英语口语考试题目...谢谢大家了啊 帮帮忙 好的话有追分

作者&投稿:哀栋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

呵呵,我来帮你解答:首先,字典上说的是对的,这里,首先要知道spoken English = English-speaking,译为英语口语。English是名词,spoken是形容词,spoken修饰English,所以spoken English可以理解为名词;English-speaking是固定搭配,名词。
如果非要解释的话,就关键在于后面的among ourselves,有具体的宾补对象,所以这个句子强调的是动作,也就是“我们”具体练习干什么,所以接practice doing更贴切一些。还可以先把这个句子翻译一下,“我们之间经常互相练习说英语”,如果翻成“我们之间经常互相练习英语口语”就别扭了。。。只能这么解释了。。。我汗。。。。。纠结的题啊~~~~~

1. Yes,it do exist .I do not agree with it at all.In my opinion ,everyone is equal ,so we should not have sexual discrimination .
2. What a wonderful day! How about going fishing? As a Chinese ,New Year’s Day is very important to us .It means a begining of a new year and it also the day that whole family should be together.
3. If I have the holiday,I will visit the Great Wall.As a saying goes

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求助 英语口语考试 谢谢!15个题目(急!)
1. Oral english class is my first choice because we freshmen lack practicing our spoken english in our daily life.And oral english class would get us together and inspire us to open our heart to others.In order to encourage more students to participate in the class,our teachers ...

1. 活到老学到老:One is never too old to learn.是要对话吧:Ema:Alice, wow, you are really experienced. I don't know what people like you can learn more from books.(艾玛:爱丽丝,哇,你真的经验很丰富。我不知道像你这样的人还能从书中学什么。)Alice:No, there is an old ...

1. What do you think university students can do to manage their time the best?I think make a time list is a good method,so that a student is able to know what to do.2. What is the most important achievement for Chinese people in hosting 2008 Olympic Games? Why?2They ...

一、2023年5月29日雅思口语题目预测Part 2 Top 20高频话题1. Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home.(家庭重要设备)2. Describe a movie that you like.(喜欢的电影)3. Describe a leisure activity near the sea that you want to try.(海边活动)5. Describe an...

一、2023年7月17日雅思口语题目预测 P1 必考题:name;study\/work;hometown;accommodation 重点问:what are the views through your window? (来自accommodation)新题高频:Flower Sky Environmental protection Special costumes Primary school Wallet Barbecue Advertising 旧题高频:Taking a rest\/...

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1.Of course, good relationship just as a sail of ship, if you didn't have sail, how can you go far as you want. Campus life just as a very big family, if you want to be a good family member, you must keep good relationship with others.2.Yes, Animals are good ...

文山县15225033247: 英语口语考试的几个题目 帮忙回答一下,谢谢1、Can you give an example of a courageous act by someone you admire? 2、What are some qualities that ... -
余妮奇米:[答案] 1.你可以举出一个你欣赏的人做出的勇敢的事吗? 2.勇敢的人具有哪些品质? 3.你欣赏那些在电影里做危险动作的演员吗?... 压力是什么意思? 什么带给人们压力? 你时而会感到压力吗?什么使你感到紧张有压力? 我们应该怎么做来应对压力?

文山县15225033247: 求助英语口语考试题目求助!英语口语考试题目!用英语答!谢谢了!有
余妮奇米: 3. what are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV? Most of people choose to watch TV for killing time. Everything as two sides, in the following speech, i am ...

文山县15225033247: 有几道英语口语考试的试题 是我们期末考试的题目 麻烦大家帮我看看 提出几个参考答案 谢谢各位1. Do you remember your first campus visit , registration or ... -
余妮奇米:[答案] 1: I can remember that was my bother, who study in the collage ,showing me around the campus.Bcause I am the green hand,.I don't know much of my new school.He show me the way to the canteen,the schoo...

文山县15225033247: 英语口语考试题目谁帮忙来一篇 -
余妮奇米: i wrote the quote:“Whatever you are, be a good one.”~Abraham LincolnWhatever you are, be a good one . I have a number of favorite quotes and am constantly finding new ph...

文山县15225033247: 口语考试题目,请求帮忙,谢谢. -
余妮奇米: I think the potential of the Job is my first option for choosing , and also the intereting is really important, the old saying is interet is the best teacher, so if I can face lots of opportunities for seaching job, upwards is my answer.

文山县15225033247: 求英语口语的几个口语题
余妮奇米: 1.你够物的时候遇到的问题或者要说的话都可以用啊! 2.运输的方式或者工具以及中途会遇到的问题. 3.学习就更好说了! 4.娱乐的方式及种类很多,还会难到你么! 5.我门旅行可以说景点,出行方式等等. 其他的不说了 ,都是生活中常见的问题,在生活中就可以找到答案 .

文山县15225033247: 有几道英语口语考试的试题 是我们期末考试的题目 麻烦大家帮我看看 提出几个参考答案 谢谢各位 -
余妮奇米: 1: I can remember that was my bother, who study in the collage ,showing me around the campus.Bcause I am the green hand,.I don't know much of my new school.He show me the way to the canteen,the school door and the libiary.The first sight of me...

文山县15225033247: 英语口语题 谢谢各位 -
余妮奇米: have mooncakes, admire the moon

文山县15225033247: 英语口语考试题目,谁帮忙做做.谢谢.
余妮奇米: I hate gambing.It does great harm to people who are accustomed to it.They will spend great number of money in gambing but usually they cant win much.So it's a waste of money.

文山县15225033247: 求2分钟两人英语对话,口语考试!题目What does war teach us?Is war a key to peace?谢谢啦两人说的字数不要差太多啊,是dialogue.不是speech. -
余妮奇米:[答案] Just as the two sides of a coin,it is really just depends which way it lands,to the people who start the war, yes it solves problems but if you ask the people who were made to fight them they would s...

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