
作者&投稿:化苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
也许我能拯救自己英文翻译过来是什么拜托了各位 谢谢~

Perhaps I can save myself.


In the battle of fighting for the share of market,the importance of salesmen is unquestionable.Every leader and marketing manage are facing the problem of how to help salesmen grow up and become the mainstay who are in great need nowadays.Thus,in the field of foreign trade business,it is a major task to improve the overall quality of oversea salesmen.Sequentially,enterprise will be more strict in selecting employee.Likewise,it's of great urgency for competitors to improve their overall quality.


Salesman in enterprise &development process, its importance is self-evident, How to let the salesman grew up as soon as possible, and become the backbone enterprises in marketing is placed each qualified leader, before the marketing manager. So, in the foreign trade business in this industry, improve the comprehensive quality of sales promotion enterprise competitiveness has become an important part of the content. Thus, the enterprise in choosing talents will be more strictly, and improve their comprehensive quality is a competition is one of the important topics.

Winning in the enterprise market, sales process, its importance is self-evident; how to make sales as soon as possible to grow up and truly become the backbone of enterprises need qualified marketing is placed in every leadership challenge before the marketing manager. Therefore, in foreign trade business in this industry and improve the overall quality of foreign sales to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises has become one of the important content. Talent in the choice of which company will be more strict, to improve their overall quality of competition in foreign trade salesman pressing one of the important issues.

Salesman in enterprise development process, its importance is self-evident, How to let the salesman grew up as soon as possible, and become the backbone enterprises in marketing is placed each qualified leader, before the marketing manager. So, in the foreign trade business in this industry, improve the comprehensive quality of sales promotion enterprise competitiveness has become an important part of the content. Thus, the enterprise in choosing talents will be more strictly, and improve their comprehensive quality is a competition is one of the important topics.

Winning in the enterprise market, sales process, its importance is self-evident; how to make sales as soon as possible to grow up and truly become the backbone of enterprises need qualified marketing is placed in every leadership challenge before the marketing manager. Therefore, in foreign trade business in this industry and improve the overall quality of foreign sales to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises has become one of the important content. Talent in the choice of which company will be more strict, to improve their overall quality of competition in foreign trade salesman pressing one of the important issues.

The etiquette is a comprehensive nature strong behavioral science, is refers to the human communication, self-criticizes, respects person's complete behavior which from beginning to end by certain, is established by usage the procedure which, the way displays. As a result of local and...

我提供几个你自己选:其实楼上几种翻译最靠谱的是 my style, my way ,但简约的意思没有表达出来,作为广告语,这种表达及格了。 广告语如果用语法来衡量,那就没有精彩的广告语了。Less Is More (海明威的艺术创作主张,less(简约),more(给你更多的想象空间),这样的话不懂英语的会说语法...

'm very sorry that your product's quality is really bad 我非常遗憾地说,你们的产品的质量非常不好。I attach here the pictures of your goods you can see 我在附件添加了你们产品的图片 Sorry for no reply because I'm on business trip recently 因为我在公干中,所以未能给你及时回复 A...

where we go we're not alone,不论我们去了哪里我们永不感到孤单 For you remain within to still our fears 因为你在我们心中留下的将可使我们抛弃恐惧 And be the word that tells us who we are.且那些字眼也告诉了我们是谁 比较直翻 变成中文后念起来有点拗口 感觉像祈祷文之类的 : )...

teacher:My dear English teacher, you are going? Work is going well? I offer to you the most sincere greetings.I am your former student, two years ago because of ignorance committed an unforgivable mistake, violated the school's discipline, and they left school, left to teach you...

爱如清晨的阳光 So often, when I'm alone with my thoughts,常常,当我孤独地沉思 I feel your presence enter me like the morning sun's early light,filling my memories and dreams of us with a warm and clear radiance.我感觉到你的存在,如果清晨的阳光穿透我,用温暖而清新的光茫填满...

辛弃疾《清平乐·村居》英译两种,有兴趣的朋友来评一评优劣.对于作品的不同理解会产生不同的译者视角。以辛弃疾的《清平乐·村居》为例。“茅檐低小,溪上青青草。醉里吴音相媚好,白发谁家翁媪?大儿锄豆溪东,中儿正织鸡笼;最喜小儿无赖,溪头卧剥莲蓬。”徐忠杰教授的英译如下:Our thatched ...

