
作者&投稿:柴亭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. Money can only fulfill materialistic wants and needs, not spiritual ones. Money itself should not be blamed for the evils derived from humans' endless, greedy desires.I believe money is a tool and like others, it is entirely up to the individual to determine whether to use the money for good wills or evil desires.
It is natural for humans to desire a large sum of money because of the benefits and convenience it brings, especially in the consumerism society nowadays.Personally, I believe people should only earn the money they deserve as a result of their output, either physical or intellectual.


我的答案Yes,I think so.Mastering a foreign language is a great help to both my work and study.My arguments are as the following:As everyone knows,the competition now is stiff.It is a necessary more than a choice to master a foreign language.A boudant of enterprises requires the employees to pass the CET—4.In order to lead a meaningful life and pursuit our dreams,we have to learn a foreign language.To some extent,mastering a foreigh language is not a need,but a must.At the same time,in the process of learning,we can know another kind of culture,which could broaden our horizens,deepen our minds,enrich our daily life.We can learn the good stuff and benifit from it.Also,it has some practical uses,for example,when we travel abroad,we can communitcate with local people fluently.不知道字数要求,就简单写了一点

Yes,I do.Because we need to communicate with different people in order to achieve our goals


A:HI!Lily,I have not seen you for a long time! I heard that you took a English class,on your ground,what is important in learning English?B:The progress is wonderful,but i can not understand answer the questions sometime,like what should we do to show our love to parents...

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the difficulties I met in learning English student:hello,Miss li .I have some problems when learning English ,I'd like to talk with you if you have time .Teacher: sure!What is it ?stu:Er...I am not good at listening I think.I just cannot catch the key words when ...

1.Of course, good relationship just as a sail of ship, if you didn't have sail, how can you go far as you want. Campus life just as a very big family, if you want to be a good family member, you must keep good relationship with others.2.Yes, Animals are good ...

英语口语考试题目...谢谢大家了啊 帮帮忙 好的话有追分
1。三名学生都在谈论天气在他们的家乡,他们应该提供建议给那些计划去拜访关于怎么准备的人 。2。三名学生一起在观看NBA比赛或跳舞节目。他们热烈讨论他们最喜爱的球员或选手。学生很羡慕球员的好的体型。然后,他们分享如何保持体形的方法。3。三个新生期待着加入一些俱乐部。这里有这么多迷人的大学俱乐部...

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