
作者&投稿:直疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  一说到英语口语,很多人反应就是“多练“,事实上多练并不是解决方案。所有人都知道要多练,但为什么那么多人还是没学会英语,考试还是不及格?试想没有一套正确的方法,多练后一直没效果,只会让自己更容易放弃。  先在这里分享一节免费的在线英语口语体验课,是那种外教在线一对一的模式,跟着外教学口语效果才是最好的。点击这里免费领取:【免费领悟外教试试听课】,可以去试听感受下,看看外教怎么说口语,是否适合自己,找个专业的外教学口语,好过自己的在瞎琢磨要好的快。  而一般英语口语考试题目主要分为四大模块:  第一块是自我介绍,自我介绍是第一大块。  第二块是问答,就是老师跟你提问题你回答。  第三块比较难的就是话题的陈述,就是老师会给你一个话题,或者抽签,抽一个话题出来。  这个话题一般都是比较难的话题,不是一些日常生活的话题,往往是一些,尤其考研的考试是一些成人世界的话题,比如环境污染,气候,或者安乐死,比较严肃的话题,让你用英语说两分钟,这个你看起来特别复杂,特别难。  第四类题目是讨论因为特往往是两三个人一起考的,一个比较快,还有一个可以比较。  那么讨论也是一种很大的题目。最后一种是描述,会给你一幅图或者一个表格,或者漫画图之类的,让你用英语描述一分钟左右的时间,主要是这五类,当然不会都考。  如果各位大家还想了解更多干货,或者想了解vivi老师机构的师资力量、课程费用、自家娃最适合什么样的机构类型,欢迎找我进行深入交流,百度搜索vivi老师就可以找到我,我将会用多年的教育行业的经验给出最专业最诚恳的建议。

the difficulties I met in learning English

student:hello,Miss li .I have some problems when learning English ,I'd like to talk with you if you have time .

Teacher: sure!What is it ?

stu:Er...I am not good at listening I think.I just cannot catch the key words when listening .

Teach: Well,many students have this problem,it's ok,you just need some more practice.

stu:I do have done the prictice .but it does not work.

Teach: may be you just not find the way that suits you .After the practice ,may be you should go over the text you've done,listen again sentence by sentence ,until you really clear what they talk about .do not just close the paper and think you have finish it .

stu:yes ,I will take you advise.oh and Teacher,is there a good method to remember the words .

Teach:oh ,a large vocabulary need a long time accumulation .

Stu:I know ,but I feel difficult ,I cannot have a strong impression of them...only after one or two days .I will forget them.

Teach: Em... next time when you read a word.you don't just remember the spelling of it ,you also need to know the meaning of it .besides,you can make a sentence ,and you will deeply remeber it .

Stu:I see..

Teach:you'd better review it twice a day .

Stu: thank you Miss li .that's really a good way.I will do what you've said.thank you for you time.

Teach:you are welcom.Just come to me if you have any problems while studying.
(自己编的 希望对你有帮助。。)

Teacher: sure!What is it ?stu:Er...I am not good at listening I think.I just cannot catch the key words when listening .Teach: Well,many students have this problem,it's ok,you just need some more practice.stu:I do have done the prictice .but it does not work.Teach...

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整理了一些简单的英语口语对话范文如下:M:I have come here for the interview for Administrative assistant by appointment. Nice to meet you.我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你.I:Nice to meet you ,too.Please Take a seat.我也是,请坐。M:Thank you!谢谢I:I:What is your name, please?...

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【2分钟简短的英语口语对话】Shmm: Hello! My name's Simon. Are you a new student?西蒙:你好,我是杰克.你是新生吗?Daisy: Yes I am. l'm Daisy. Nicc to meet you.黛西:是的。我是黛西.很高兴见到你.S: Nice to meet you too. How are you liking college Iife?很高兴见到你.你...

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【篇二】关于常用英文情景口语对话 汤姆: Professor Lee, could I ask you some questions?李教授,我能问你些问题吗?李教授: Sure.当然。汤姆: What is the assignment?请问作业是什么?李教授: Oh, I have told you last week.哦,我上个星期就告诉你们了啊。汤姆: I am sorry, because I ...

