl was announced to gain admission to the Beijing Universiity during the General Assembly, everyone applauded warmly for her.

This had left a very deep impression in me, it made me think that the Beijing University must be a wonderful school, I must gain admission to the Beijing University one day.

I want to take the Master degree exam to make up for my failure of being rejected by the Beijing University .

There are many knowledgeable teachers here and the environment is also very beautiful, therefore allows me to study effectively in a wonferful learning environment.

I really hope to achieve my life goals here, if the teachers can give me this opportunity, I would be very grateful.

Soil is a unique water storage space and nature of water resources, soil resources in the huge water resources, with annual and multi-year and the balance of control, the agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry production of importance. In this paper, in-depth study of farmland water cycle on the basis of a clear concept of the soil water resources, water resources of the soil by the model, expounded the concept of evaluation and assessment of the Hebei Plain area of identification, for soil and water resources in the concept of dynamic characteristics , The principle of balanced use of water in surface runoff based on the famous Beijing University is the university, in my childhood, I have read a drama, there was a plot above is: a girl was declared in the General Assembly was admitted to Beijing University, We warmly applaud her, I was very impressed by, I think, certainly, Peking University is a great school, the future must be admitted to her that I would like to graduate students through the examination could not make up for the college entrance examination admitted to Beijing University of failure, where there are many knowledgeable teachers, a very beautiful environment so that I can quietly reading, I am very keen to achieve in my life here ideal, if the teacher can give me this opportunity to you, I would be very grateful.

Beijing University is the country's famous university, in my childhood, I have read a drama, there was a plot above is: a girl was declared in the General Assembly was admitted to Beijing University, we warmly applauded her, I was A very deep impression, I think, certainly, Peking University is a great school, the future must be admitted to her that I would like to graduate students through the examination could not make up for the college entrance examination admitted the failure of Peking University, where there are many knowledgeable teachers , A very beautiful environment so that I can quietly reading, I am very keen to achieve in my life here ideal, if the teacher can give me this opportunity to you, I would be very grateful.


Peking University is one of the most famous university in our country. , I can clearly remember the scene from a teleplay I watched in my childhood. In a celebration meeting, peaple gave warm clap fora girl student because she was admitted by Peking University. I found that Peking University is amazing. Since then I had a dream that one day I would study in this wonderful uiversity.
Now I want to grasp the opportunity to make further study in this dreamy institution, since I have missed in the national college entrance examination. I am sure that I can study intently and make my dream come true in this university with many learned and qualified mentors and beautiful environment. I would highly appreciate that if you can gave this greatful opportunity.

麻烦帮我翻译一下这个句子“人固有一死,或轻如鸿毛,或重如泰山”。谢 ...
人固有一死 人固有一死,这句话出自司马迁《报任安书》。整句话““人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛。”注释:固:固然,虽然,必然的意思.或:有的人 于:比 相比 泰山:山东泰安的泰山,比喻伟大 鸿毛 :也是鸟的羽毛,比喻渺小 人固有一死,或重于泰山,或轻于鸿毛:人都有一死,有的人死比...

Entering the Peking University, I seem to step into an ancient times aristocrat's manor to be the same probably.There are many oriental cherries in the Pekjing University ,where you would feel like staying in a park full of fresh flowers.The deepest impression to me is that it ...

人和动物的区别在于人能控制自己 抵制外来的诱惑 从而努力拼搏 完成自己心中的理想 而动物不同 想干什么干什么 没有目标没有理想

大概划分一下成分的话,It is not xxxxx but rather that yyyyy 是整个句子结构。大体思想是“xxxxx错yyyyy对”。but rather that后面的所有东西都是yyyyy,是个独立的完整句子,放在这整个句子里充当一个宾语从句。

请英语高手们帮我翻译一下这个句子成英文的吧: 我这种人,解决问题的...
如果您的意思是说把自己“置之死地而后生”的话,那么可以这么翻译:I am that kind of person whose way of solving a problem is to put himself into a desperate situation.我的答案比楼上好在于我的表达很美式,而且句中没有逗号,这是受过教育的人们的表达方式....

