
作者&投稿:频肥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.the poet expressed the being WTO entry enterprising heroic mood.
2. the poetry beginning denied “the life like dream” view, because the poet thought goes to sleep the soul is no different with the death.
3.lives most important are the positive action, in the limited life, completes as far as possible many achievements.
4.in poet's heart, between this mortal world likely is the vast battlefield which a camping sets up camp, each person places oneself in which, should be itching for a fight, the struggle is the hero who is brave in battle. Thus, they in says goodbye to the world time, at least may on the time sandy soil leave behind line of footprints, causes example which the posterity can obtain encourages and studies.
5.poets summoned that everybody gets up bravely facing the destiny challenge, in the short life the academic society struggle and the waiting, the section place is not enterprising and pursue life ideal boundary.

A father and a dad are not the same:
One can be a dad and not a father,
Or one can be a father and not bother
To earn through love the more endearing name.
Some find fatherhood a bit too tame,
Leaving all the details to the mother,
Or dumping the sweet burden on another
Man with just a passing twinge of shame.
You have been our dad so many years
That you've become the landscape that is home,
The mountain that we look to from afar.
No matter where we go we're not alone,
For you remain within to still our fears
And be the word that tells us who we are.


: )

1 he applies to join this learns (society), but has encountered the veto.

2 I suggested your bed several days, you have not convalesced again.
3 he suggested deepens and widens this canal immediately.
4 experts proposed very improves the Beijing transportation the suggestion.
5 this workers indicated on own initiative is willing to deliver this aunty to go home

He applied to join the Society , but was rejected.

I suggest that you stay in bed for a few days, because you have not fully recovered yet.

He suggested that widen and deepen the canal immediately.

Experts put forward many proposals to improve Beijing's traffic.

This worker offered to send the old woman back to home.

He applied to join this society, but was refused.

I suggest that you stay in bad for more days, because you don't fully cure yet.

He advised to increase the depth and width of this river at once.

The expert raised a lot of proposals about improving the Beijing traffic.

The worker showed that he would like to accompany this old woman to go home.

文言文翻译 高手请进。谢谢

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文言文翻译 高手进不能错啊有用
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文言文翻译```请高手帮忙 ```十万火急
其中著名的文句有:“出则事公卿,入则事父兄”;“后生可畏,焉知来者之不如今也”;“三军可夺帅,匹夫不可夺志也”;“岁寒然后知松柏之后雕也”;“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧”。本篇涉及孔子的道德教育思想;孔子弟子对其师的议论;此外,还记述了孔子的某些活动。 ………原文: 9·1 子罕(1)言利与(2)...

费县19617416176: 英文翻译,高手来啊!急!!!!!!! -
弥货眼氨: This is my one year old photos, I am very short, and very cute, on the right is my sister, she was very pretty then, Hou.

费县19617416176: 还差的远呢!用英语怎么说!高手啊来! -
弥货眼氨:[答案] 差得远: 1.abroad It's still abroad! 2.a great way It's still a great way! 差得多: 1.fall short by a large amount

费县19617416176: 翻译英文~!高手来啊~!快~!
弥货眼氨: 你现在的位置再G,沿着着条路走,然后再第一个十字路口向右转.再继续走你就会到达A,接着向做转和沿着这条路走,然后再第三个转弯点向做转.走了几分钟后,你将会看到这间电影院再你的右手边.

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费县19617416176: 英文的翻译高手 来个 -
弥货眼氨: 诗意化的翻译如下:(尽量做到了翻译的原则:“信”“达”“雅”)With this hand, I'll lift your sorrows. 以我的手,安抚你的伤悲Your cup will never empty, for I'll be your wine. 你永远不会感到空虚,因为我会时刻与你相依.With this candle, ...

费县19617416176: 翻译英语句子 高手快来啊!!!!!!!!! -
弥货眼氨: The rabit is three years older than his brother.

费县19617416176: 2句句子翻译 英语高手来啊 -
弥货眼氨: 1. 无需排队,无需买票,也没有像电影院那些不舒服的座位2. video shop和video store应该是一样的,我在国外住的时候两种都有,都可以租DVD

费县19617416176: 英文翻译、高手来!
弥货眼氨: 您好! 翻译为:Goodbye,my elapsed youth! 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

费县19617416176: 英语翻译,英语高手快来啊.
弥货眼氨: how to explain The parents always compare their own kids with the others'. At first I didn't want to go. But I changed my mind very soon. If you really want that job, just try your best to go for it.采纳

费县19617416176: 英语翻译 高手来啊 -
弥货眼氨: 这个............ 不是英语很烂的人写的就是地道美国人写的. ———————————————————————— 谢谢你给我回信,我很高兴你能把房子租给我,我都同意你的的要求,照你的要求做. 但是现在最主要的是你要给我回信,要用你的全名和地址,这样房钱才能寄给你呀.(你一收到付款我就回到我的州,我将乘飞机回去). 好了,我希望我说的你都喜欢当你收到这封email的时候,我等你回信. 谢谢,希望能加快去你那. ———————————————————————— 翻的不一定准确,因为有很多的错别字,字母颠倒等,大概意思差不多了.如有疑问volkszm@163.com 可以具体的怎么一个事情跟我说.

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