【大学英语口语对话范文】A:Good morning, sir. Have a seat please.A:先生,早上好,请坐。B:I would like to know the state of the residential property market right now because I have anapartment tosell.B:我想知道目前住宅物业的市场情况,因为我想把我的住宅出售。A:Sure, here is my business card...

A:Hey,Lee,it's nice to meet you here!嘿,李,在这里碰到你很高兴。B:Hello,Jack,how are you?你好,杰克,你好啊 A:Great,so you like running in the morning?很好,那么你喜欢晨跑?B:Yes,I like do some sport at usual.是的,我喜欢平时做点运动 A:So do I,and I am crazy ...

萧县15145626648: 【请教】【口语对话】题目:“我学英语过程中遇到的问题,去找老师询问”麻烦提供一份关于题目所示的大约15句左右对话的英语口语材料,谢谢 -
匡胁日达:[答案] the difficulties I met in learning English student:hello,Miss li .I have some problems when learning English ,I'd like to talk with you if you have time . Teacher: sure!What is it ? stu:Er...I am not good at listening I think.I just cannot catch the key words when ...

萧县15145626648: 【请教】【口语对话】题目:“我学英语过程中遇到的问题,去找老师询问” -
匡胁日达: the difficulties I met in learning Englishstudent:hello,Miss li .I have some problems when learning English ,I'd like to talk with you if you have time .Teacher: sure!What is it ?stu:Er...I am not good at listening I think.I just cannot catch the ...

萧县15145626648: 【请教】【对话】我学英语过程中遇到的问题,去找老师询问 -
匡胁日达: HANS: Where do you come from?DIMITRI: I come from Greece.HANS: What's the climate like in your country?DIMITRI: It's very pleasant.HANS: What's the weather like in spring?DIMITRI: It's often windy in March. It's always warm in April and May, but...

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匡胁日达: A:hello,pleasure to see you!How are you these days?B:not so fine.I don't get enough sleep.A:why?B:I'm busy improving my english.But I find it much more difficult than I thought.So I have to stay up until midnight.Do you have any good idea?A:Well,I ...

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匡胁日达: 以下是内容: Tom(汤姆):I`ve been learning English for a long time, but I still can`t speak English well. I really get disheartened. 我学英语好久了,可我还是说不好英语,我都灰心了. Rose(罗斯):Take your time. Rome wasn`t built in a day....

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匡胁日达: Where are you from? England, why? Because I have some questions to ask if I am not bothering you. No, go ahead. I cannot feel the way you are speaking English, and my words sometimes may not be understood. Oh, that's all right, I can ...

萧县15145626648: 我该怎样学好英语 -
匡胁日达: 1.听、说.一定多听正宗英语,模仿他们的发音. 上课时一定要多“说”,一开始不敢举手也没关系,但一定要大声跟着老师“说”. 早读一定要大声地读(最好把音标搞准搞熟). 其实你并不是对英...

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匡胁日达: 一、培养学习英语的兴趣 爱因斯坦曾经说过:“兴趣和爱好是最好的老师”.浓厚的学习兴趣,可以使人集中力量,深入思考.如果让你去做一件你毫无兴趣的事,你根本无法做好,任何事如此,英语学习也不例外. 有的同学说:“我天生就...

萧县15145626648: oral English英语口语对话,两个人的,每个对话时常大概在3~5分钟,求高手帮忙内容如下 -
匡胁日达: 这是一篇关于学外语的对话: A: I hear that you want to learn English, right???B: Yes, and I want to learn English so well that an American would take me for an American.????A: That is really good to know. But do you think you can learn English so ...

萧县15145626648: 征求英语口语对话 3分钟左右的对话内容,英文版what is the most impressive aspect of your college do you like the school curriculun?why or why net?what role ... -
匡胁日达:[答案] a:hello,how do you do? b:how do you do? a:nice to meet you. b:nice to meet you,too. a:hello,how are you? b:I'm fine,thank you.and you? a:Just so so.

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