
作者&投稿:吕韵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Maher的第一部音乐剧的灵感来自于他的父亲,谁是自己的歌手,表演在美丽的地中海城市的黎波里当地 - 的黎巴嫩。由音乐和乐器着迷,马厄得到了他的第一键盘时他才10,自此正式成为音乐Maher的世界的一部分。

全家搬到瑞典马希尔只有8时,他在那里继续他的学业,后来进入大学,获得了航空工程学士学位。他周围的事物变化,有一点仍是相同的 - 他对音乐有着浓厚的兴趣。他将在学校度过与他的朋友,他们会唱,说唱,撰写并以各种方式与音乐实验到深夜。它没有多久他认识到,音乐成为了他是谁的组成部分。




From the time when we never knew each other, till the good friends we are now.
Thanks for your company and support all along.
When I just arrived at Norway, and bearly understood the native language here. It was you, who has always been there for me, and made me feel no longer lonely.
Today, it's your 18th birthday, meaning that you have became a responsible adult.
Hope that your life will be always be well, and live up to achieve your dreams.
Happy Birthday, I offer my best wishes to you!!


In 1961: In May, US starts “the special warfare” South Vietnam. In 1963: In November, in the coup d'etat which plans in US, Vietnamese republic President Wu Tingyan is killed.The serviceman Yang civilization and Ruan celebrate come on stage successively. In 1964: In August, US makes the Gulf of Tonkin event, starts bombing North Vietnam. In 1965: In March, the United States military lands in Danang, Vietnam war escalation for by United States military primarily “local war”.In June, South Vietnamese serviceman Ruan Wen Shao starts the coup d'etat to come on stage, the be established war cabinet, is appointed National Leadership commission chairman. In 1967: In April, South Vietnam Constructional parliament passes the new constitution.In September, Ruan Wen Shao was elected Vietnamese republic president. In 1968: In March, American Government being compelled announced “the part stops” bombing North Vietnam.In May, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, US start in Paris to hold the discussion.In October, US “comprehensively stops explodes” North Vietnam. In 1969: In January, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, US discuss expand for include South Vietnam the National Liberation Front and the Vietnamese republic four directions discussion.US starts in South Vietnam to carry out “war Vietnam to melt” the policy.In June, South Vietnam National Liberation Front and other organizations announced the establishment sends take Huang Jin as South Vietnam head the republican revolutionary provisional government.In September, Democratic Republic of Vietnam President Ho Chi Minh died, Sun Desheng was elected president. In 1973: On January 27, US signs "about Ended, Restores Peace at the Vietnamese War Agreement".On March 29, the United States military withdraws completely from South Vietnam. The Vietnamese war lasted enters for 12 years, the United States military died 58,000 people, is injured 300,000 people, consumes more than 4000 hundred million US dollars.The Vietnamese war the people has created the mental scar for US which is unable to estimate, the pattern which America and Soviet strive for hegemony but therefore to is advantageous to Soviet Union's transformation. In 1975: On April 30, North Vietnam attacks and occupies Saigon, the South Vietnamese political power destruction, the Vietnamese war ended. In 1976: On January 2 the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is tenable


1961: in May, the United States in southern Vietnam to launch "special war."
1963: November, in the United States planning a military coup, the President of the Republic of Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem was killed. Duong Van Minh and Nguyen Khanh soldiers have power.
1964: in August, the U.S. manufacturing Gulf of Tonkin Incident began bombing North Vietnam.
1965: March, U.S. troops landed at Da Nang, the escalation of the Vietnam War with the United States mainly as a "local war." In June, Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam military coup took power, the establishment of the War Cabinet, he served as national leadership committee.
1967: April, South Vietnamese Constituent Assembly adopted a new constitution. In September, the Republic of Vietnam Nguyen Van Thieu was elected President of the.
1968: in March, the U.S. government was forced to announce "section, stop" bombing of North Vietnam. In May, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the United States the two sides began talks in Paris. In October, the United States "full stop bombing" North Vietnam.
1969: January, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the United States the talks the two sides to expand to include South Vietnam National Liberation Front and the four-party talks, including the Republic of Vietnam. The United States in South Vietnam launched the "war Vietnamization" policy. In June, the South Vietnamese National Liberation Front and other organizations announced the formation of by Huang Jin-fat republican revolution in South Vietnam, headed by an interim government. In September, Chairman of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh's death, Sun Desheng elected Chairman.
1973: January 27, the United States sign the "end of the war in Vietnam, to restore peace agreement." March 29, the U.S. military to withdraw completely from South Vietnam.
Into the Vietnam War, which lasted 12 years, U.S. troops were killed 58000 people, injured 300,000 people and a cost of more than 4,000 billion dollars. The Vietnam War to the American people caused incalculable trauma, the pattern of US-Soviet hegemony to be conducive to the transformation of the Soviet Union.
1975: April 30, the North Vietnamese captured Saigon, the South Vietnamese regime was collapsing, the Vietnam War ended.
1976: January 2 Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the establishment of a unified Vietnam.

O(∩_∩)O哈哈~ 又是你跟林芳^_^ 译文:Anh rất muốn qua gặp em ! nhưng anh qua rồi cuối cùng anh cũng phải về Trung Quốc ! anh sợ lúc đó anh càng nhớ em càng kh...

