
作者&投稿:卢鱼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. All of our products are 100 percent reliable, not imitations.
2. If you buy one of our products reached 300 U.S. dollars, we will be free shipping (FREE SHIPPING).
3. As a result of our product shipments faster, is a picture showing the product at any time for a variety of reasons out of stock. Therefore, we will try to re-election of your style with a similar style to help you adjust.
4. We are professional international children's clothes and infant supplies OEM factories. We accept your advice or any form of cooperation.
5. You pay 5-7 days after you receive will be able to purchase the product.
6. If you have any questions or suggestions, we welcome any time.

1. Welcome! This baby carrier has been sold far to Germany. It is of good quality and exquisite workmanship, along with powerful functions. It offers you six ways to carry your baby, suitable for a 0-30 months’ baby. You can choose whatever way you want at your own ease. Equipped with the multi-adjustable design, it is made of comfortable materials, allowing your baby to enjoy itself. The retail price in Europe is about 36 EUR, but our start price is merely 1$. Please bid for it if you like it.
2. We usually send out goods by Express Mail Service or Post aviation packets (delivery can be expected within 7 to 20 days in general). Since it is a cross-border transaction, special attention should be paid in two aspects: for one thing, the transport cost is relatively high. We will choose the suited way of transportation and we assure you the postage price will be the regular one. We will absolutely not collect money by lowering the price of the product while increasing the cost of freight; for another thing, in a cross-border transaction, some unsatisfactory problems might happen due to the differences in language, time, nationality, etc. Would you please understand. If you have special requirements on the transport of goods, feel free to contact us. We will try our best to provide you with better service!


1、Enjoy the leisure life in the fun!

2、Kindle the zest of vigor, Enjoy the essence of life!

3、Enjoy Life!



例句:We thoroughly enjoyed our time in New York.


2、[VN] ~ yourself过得快活;玩得痛快;得到乐趣 

例句:They all enjoyed themselves at the party.



例句:People in this country enjoy a high standard of living.


4、[V] enjoy!(informal) (祝愿时说)玩痛快些,过愉快些,好好欣赏 

例句:Here's that book I promised you. Enjoy!



like/ enjoy /love同义词辨析

1、like v. 喜欢



I like the way you've had your hair done.


2、enjoy v. 喜欢



How did you enjoy the concert?


3、love v. 喜欢,喜爱

〔辨析〕指喜爱(做)某事,语义较强,常可与 like 换用。


Do you love/like calligraphy?



1、 enjoy the life.

例:Slow down and enjoy the life journey.


2、enjoy one's life.

例:Everyone have a right to enjoy his liberty, still more his life. 


3、充分享受生活 living life to the full. 

例:He was an ordinary old gentleman who was going to enjoy what life had to offer. 


4、 afraid that life.

例:You seem to be afraid that life might pass you by without giving you time to enjoy it to the full.


5、 of life deserving.

例:None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew.




1、hate,英 [heɪt] 美 [het]vt. 憎恨;厌恶;遗憾。vi. 仇恨n. 憎恨;反感adj.仇恨的;表示愤恨的;激起仇恨情绪的。[ 过去式 hated 过去分词 hated 现在分词 hating ]。

2、detest,英 [dɪ'test] 美 [dɪ'tɛst],vt. 厌恶;憎恨,憎恶,嫌恶,痛恨(后接动名词)。

所以加上生活,意思就是厌恶生活,遗憾生活。例如,hate life,dete stdetest.


enjoy life/feel good about life/stop and smell the roses/Enjoy life

-这才叫享受生活: Super relaxed squirrel

-全情享受生活enjoying life to the fullestenjoying life to the fullest

享受快乐,享受寂寞,享受生活。Do nothing, but enjoy your life.

让您在休闲娱乐中享受生活的乐趣!Allows you to enjoy the leisure life in the fun!

少点儿压力,多些时间享受生活。Less pressure and more time to enjoy life.


We should enjoy life more even if it costs a little. What good is life if you always live like a dog.

享受大自然气息 提升完美的境界

Embrace the lush air of nature,
Enhance the pinnacle of perfection!

绽放激情的活力 享受生活的灵动

Kindle the zest of vigor,
Enjoy the essence of life!

【英语牛人团荣誉会员】 如满意请加分!

VOLVO For Life

feel good about life

Enjoy Life



5、一个人不能去逃避生活,放弃生活,要鼓起勇气,坚强、勇敢的去体会生活,学会生活,感谢、分享生活。 6、在你与他人分享的同时,就肩负着一份责任。让他人更快乐,让痛苦飞走,让阳光洒满你的心灵。 7、生命苦短,便这既不能阻止我们享受生活的乐趣,也不会使我们因其充满艰辛而庆幸其短暂。 8、分享犹如一座天平,...


20、享受生活。适当休息。欣赏您的内心世界。做一个真实可信的人。珍视您的好奇心。享受心境的和谐。享受独处。对生活充满感激。做您自己。记着,让您的光芒洒向四方。 21、当我们成长到一定阶段,就明白炫耀和喧嚣已经不再适合自己了,遇到喜欢的事情就努力的去做,不再期待周围人的回应与鼓励,也不再在乎周围人的褒...

下午茶的由来 下午茶起源于17世纪。当时,英国上流社会的早餐都很丰盛,午餐较为简便,而社交晚餐则一直到晚上八时左右才开始,人们便习惯在下午四时左右吃些点心、喝杯茶。其中有一位很懂得享受生活的女伯爵名叫安娜玛丽亚,每天下午她都会差遣女仆为她准备一壶红茶和点心,她觉得这种感觉真好,便邀请...

“英式下午茶”似乎已经成为英式典雅生活方式的一种象征。上流社会的下午茶时光 关于英式下午茶的由来,有很多说法,但总是从皇亲贵族开始。据说,第一位开始喝下午茶的人应该是19世纪初期、维多利亚时代一位懂得享受生活的英国女爵安娜·贝德芙七世。贝德芙女爵常在下午约莫4点时感到肚子饿,因为当时的...


9、生命苦短,便这既不能阻止我们享受生活的乐趣,也不会使我们因其充满艰辛而庆幸其短暂。——沃维纳格 10、真正的快乐是内在的,它只有在人类的心灵里才能发现。——布雷默 11、有福同享,有难同当。——清·李伯元著小说 12、送人玫瑰,手有余香。——印度古谚 13、投我以木瓜,报之以琼瑶。匪报也,永以为...

74、乏味又无趣的生活我还能坚持多久。 75、去享受生活带来的一切开心与烦恼。时间总是最有效。 76、有些人生活平淡、不能成功的原因之一是被工于心计的人踩在脚下。 77、对年轻人来说,朋友是提醒他们不犯错误的谋士;对老年人来说,朋友是补充他们衰竭的体力、照顾他们生活困难的助手;对成年人来说,朋友是辅佐他...


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