英文 翻译 急需高手进
火星2100年一duied火星上的生活 当我们在火星上,我们会发现,是完全不同的形式我们自己的星球, Earth.This指南介绍,我怎么想的生活将在火星上一样。有斯特朗和美好的动物在火星上。它们通常是友好的。他们吃anything.when他们饿了,他们变得愤怒。定居者通常将这些动物消除激光 在火星上,我们使用火星...

试问谁能翻译得那么快!除非他是神仙!否则就是抄袭!!!不信你看:http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/13030579.html?md=3 看到没有,,那个最佳答案早在去年9月26日就翻完了的。他给你一字不动直接抄过来了。很不幸,,你上了他的当。。为你感到惋惜。。也为我自己翻译你的歌词所耗费的宝贵...

Peter Brian Medawar 1915年2月28日出生在里约热内卢。他父亲是个入了籍的英国商人,出生在黎巴嫩。Medawar1928年去了英国Marlborough学院。1932年离开这所学院后,他去了牛津Magdalen学院跟从J. Z. Young教授学习动物学。在牛津得到学士学位后,Medawar 为Howard Florey爵士的牛津大学病理学院服务了一段时间...

赛罕区18833552142: 有哪位英语高手能帮我翻译一下这段英文1,非常感谢! -
管秆黄连: 文化的概念显现出复杂和多面性的特点,人们早就从数个学术领域探究过它,如人类学(Pieterse, 1995)、社会学、哲学(Lloyd&Thomas, 1998)以及管理学(Richards,Goedhart, & Herrijgers, 2001).同时另有一些研究分析了旅游者和文化之...

赛罕区18833552142: 请英语高手帮我翻译一小段话,谢谢(汉译英) -
管秆黄连: Sorry, my oral English is not good enough. There is no problems for us to provide samples to you. But I hope you can pay the expense for them. Please let me know your address,after getting it, We will send our samples as soon as possible.

赛罕区18833552142: 英语高手来帮我翻译一段话…… -
管秆黄连: The world is complex, but life is filled with simple happiness. As long as we live seriously with dreams, marvelous confidence, unstoppable desire of advancement and ever-lasting passion, wishes can be realised. This is Sponge Bob's belief.

赛罕区18833552142: 英语高手来帮我翻译一段话吧~~ -
管秆黄连: You never know You are the sunshine I've been longing for You nver know You are the one who I can't afford to lose You never know You are the air on which I depend to live You are ,to me ,a warming gloove,freshing drinks,and like the T-shirt with the...

赛罕区18833552142: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一段话,谢谢~~~~~~~~~~ -
管秆黄连: Dear valuable customer Regarding the product ***,PO ***, sorry to tell you that please change your order to 37 barrels (7030 KG) because of the following reasons:●2 barrels are deformation and shortage of paint from our vendor, this will affect ...

赛罕区18833552142: 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了``` -
管秆黄连: I cann't let you go, because I feel like I've fallen in love with you. I will have a try even if it is impossible.I know you love me too, so please don't hide your feeling any longer.

赛罕区18833552142: 哪个英语好的人帮我翻译一段话
管秆黄连: First of all, you must try every possible means to say clearly carefully, then you can try 100 yuan that your friend is lost is looked for back to your friend. It is to their friendship that you also want the thing done.Don't worry, so long as you have done ...

赛罕区18833552142: 求英语高手帮我翻译一段话!十分感谢 -
管秆黄连: there is few belief between you and me , you always don't trust me,try to push me hard and fight with me for other person, we have too many problems,maybe you want to leave me ,you have not been trusting me for all these days ,no matter how i love ...

赛罕区18833552142: 求英语高手帮我翻译一段话语! -
管秆黄连: 被楼上几个翻译雷到了...亲,选答案是时要慎重啊,一句一句核对吧.没有了容颜拥有了一切:莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 我什么都不说:《泰坦尼克号》IMDb7.1,《血钻》IMDb8.0,《无间道风云》IMDb8.5,《被解放的姜戈》IMDb8.6,《...

赛罕区18833552142: 哪个英语高手帮我翻译句话!谢谢!
管秆黄连: If have one day,I sleep after,never wake up.

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