
作者&投稿:裴枫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A sudden gust of wind from the open window puffed the candle out. 从开着的窗户吹来一阵急风,吹灭了蜡烛。 The wind blows easterly. 风从东方吹来。Wind bellied the sails. 风把帆张满了。 The flag was ribboned by the wind. 旗子被风吹成条条碎片。A strong head wind lashed the river into ...

a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing...

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing...
这里应该是sent it to sw.所以crashing短语是作状语,因此这里就是伴随状语短语作状语,应该用ing形式(伴随状语的固定形式)。所以意思是把床吹到了……短语表示吹到冲进了下面的院子。整个就是一个状语结构,动词短语用ing形式作状语,表示地点的。

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing...
这个句子的结构稍微复杂一点,有两个谓语动词:swept 和 sent,crashing into the courtyard below 是补充说明sent的效果,不是谓语动词,因此必须用ing分词结构。不知道说清楚了没有。

A gust of wind sent it crashing into the courtyard below...
1. 不是sent被译成撞碎,而是crashing表示撞碎。sent是送过去的意思。2. 它不能去掉,否则撞碎的意思就没有了。3. below是副词,表示在下面。4. 翻译:一阵风把它吹落到院子里,撞得粉碎。

You see, the woods are emerald and golden. Some trees took off their green clothes and put on golden sand skirts. A gust of autumn wind blew, and leaves fell at the foot of the tree mother and paved a carpet. The leaves of ginkgo tree are like a small fan, which fans ...

A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing...
这个句子的结构稍微复杂一点,有两个谓语动词:swept 和 sent,crashing into the courtyard below 是补充说明sent的效果,不是谓语动词,因此必须用ing分词结构。不知道说清楚了没有。

the hibernating animals are awake, the earth is alive. A gust of wind blowing, people feel moist fragrance of the earth, the grass fragrance, flower Sha! The rain will wash clean of all things, the earth is full of vitality, full of the spirit of the people. Good, a year...

A gust of wind sent the bed crashing into the yard below.句子中...
在双宾语中,能充当间接宾语或是直接宾语的一般是名词或代词。而在复合宾语中,能充当宾语补足语成分的则较多,如名词、形容词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式(短语)和分词(短语)。例如:She showed us(pron.)a new TV set(n.).(双宾语)He gave Tom(n.) a piece of paper(n.)....

a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing...
into 在此这是作为方位介词,表示方位,crash into (撞向,坠入...) 此处into 跟sent 的用法无关。 e.g. The car crashed into the river.

卞骆17673507667问: a gust of wind 这个短词.其中gust就是指狂风了,为什么后面还要加of wind? -
若尔盖县来婷回答:[答案] 你好,很高兴为你解答 a gust of wind:一阵狂风 a gust of :一阵,一股 谢谢

卞骆17673507667问: a gust of wind 这个短词.其中gust就是指狂风了,为什么后面还要加of wind? -
若尔盖县来婷回答: 你好,很高兴为你解答 a gust of wind:一阵狂风 a gust of :一阵,一股 谢谢

卞骆17673507667问: a+ 量词+of+名词,请问这个结构中的名词只能是可数名词复数吗?不能是不可数名词吗? -
若尔盖县来婷回答:[答案] 可数名词复数和不可数名词都可以.

卞骆17673507667问: a +不可数名词+of 是什么意思什么用法 -
若尔盖县来婷回答: 意思:那个名词是什么意思,短语就是什么意思 用法:抽象名词具体化

卞骆17673507667问: 哪位大虾提供一些英语中"量词"词组?比如 a gust of winda bottle of milk 之类的 -
若尔盖县来婷回答:[答案] 在英语中,有很多量词词组,例如:a group of,a flock of, a bunch of,a bundle of等等.为了方便广大英语学习者更好地掌握,本文对量词词组粗略地归纳了以下的特点,具体表现为: 特点一:英语量词词组所表示的数或量,大...

卞骆17673507667问: 分析句子成分a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it -
若尔盖县来婷回答: 主语:a gust of wind 谓语动词:swept 宾语:the bed 宾补:off the roof 并列谓语动词:sent 宾语:it 宾补:crashing into ...介词的宾语:the courtyard below 句子意思:一阵风把床铺刮下楼顶,砸入楼下的院子里.

卞骆17673507667问: 新概念英语2册49课问题A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.请问句中sent it crashing into the courtyard below.... -
若尔盖县来婷回答:[答案] A gust of wind swept(v.1) the bed off the roof and(并列swept和sent两个动词)sent (v.2 )it crashing into the courtyard below. sent的宾语是it ,crashing into the courtyard below看做宾补 into和the courtyard 搭配

卞骆17673507667问: 我现在正在学新概念第二册49课,其中遇见这么一句英语有点不懂.a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard blew 这句话... -
若尔盖县来婷回答:[答案] 一阵大风把床从屋顶上刮了下来,把它摔碎在下面的院子里. a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below. 分析句子成分:sent it crashing into the courtyard中的it是宾语,crashing into the courtyard是it的宾语补...

卞骆17673507667问: 冠词a/an或数词+单位词+of+名词,这个句型怎么理解? -
若尔盖县来婷回答: a number of sth

卞骆17673507667问: 一个英文语法问题a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below请大家帮我分析一下这句话的句子结构.尤其是 it ... -
若尔盖县来婷回答:[答案] a gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below 译:一阵大风把床从屋顶上刮了下来,把它摔碎在下面的院子里. 全句是由and 连接而成的并列句 a gust of wind 主语 swept.谓语 the bed 宾语 后句中: sent it ...

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