越南文高手帮忙翻译下 谢谢了
Ah Feng, có thì bạn ah? Tại sao không gọi tôi ah? Tôi nhớ em! Bạn không phải như tôi! Tôi nghĩ rất buồn, khi bạn nghĩ rằ...

Tôi đă chấp nhận yêu cầu kết bạn của bạn. Bây giờ hăy tṛ chuyện!我接受了你的好友请求。现在,让我们聊天!

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跪求越南文翻译高手帮忙翻写越南文,急急急 谢谢了
心里有好多话不知道怎么对你说?xin em that chu y cham soc minh ,dung qua met moi! Phuong, cho anh ve nhe,anh mai mai yeu em!好好照顾自己,不要太累了!林芳,等我回来好好爱你!我爱你永远!越南人称乎恋人不用BAN的,单叫也叫字,不叫姓的,所以不是叫LIN!

Tên: Chen Jieren Địa chỉ: Nam Ninh, tỉnh Quảng Tây, Quận Nam, số Donggou Xingning 158 我是越南人

你身体好吗?你有想念我吗?我在这里很想念你,我爱你。A co khoe ko? 你好吗?A co nho e ko. 你想我吗?E o day bho a nhieu lam. 我在这很想你。e yeu a 我爱你 我让越南同事帮忙翻译的哦~应该没问题

个人认为,楼上的“有限公司”翻译为 Côny ty TNHH 较好,Côny ty hữu hạn是平时上课老师教的书面翻译,但是你在越南的街上认真看看,不会有哪个公司这样写的,都是用Côny ty TNHH。另,“贸易”翻译为 thương mại 较好,其他都翻译...

A ve toi nha roi ha.e chuc a ngu ngon nha.E yeu a 你回到家了吧,晚安!我爱你!Tinh cam ma e doi voi a la su that e k bao gio lua doi a.nhung e biet a k tin e neu co co hoi va thoi gian a se biet duoc nguoi e nhu the nao 我对你的这份情是人真的,从...


昌乐县17564762804: 英文翻译!!!越南战争(谢绝翻译器) -
太容乳酸: In 1961: In May, US starts “the special warfare” South Vietnam. In 1963: In November, in the coup d'etat which plans in US, Vietnamese republic President Wu Ting...

昌乐县17564762804: 英文翻译,谢绝软件翻译 -
太容乳酸: Have you received my letter? It arrived today. I didn't see you sign for it. You can inquire the number of the local post office.

昌乐县17564762804: 会英文的帮忙翻译谢绝使用网上翻译器 -
太容乳酸: Hi,I am afarid we can't ship you on 26th or 27th,since our orders are more recently, but we will try our best to ship earlier. Wish you can understand.

昌乐县17564762804: 翻译英文 谢绝在线翻译 -
太容乳酸: “一项成功的工作是不显眼的,”Jacques Garcia同意道,“因为当这项工作完成的时候,它显得是那么的理所当然.如果各个比例都是那么的均衡,他们结合得天衣无缝,就不会引起注意.人们会注意的是一系列的灯罩或者沙发,那就是全部了.例如,有些人会把注意力放在窗帘或者(exclain这个词没见过~~是不是打错了?)然后说“这真是太Garcia(个人认为是棒的意思)了!”然而,窗帘根本就没有一点特别的地方,它们完全是很普通的.真正令人觉得Garcia的地方不是装饰,而是它的背景(衬托)——那些从来没有人注意的东西!”

昌乐县17564762804: 会英文的帮忙翻译,谢绝网上翻译器,翻译下面段话 -
太容乳酸: Dear xx,I'm sorry the products you required is not ordinary, we have to customer-made it. And the products requires more accessories as well, we need time to process price. May I have your phone no., I will call you when I gather all the information. Thanks.

昌乐县17564762804: 麻烦帮忙翻译一句英文(谢绝翻译器答案) -
太容乳酸: Here is where I keep my moods, my emotions, my works, and my other bits and pieces.

昌乐县17564762804: 翻译(谢绝翻译工具) -
太容乳酸: 一年前,梁博还是一个在普通大学里学习音乐的学生.现在,经过近乎80天的比赛,他现在成为了“中国好声音”. 这个幸运的男生是第一季“中国好声音”,这个去年夏天最火的电视综艺节目的获胜者.2012年9月30,总决赛上的他用他的...

昌乐县17564762804: 越南 英文 怎么读 -
太容乳酸: 越南 Vietnam 那时越南战争就要结束了.The Vietnam War was just about to end. 和平运动从越南学到了不少东西.The peace movement has learnt a thing or two from Vietnam.

昌乐县17564762804: 英文翻译 谢绝各种翻译器 急急急!!!!! -
太容乳酸: It's heard that brother's birth certificate is required. I have e-mailed two photoes of him as a child. Please check about it and reply once you receive them.

昌乐县17564762804: 英语翻译,谢绝用机译(在线等) -
太容乳酸: We can provide to you two options, first, the money paid to the Malaysian company, shipments from Malaysia, but your company has to bear all the transportation costs. Sec...

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