
作者&投稿:欧阳筠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 从做什么事情中抽出(身/时间);2.发现...有意思; 3.你去...的旅行怎么样?;4.非常棒(过去时);5.leave sb doing sth 让某人做某些事;6. 帮助某人做些事;7.花费...在什么事情上,一般指花费时间或金钱;8. 加工...变成... 9.知道你读者的意见很重要;10. 形成大圈 11. 有读书的习惯;12. 不承认偷窃;13.对事物含义有了更深一步的理解;14.有了把计算机连在一起的主意;15.东西太大了以至于他们拿不了/搬不动(根据具体东西来理解);16. 用绳子把它拽到城里;17.对上帝表现尊重;18. 从...移除... 19. A和B之间分开... 20. 很有幽默感; 21. 在...上有经验;22. 所有的宇航员应该具备沉稳工作的能力和作为团队的一员善于工作; 23. 只要她喜欢,别人的想法并没有关系。


2.However, the children get along with him through this period of time, and gradually have feelings, and eventually persuaded her mother, and he became a pair of loving couple.

1.a play upon words
2.The public lack of the sense of traffic regulation.
3.to strengthen the education of ...
4.to see the lottery as a hobby but not a living style.
5.The lottery as a new entertainment style....
7.upstart (a person who has risen suddenly to prominence)

2.public unconsciousness of traffic rules.
3.enforce the education of
4.buying lottery as a hobby, not a way of living.
5.lottery as a bran-new entertainment
6.day dream
7.new money
8.beer belly

首先,我要指出,你这个代码存在双重错误!1、语法错误;2、算数逻辑错误 --- 1、语法错误:很显然,你对语法很是不熟,我细细数了下,大错误就有2个,细节错误有1个,分析错误有1个,这些错误分别是:--->大错误1、类型声明要在开头!或许你知道,int\\float\\double等等数据类型声明时都放在开头...

11;どのように役立つか? 有什么要帮忙吗? 太粗大一吗素卡 12;〜へ!私たち乾杯しよう! 来!我们来干杯吧! 口译,康巴姨戏码笑 13;の失陪。失陪了。 喜醋来系马素 14;お邪魔します。打扰你了。偶家马系马斯 15;再见 再见。家乃 16;また明日。 明天见。骂他阿西他 17...

韩语 高手请进啊~~【急人啊~~帮帮忙!!!】
1. 你好! 안녕하세요! [安宁哈塞哟]2. 你好吗? 어떻게 지내십니까? [额的尅集内心米嘎]3. (向走的人) 再见! 안녕히 가세요. [安宁黑...


She can discover most of what she needs to know simply by looking at the writing with her own eyes,只凭肉眼观看别人的笔迹,她就可以知道她想知道的东西。下面是重点:but she also has machines (that help her make out different kinds of paper and ink. )哈,这个与单复数没有...

민호,용화,홍기 是一个名字 완소:완전 소중한 -完全重要,完全宝贝 팬:粉丝 指很重要的粉丝或完全宝贝的粉丝。

1 他准备给我工作,这使我大吃一惊 I was surprised by him because he is going to arrange a job for me.2 因为雨太大,参观博物得推迟到明天了 The action of visiting museum was postponed to tomorrow because of the heavy rain.3 请全校师生于周三下午二时在会议室集中,听报告 There...

lz你好 内容确实不少 看你好像很着急的样子 还是决定帮你翻译 翻译内容如下:언니, 사실 저는 털털한 여자예요.근데 언니만 보면 0...

20091111JLYZ 实习小编 一级|消息 | 我的百科 | 我的知道 | 我的空间 | 百度首页 | 退出 我的百科我的贡献草稿箱我的任务为我推荐 新闻网页贴吧知道MP3图片视频百科文库 帮助设置 首页 自然 文化 地理 历史 生活 社会 艺术 人物 经济 科学 体育 世博 世界杯 编辑词条 TACS 目录[隐藏]TACS TACS...

마시고..ㅎㅎ내가 보고싶어 밥도 못 먹을 정도면 안되죠.. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ手翻,放心用。。

柘荣县18965902586: 英语高手请进帮忙翻译几个句子
呈京若奇: 1 我们以前在这里见过 we have met each other here before 2 我妈妈不喜欢我随便给人电话号码 所以我不方便接电话 my mom asks me not to tell my phone number to others, so i am not convenient to answer the phone. 3 你不会中文我们学习起...

柘荣县18965902586: 英语高手进来帮忙翻译短语
呈京若奇: 1.more and more thinner 2.from different ways 3.be good at 4.老师想 5.给予更多的信息 6.坐火车 7.速度早餐 8.坐公共汽车去工作 9.生病将要在医院里 10.离学校10千米远 11.by underground 12.go to bus stop by bike 13.walking 8 miles 14.by bus ...

柘荣县18965902586: 英语高手进来帮忙翻译几句话~ -
呈京若奇: I will do it,but on second thoughts,is it necessary to sacrifice myself? i am afraid of nothing except my laziness and wasting time

柘荣县18965902586: 英语高手进来帮忙翻译几个句子
呈京若奇: 1 What is Tom doing for vacation? 2 He is visiting his friends in HongKong 3 Where will they go? They will go to HongKong 4 How long will they stay ? They will stay for a month 1 on Monday 2 go fishing 3 from Monday to Friday 4 all of Italy 5 famous singer from France 6 go sightseeing 7 rent CDs

柘荣县18965902586: 英语高手进!帮忙翻译三句话! -
呈京若奇: 1.Coffee taste 2.My state of mind 3.Have separated with each other , broken-hearted, this paragraph of have been over, but at heart defective love scar does not heal as before.

柘荣县18965902586: 短语翻译,英语高手帮哈
呈京若奇: 1.in a large scale 2.around the conner 3.give sb. a lesson 4.as a result 5.dare to do sth.

柘荣县18965902586: 英语高手进来翻译一下几个简单语句
呈京若奇: 1. Can you hear my voice? 2. Please answer me! 3. I must beat you all to pieces

柘荣县18965902586: 英语高手进.请帮忙把下面的短语翻译好,谢谢.(4个短句)
呈京若奇: climb the tree quickly, a beautiful long tail, talk about the animals in the zoo, laughing while chatting

柘荣县18965902586: 英语高手进来帮翻译几个句子!
呈京若奇: what were you doing at nine last night? i was reading a novel last night.说明他昨天晚上一直在干的事情,昨天晚上再看,所以不强调结果 we built a high building last winter we were picking apples when they arrived i have been up for two hours.

柘荣县18965902586: 八年级英语,高手请进.帮忙翻译几个句子.急!!! -
呈京若奇: 1. I practice more and more.2. Tim is taller than me.3. She is one of the best students in our class.4. Orange is one of my favorite fruit(s).5. A tiger is more dangerous than a cat.

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