100% 人工,我没直译因为不同语言有不同的表达方式,这样会比较自然的,硬硬译会很奇怪的。。北京大学是全国著名的大学,Beijing University is a famous university in China .在我小时候,我看过一部电视剧,When I was a little girl,I remembered that I had watched a drama.上面有个情节是:...

帮我翻译点句子吧。汉译英的 大家普遍承认人是社会性动物,生活在同一社 ...
至于什么是友谊,人们有各自不同的理解。As for what is friendship, people have different understanding.有些人交朋友是为了彼此有用,一旦失去这个基础,这种友谊也就终止了、但更多的人渴望“心灵之友”即这种拥有高尚情操,能共渡磨难的朋友。Some people make friends for both useful, once losing ...


马はおとなしいと乗り回され、人间はおとなしいと侮られる 人善被人欺,马善被人骑


商水县19636037262: 帮我翻译这个句子(翻译成英语)1、我想我是一个若人喜爱的女孩子.2、我喜欢音乐,是因为音乐给我带来了很多欢乐,所以当我不高兴的时候我都会听音... -
陆卖感冒:[答案] 1.I think I am a lovely girl.2.I like music because music brought a lot of merriments for me, So when I am unhappy I will listen to music.3.Because the pink represents the amiability, the white repres...

商水县19636037262: 英语翻译帮忙翻译两个英语句子,要人工翻译,1.这是一件红色的夹克衫 2.桌子上的那本书是绿色的. -
陆卖感冒:[答案] 1.this is a red jacket 2.the book on the table is green. 希望对你有用 :)

商水县19636037262: 帮我翻译一些英文句子(人工翻译)1:我爸爸老照片中的一张显得很旧,所以被一个收藏家收藏了.2:当他五岁时已经开始写音乐,他是一个音乐家名字叫... -
陆卖感冒:[答案] 1:我爸爸老照片中的一张显得很旧,所以被一个收藏家收藏了.one old photo of my father's looks very old,so it was collected by a collector2:当他五岁时已经开始写音乐,他是一个音乐家名字叫贝多芬.when he was ...

商水县19636037262: 请帮忙翻译下句子
陆卖感冒: 应该是 A daily progress of 1 percent.

商水县19636037262: 帮我翻译一段英语(人工翻译)
陆卖感冒:I love you ,honey ,and you ? I'm so sorry ,I give yuo freedom.

商水县19636037262: 英语翻译帮我翻译一段文字,要人工翻译的.不通顺的地方可以自行修改.We were standing at the top of a church not far from my home.I didn't know why."look ... -
陆卖感冒:[答案] 我们站在离我家不远的教堂的顶部. 我不知道为什么. “往下看,”父亲说,我试了一下并且看到了村中心广场.我还看见了街... 要改 成 I told her what I had done at once at once 不能放在句中,只能放在句尾.and Mother said the she would talk the matter...

商水县19636037262: 请大家帮我翻译下这句话,要人工翻译的. -
陆卖感冒: Please help me with the translation of the sentence. I want a manual-rendering.o(∩_∩)o...哈哈

商水县19636037262: 帮我翻译这个英语句子
陆卖感冒: 直译: 你是我的飞鱼, 我不能降的足够低, 怎样超越? 意译: 你就是我的飞鱼; 我无法降的太低; 我应该怎样超越? (呵呵,尽力而为了,不够好,见笑了)

商水县19636037262: 英语句子翻译帮我翻译下列句子:1.Often,thesebuil
陆卖感冒: [中文翻译] 1、通常这些建筑经过多年闲置之后就会被拆掉. 2、家俱对于起居室犹如运动设备对于操场同样道理. 3、由上往下看,整个体育场就象是被一张灰色的钢网所笼罩着. 4、当公司派出一群气势汹汹手持木棍的人与市民打架后,平和的会议就此中断. 5、我特别喜欢的是,我写的关于努力将被盗文物带回中国的这篇论文(文章). 6、尽管她的传媒公司成就辉煌,而她从未忘却使她成为记者的初衷.

商水县19636037262: 帮我翻译下面这句话,要人工翻译的 ,谢谢 -
陆卖感冒: Assembly of the machine shall conform to the relevant provisions of the " ".

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