
作者&投稿:郑蕊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

凯蒂在下午5点回到家 她经常在晚餐之前做完作业.他和她的父亲在饭后下棋


总体而言,化学品运输量属于类A至D级的防污相当于约2400万tonmiles 。这相当于大约12装载油轮正在途中在波罗的海在任何指定时间(赫尔辛基委员会, 1990年) 。

该报告(赫尔辛基委员会, 1990年)也给风险评估草案的流出化学油轮和得出结论认为,这种损失主要是由于搁浅和碰撞。外流的货物从一个单一的化学品液货船底部估计为25 10万航程在接地事故。碰撞事故,相应的风险估计为5 10万航次。然而,这些估计所有有关单壳油轮,一些修正系数被用来转换的结果,使它们可以适用于双壳油轮。在搁浅,单壳油轮发现有泄漏的8倍多于双壳油轮。至于碰撞有人认为,双壳油轮只有20 %的碰撞将导致损害的内在舱壁破裂,大约20 %的这些事件可能会延长在水线之下。更详细的数字为不同的情况提出了在(赫尔辛基委员会, 1990年) 。

自己翻译的 It was very nice to have met you in Ning Middle School, where we became friends. I so miss those days when the new term began,happy and free from care.You were around me every day! What a pity, time past cannot be called back, which has become the most ...

1. There is a popular children's story describes the miraculous change of the live puppet of a miracle.2. Doctors did its best to save his life.3, Tom humorous statement has been discussed so angry.4, the ancient architecture has been recover.5 to the beach a month to live...

1 布鲁斯先生常对他的孙儿女们讲他在经济萧条时期所受的苦。Mr. Bruce often talks to his grandsons and granddaughters about his suffering during the Great Depression.2 非洲的干旱已毁了成千上万的百姓。The drought in Africa has destroyed the life of tens of thousands of people.3 这次...

1 he applies to join this learns (society), but has encountered the veto.2 I suggested your bed several days, you have not convalesced again.3 he suggested deepens and widens this canal immediately.4 experts proposed very improves the Beijing transportation the suggestion.5 this ...

空调 the air condition 一富人在一餐厅吃饭,a rich's havin' food at a restaurant.他吃的满头大汗!and so hot that sweat all over.他把那服务员叫来!so he called the waiter here,让他把空调开开 and let him open the air condition 不一会他又觉得特冷,however only for a little ...

“享受生活”英文翻译有:1、Enjoy the leisure life in the fun!2、Kindle the zest of vigor, Enjoy the essence of life!3、Enjoy Life!重点词汇:enjoy 1、享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱 例句:We thoroughly enjoyed our time in New York.我们在纽约的时间过得十分快活。2、[VN] ~ yourself过...

人工翻译:1.中国社会的城市化进程暴风骤雨般了消耗着各项自然资源。现阶段的中国飞速 发展,问题却躲在了各色漂亮的数据背 后。平地无止境的大肆建设,更使得原 本脆弱的生态受到严峻考验,水资源的 污染,耕地的减少,逼迫我们放弃守旧 的建造方式!1. with the process of urbanization in China , ...

Dragon’s Dawn 龙之黎明 Roaring fills the air,天空中满是怒吼。reverberating through the night.一阵阵划过夜空。Distant roaring echoes the first.远处的传来第一声回响。Dragons call to one another.那是龙的呼唤。Reverberating through the night,一阵阵划过夜空。deep and calming are these ...

3、他没有意识到前面的危险。He was not aware of the danger ahead.4、老师做实验时我们仔细观察是否发生了变化。(do an experiment)When the teacher did an experiment,we observed the reaction carefully.5、他抓住一切机会说英语以便提高英语水平。(take all chance)He takes all chance to ...

trade business,it is a major task to improve the overall quality of oversea salesmen.Sequentially,enterprise will be more strict in selecting employee.Likewise,it's of great urgency for competitors to improve their overall quality.我是英语专业的,只能翻成这样了。希望可以帮助你。

平江区17026765124: 英语翻译 高手的来! -
市季山庄: 1. I can't imagine him to age will want to graduate school. 2. He started at 6 o 'clock, than he usually work in an hour early. 3 I see Jimmy anxious to tell me his interview, he smiled and said: "when I went to his desk, the manager head looked me, ask...

平江区17026765124: 高手来 英语翻译 -
市季山庄: 楼主,您好 Please treat me ,if I go to your countryside 谢谢采纳!

平江区17026765124: 翻译成英语句子.高手来 -
市季山庄: 1. We can do for them. 2. What I have on the course. 3. Other places I have visited a number of schools. 4. His speaking, work in the rural areas is important. 5. Thanks to the Hope Project, tens of thousands of children to the school. 6. Today, the ...

平江区17026765124: 英语翻译~~高手来啊~~扎实的文字功底,优秀的文字表达能力,口齿伶俐,思维敏捷. -
市季山庄:[答案] excellent writing skills.eloquent and quick-witted. 注:其实扎实的文字功底和优秀的文字表达能力本身就是重复的,英语是避免重复累赘的

平江区17026765124: 英语翻译 5句话 高手来1,你想出最后这道题的做法了吗? 2. 我和你说话就像在跟自己孩子说话一样 3.我把家里和办公室的电话号码都给了他,这样他就可以... -
市季山庄:[答案] 1. Have you figured out the way to do this last question? 2. Me talking to you is just like talking to my own children. 3. I gave him my home and office number, so he could ring me everyday. 4. I don't know whether Adolf would come and pick me up, or he ...

平江区17026765124: 英语翻译,高手来. -
市季山庄: He should not have taken away my dictionary This is the first time I saw such a touching diary On the street yesterday, I happened to meet him In order to resume his daily walk outdoors He was deliberately chosen to leave in the evening time Final ...

平江区17026765124: 英语翻译高手的来,最好是权威的
市季山庄: 不是权威.冒昧发表一下愚见. dash 有很多意思,我觉得这里接近这个例句里的意思: I don't care a dash about him. 对他我一点也不在乎. 所以你的句子是:不抱希望,只是勇往直前,去发现新大陆.

平江区17026765124: 英语翻译,高手来 -
市季山庄: 个人认为还是用so比较好些,并且是用强调句更能突出主人公的激动与开心,所以认为如果是从句则应翻译为:So happy am I, so lucy am I that…… 如果是主句则应翻译为:the happy me, the fortunate me…… 希望我的回答对你有帮助.

平江区17026765124: 英文翻译高手来,翻译的准确无误.重赏!
市季山庄: 1.Parting is for the purpose of reunion2.Without me,other people will happier. 3.Weak as I am,you will never see.

平江区17026765124: 英语翻译 高手来
市季山庄: 1. Even if.....you must do it 2. His careless drive caused the accident. 3. The earthquake caused us a great damage. 4. He is trying his best to do his homework carefully. 5. We must send him to hospital as soon as possible. 6. We should help those ...

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