
作者&投稿:检荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁会翻译文言文 今天就要~



Guizhou Province does not have the donkey, has the busybody (2) the ship to carry into (3). To not available, puts under the mountain. The tiger sees it, the colossus also, thinks the god (4). Shades between the forest to peep (5). Leaves near it slightly, 慭 慭 however (6), not knowns one another well. another day, a donkey cry, the tiger startles greatly (7), escapes far (8), thinks and bites oneself also (9), fears really. However the intercourse regards (10), thinks without the different functions. Profit (11) custom (12) its, is also near around, does not dare to wrestle finally (13). Slightly near (14), profit (15) insultingly intimate (16), swings relies on flushes braves (17), donkey extremely (18) anger, hoof (19) it. Because the tiger is happy, counts (20) said: “the technique stops this ear (21)!”Because jump about (22) big (23), breaks his/her throat, its meat, is (24) goes (25). elects from "Liuho East Collection". Has deletes. Guizhou Province, at that time referred to now Sichuan, Guizhou's some areas. busybody: Likes the meddlesome person. the ship carries into: Ships (donkey) with the ship to enter (Guizhou Province). Ship, here figure with ship's meaning. : Actually. is huge: Huge appearance. thinks the god: Treats as the god it. leaves near it slightly: Gradually approaches him. Slightly: Gradually 慭 慭 (yìnyìn) however: Is careful appearance. shades Lin Jiankui it: Tibet looks at it secretly in the woods. Shades, the hiding, hides. Peeps, peeps. startles greatly: Unusual fear.

Qian (now Guizhou province) had not donkeys before; a meddlesome person had carried a donkey to Qian by ship. However, the donkey was useless after arrived so the man left it at the foot of mountain. A tiger saw the donkey; treat it as god since donkey had huge body. The tiger hided behind the woods to saw the donkey, gradually walked close with it, keep every action secretly and carefully for the reason that tiger did not know what a donkey was.

One day, the donkey brayed. Tiger was so frightened and ran far away which thought the donkey was going to bite it. Tiger observed repeatedly and didn't find any special skills the donkey had, so it was accustomed to the bray and walked more closely again. However, tiger had still been afraid to attack donkey. After a period of time, tiger approached with much casual attitude, to collide, close, attack and offend it. Donkey was irritated so it kicked tiger by hoof.

Tiger felt very happy; it thought "The donkey has just little ability!” So tiger was jumping on the donkey, shouted loudly and gnawed donkey's throat, then left after eating its meat.

There had been no donkey in Guizhou Province originally.However,a meddlesome man sent a donkey to Guizhou by ship.After arriving,the man found the donkey useless to keep and left it at the foot of a mountain.A tiger saw the big monster,considering it as a god.Therefore,it hid in the woods to peer at the donkey.After a while, the tiger walked out,drawing gradually near to the donkey in a very careful manner,but still didn't know for sure what it was.

One day,the donkey heehawed.The tiger was so frightened that it ran away for it thought the donkey was about to bite it.However,after a long period of observation, the tiger didn't find any sign on the donkey that it had some special skills and soon got used to its bray. So the tiger approached the donkey again, moving forth and back.Then it reached the donkey and took liberties with it,hitting it, rushing into it,and offending it.The donkey was irritated and kicked the tiger.

The tiger felt very happy about this,pondering,"its skill is so mediocre."Then the tiger jumped onto the donkey with a loud roar and gnawed its neck.It finally left after it ate out the donkey.



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米东区17131207209: 急用!谁能把文言文翻译成英文,今天要!谢谢!
水适颐和: Guizhou Province does not have the donkey, has the busybody (2) the ship to carry into (3). To not available, puts under the mountain. The tiger sees it, the colossus also, thinks the god (4). Shades between the forest to peep (5). Leaves near it ...

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水适颐和:[答案] China-Classical Chinese China-ancient Chinese

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米东区17131207209: 古文翻译为英文 -
水适颐和: 这句孔子的名言,国际上有标准一致的英文翻译:To have friends come from far away -- isn't that a joy?参考:http://www.philosophyslam.org/confucius.html 略走到下面看Quotations from the Analects的第一行就是这句.

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水适颐和: Non-students to soldier's pay and benefits are also at their, I received is more time to question the people of Tibetan ancient books of famous mountain, its people - even the Master saying : 'I study of disease' to many persons side, the book as ...

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水适颐和: Gentleman Confucius said:Learn can't be already. Green, take it in blue and green in blue;Ice, the water is it but cold in water.Keep a medium rope originally, the think round, in its song rules;Although there is suddenly and violently and not the one ...

米东区17131207209: 文言文翻译成英文 -
水适颐和: hold the pen in the left hand, and the seal in the right hand father was named Ming when he alive, and was named Guan when he pass by 书名:pan name

米东区17131207209: 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译一下古文“方六七十,如五六十,求也为之,比及三年,可使民足.急用,急 -
水适颐和:[答案] 应该是论语里孔子和子路冉有公西华一次对话吧.大致意思为:方圆六七十里,或者五六十里,请求去治理,等到三年后,可以使人民富足.

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