
作者&投稿:盈梵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in the world Flower.Legend has it that Venus in order to save her lover, ran in a hurry too, cut through the thorns of the rose her arms and legs, the blood red roses. Red Rose has become a result of the love Xin Wu. The ancient Persian poet once said in a poem: ...

english translation
所以,A rose is a rose is a rose 的意思是“一朵玫瑰就像一朵玫瑰是一朵玫瑰一样”。The sentence "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose." was written by Gertrude Stein as part of the 1913 poem Sacred Emily, which appeared in the 1922 book Geography and Plays. In that poem,...

234. Scotch Poem 〈苏格兰音诗〉 E.MacDowell [美]麦克道威尔235. Secret, Le 〈默祷〉 L.Gautier [法]高梯尔236. Serenade 〈小夜曲〉 J.Haydn ...266. To A Wild Rose 〈致一朵野玫瑰〉 E.A.MacDowell [美]麦克道威尔267. Toccatina 〈小托卡塔舞曲〉 Kabalevsky [俄]卡巴列夫斯基268. Toreador ...

08 Ancient Poem 古诗 09 Just A Little Smile 浅笑 10 Flying High 高飞 11 White Sand Of Barbados 巴贝多的白沙 12 Moonlight Of Capri 卡布里的...14 Rose of Tralee 爱尔兰玫瑰 15 The Holy Flame 圣火 参考资料: http:\/\/\/view\/21338.html?wtp=tt 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个...

A Red, Red Rose(看题目就知道是爱情诗,英国苏格兰人Robert Burns的代表作)O, my love is like a red, red rose,That's newly sprung in June.O, my love is like the melody,That's sweetly play'd in tune.As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,So deep in love am I,And I will...

robert rose 什么意思
Robert Rose 罗伯特·罗斯;[例句]A poet of peasants: Robert Burns Robert Burn's A Red, Red Rose is a very popular love poem in the English literature.苏格兰农民诗人彭斯的爱情诗《红红的玫瑰》是英国文学史上的名篇。

Rose on the road has been thousands of search, but how to meet you do not know. 6、温暖的夏日,一杯香浓的咖啡,一份美味的冰淇淋,青春就是这么...Your name is a poem, full of my joy when I was young. 43、别说我不在乎你,只是你从来都不曾了解过我,又如看的见我的在乎。 Don't say I ...

a rose is a rose is a rose
Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.和 A rose is a rose is a rose.原作者Gertrude Stein两句都说过。第一句如同 azurewater 说的,第一个 Rose 是人名。这里的重复仅仅是为了加强“玫瑰”的这个概念。虽然许多人把这句跟莎士比亚的“a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”相...

O my Luve's like a red red rose That's newly sprung in June:O...
这是苏格兰诗人罗伯特•彭斯《A Red Red Rose》前三句,全文翻译如下 袁可嘉译本:啊,我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰,它在六月里初开,啊,我的爱人像一支乐曲,美妙地演奏起来。你是那么美, 漂亮的姑娘,我爱你那么深切;亲爱的, 我会永远爱你,一直到四海枯竭。亲爱的, 直到四海枯竭,到太阳...

051 The fairest rose is at last withered• 好花终须凋谢。 052 Every dog has his day• 狗也有走的一天;凡人皆有得意日。 053 First thrive and then wives• 先立业再成家。 054 Example is better than precept• 实例胜过口训;身教重於言教。 055 The early bird catches the worm• 早起...

辕雯17024422704问: “诗”字英语单词 -
黄山区茵莲回答: 诗 名词1. (文学体裁的一种) poetry; verse; poem:例句:satiric poem [poetry]; 讽刺诗symphonic [tone] poem; 交响诗2. (指《诗经》) The Book of Songs 3. (姓氏) a surname:例句:Shi Suo 诗索

辕雯17024422704问: poetic poet poetry poem有什么区别 -
黄山区茵莲回答: poetic、poet、poetry、poem区别:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、含义不同 1、poetic adj. 诗的;富有诗情的. 2、poet n. 诗人. 3、poetry n. 诗歌;诗意;诗集. 4、poem n. 诗;韵文. 二、用法不同 1、poetic poetic词根是poet诗...

辕雯17024422704问: poemhe poetry的区别 -
黄山区茵莲回答: poetry n.诗, 作诗法, 诗意, 诗情 诗;诗歌;诗作 a book of poetry 诗集 satiric poetry 讽刺诗 epic poetry 叙事诗 historical poetry 史诗 lyric poetry 抒情诗 prose poetry 散文诗 Her dancing is pure poetry.她的舞蹈非常富于诗意.n.诗, 韵文; 诗一...

辕雯17024422704问: 诗歌的英文单词怎么说? -
黄山区茵莲回答: 诗歌的英文:poetry 词汇解析poetry 英['pəʊɪtrɪ];美['poətri] n. 诗;诗意,诗情;诗歌,诗歌艺术 例:After all, we both read poetry. 毕竟我们都咏读过不少诗歌. 例:His music is purer poetry than a poem in words. 他的音乐比诗文更具诗...

辕雯17024422704问: poem是诗吗 -
黄山区茵莲回答: 这个狂风卷漫天黄沙似乎要置人于死地手势和咳嗽我在煮一些奶蓟.哈哈了,清醒地鄙弃命运的色调差别?

辕雯17024422704问: poem是什么意思? -
黄山区茵莲回答: 诗,诗歌,还有短篇文章的意思

辕雯17024422704问: 大家帮忙翻译一道汉译英题 -
黄山区茵莲回答: 诗比散文难写,这是事实. It is a fact that the creation of a poet is more difficult than an essay. 散文之所以比较容易写,是因为它更接近我们口中的语言. Essays are easier because it is more close to our spoken language.可以说,散文诗加工过的...

辕雯17024422704问: 可以帮我起一个带有若诗的意思的英文名吗?
黄山区茵莲回答: prose ,VERY GOOD!

辕雯17024422704问: 谁能给我一个英文的诗歌的含义?急用! -
黄山区茵莲回答: 诗歌(poem):a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines 或者 诗歌(poem):1. A metrical composition; a composition in verse written in certain measures, whether in blank verse or in rhyme, and characterized by imagination ...

辕雯17024422704问: 英语诗篇(poem)翻译准确意思 -
黄山区茵莲回答: 世界并不是一个令人愉快的地方 没有 有人持有而被占据 一条河流就会停止 如果只有它的流动 一条溪流,在那里 接受 一个海洋不会笑 如果云不在那里, 吻了她的眼泪 世界并不是一个令人愉快的地方都没有 有人 望采纳.谢谢

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