
作者&投稿:俟威 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这首诗我恰好读过,诗名不是这个,而是《西风颂》,最后一句是:If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 翻译成中文就是,冬天来了,春天还会远吗?现把原诗摘录如下:Ode to the West Wind I O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,Thou, from whose unseen presence the ...

雪莱《西风颂》的英文赏析 谢谢!
西风颂 波西.比希.雪莱雪莱(1792-1822),生于英国萨塞克斯郡。1816年往瑞士,与拜伦结为好友。1822年与友人驾帆船出海,遇暴风,舟沉身亡。作品包括长诗《仙后麦布》(Queen Mab)、《阿多尼斯》(Adonais)等。《西风颂》,全诗五节,每节的韵脚安排是:aba,bcb,cdc,ded,ee。 1O wild West Wind, thou breath of Aut...

雪莱 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)西风颂 原文:I 1 O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being,2 Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead 3 Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing,4 Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red,5 Pes...

2013-09-18 英国雪莱的《致云雀》《西风颂》的原文 6 2014-01-03 谁能帮我找找雪莱《致云雀》完整英文版? 1 2013-09-19 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? ——雪莱,这句的英文原句谁知道? 7 2009-03-04 雪莱《西风颂》和《致云雀》 25 2009-10-19 求一首英文诗的赏析 8 2009-11-11 求希腊国歌...


《西风颂》是雪莱“三大颂”诗歌中的一首,写于1819年。雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley,1792年8月4日—1822年7月8日),英国浪漫主义诗人。一支最甜美的歌,往往是用于歌颂最悲伤思维的歌。(8月4日名言)原文:Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thoughts.我们都是希腊人,我们的法律...

还记得Shirley(雪莱)那句‘Winter comes,can Spring be far behind?’吗?(冬天来了,春天还会远吗?)虽然说要读完这整首诗肯定不止3分钟,不过您可以“节选”着来读,这首雪莱的西风颂送给你,希望您跟我一样喜欢,Let's enjoy it...keke O WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being...

求雪莱的<Ode to the West Wind>中文翻译。
中文译文 第一节 哦,狂野的西风,秋之生命的气息,你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫 犹如精魂飞遁远离法师长吟,黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨,染上瘟疫的纷纷落叶四散调零:哦,是你哟,以车驾把有翼的种子催送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里,像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱,直到阳春...

In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to show his desire for transcendence, by explaining that his thoughts and ideas, like the 'winged seeds' are trapped. The West Wind acts as a force for change and forward movement in the human and natural world.Shelley ...

西风颂作者雪莱 The poet was called the heart of all hearts 这句英...
诗作在诗人对革命与未来美好的展望中戛然而止,读罢令人卓立风发,倍受鼓舞! 诗作以象征手法见长,狂暴的西风既是自然界的风,更是革命的风暴,诗人明写自然之风,本意却在呼唤、盼望革命的风暴。看到这里,你大概就知道这句英语就是讲这诗 是人类共同心声的反映,因为人都希望世界的前景将会是光明...

时叔15228613477问: 《西风颂》的英文朗读! -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答:[答案] 雪莱《西风颂》(中英) O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken ...

时叔15228613477问: 雪莱《西风颂》的英文赏析 -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答:[答案] Analysis of Percy Shelley's “Ode to the West Wind”In 'Ode to the West Wind,' Percy Bysshe Shelley tries to show his desire for transcendence,by explaining that his thoughts and ideas,like the 'wing...

时叔15228613477问: 英语翻译《西风颂》作于1819年秋.这是雪莱最著名的政治抒情诗和政治宣传鼓动诗,也是一首优秀的政治预言、政治激励诗.诗的内容与形式都达到了登峰造... -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答:[答案] "Westerly wind Praised" does in 1819 the fall.This is the Shelley most famous politics lyric poetry and politics agitation and propaganda poem,is also an outstanding political prediction,the political drive poem.The poem content and the form has ...

时叔15228613477问: 求雪莱的《致云雀》《自由颂》《西风颂》的英文原文 -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答:[答案] To a Skylark by Percy Bysshe Shelley雪莱 致云雀 Hail to thee, blithe Spirit! Bird thou never wert, That from Heaven, or near it, Pourest thy full heart In profuse strains of unpremeditated art. Higher still and higher From the earth thou springest Like a cloud ...

时叔15228613477问: 英国雪莱《西风颂》全诗全诗内容都要, -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答:[答案] 查良铮译本 西风颂 1 哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸! 你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫, 有如鬼魅碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避: 黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨, 呵,重染疫疠的一群:西风呵,是你 以车驾把有翼的种子催送到 黑暗的...

时叔15228613477问: 急求《西风颂》英文版的朗诵! -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答: something wrong with the article i'm too lazy to change itOdeToTheWestWind Chapter3 If I were a dead leaf thou mightest bear; If I were a swift cloud to fly with thee, A wave to pant beneath thy power, and shareThe impulse of thy strength, only less ...

时叔15228613477问: 请问雪莱的《西风歌》的英文名是啥? -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答: 《Ode to the West Wind》一般汉译为《西风颂》作者 雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792–1822) 其中有一句著名诗句:If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?(如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?)

时叔15228613477问: 请推荐一首著名英文诗 -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答: 我向你推荐三首,分别是泰戈尔、普希金、雪莱写的.1.Ode to the West Wind(《西风颂》)雪莱最著名的抒情诗.1.Ode to the West WindIO WILD West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being Thou from whose unseen presence the ...

时叔15228613477问: 谁知道这个英文诗的名字
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答: 西风颂雪莱

时叔15228613477问: 求雪莱的《致云雀》《自由颂》《西风颂》的英文原文 -
鹰手营子矿区他巴回答: To a Skylark by Percy Bysshe Shelley雪莱 致云雀 Hail to thee, blithe Spirit! Bird thou never wert, That from Heaven, or near it, Pourest thy full heart In profuse strains of unpremeditated art. Higher still and higher From the earth thou springest Like a ...

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