
作者&投稿:恭杜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Mike:good morning Amy!
Amy:good morningMike.howareyou?
Mike:Iam fine and you?
Amy:lam fine too


1/6Chinese companies themselves will perform as well as Apple, but their products won't match up.Chinese companies can be expected to have the market valuation and business model like Apple's within a decade, but it will be difficult to expect any type of Apple-like innovation,
Chinese schools that focus too much on memorization and don't encourage critical thinking are partly to blame, "It's not that Chinese are not smart or don't have the potential (to become Steve Jobs)he first thing the teachers do is to rub down the edges of those students who are different from the crowd.
Besides,there are also other reasons. In China,we are lack of government funding in basic researches.The IT industry in China is not as developed as in the US, thus giving talents less room to develop.But I believe there will be a Chinese Steve Jobs in the future.Maybe me ,who knows?

2 A really frightening thing today is that the media want to sway people politically. So now they are lying to do just that. There use to be integrity in the media. It was their job to inform truthfully, educate and sometimes entertain. Today it is "We want you to think like we think." I picked up a copy of Vanity Fair the other day because I had never looked at it before. Totally Liberal. Honestly. I was surprised because I thought it was about fashion, decorating, fashion and so forth. How wrong I was.
I went on for too long and I don't know if I helped but it is an important subject to me.

3At least 500 US cities have curfews on teenage youth, including 78 of the 92 cities with a population greater than 180,000. In most of these cities, curfews prohibit children under 18 from being on the streets after 11:00 pm during the week and after midnight on weekends. About 100 cities also have daytime curfews to keep children off the streets during school hours. The curfews are designed to prevent crime, increase parental responsibility for their children, and give police greater ability to stop people involved in suspicious activity.
Youth curfews are popular with the public because they are inexpensive relative to other crime-fighting tools and have an easy-to-understand logic: If kids are home, they won’t commit crimes or be victims of crimes. However, there is little empirical evidence that curfews deter crime and reduce juvenile victimization. Curfews are also challenged on constitutional grounds.

4 The students will be asked to rate the performance of their teachers on a set of parameters including their teaching methodology, skills, attendance and accessibility. The evaluation sheets will also have questions regarding the teachers’ approach towards slow learners in the class.The promotion of teachers will depend on a plethora of factors including the marks given by students on a scale of 1 to 10.
It's a great apporach to teaching method.Teachers wiil know which part they do well and which not so good, To make the teaching and learning help each other well ,teachers need correct those

What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?) Just because.(没有别的原因。) It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。) You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。) No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。) I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。)Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。) I am not available.(我正忙着)

面试中常见的问题如下:1.introduce oneself 2.why do you choose our company?3. What is your greatest strength?(你最突出的优点是什么?)4. What is your greatest weakness?(你最大的弱点是什么?)5.what is your major?6.Which university are you attending?7.Have you received any...

英语口语短文。一个人的 7个题目都要的 急需。谢谢。895801908@qq.com...
1、Actually it’s a hard work to have a conversation or have an efficient communication with them. For instance, I wanna buy my favorite shoes, you know the color and the style are faultless, which they totally disagree with. They used to look on these things based on their ...

求一篇英语口语考试作文 ,急~~~,题目及要点如下,谢谢各位!
求一篇英语口语考试作文 ,急~~~,题目及要点如下,谢谢各位! 1.OnCulture1)WhatdoyouknowabouttheAmericansymbols?2)Giveusatleast3symbolsofChineseculture... 1. On Culture1) What do you know about the American symbols?2) Give us at least 3 symbols of Chinese culture. 展开  我来答 2...

求一些英语的常用口语. 主要涉及方面:乘车,购物,吃饭,旅游... 主要涉及方面: 乘车,购物,吃饭,旅游. 展开 3个回答 #热议# 为什么现在情景喜剧越来越少了?839059126 2008-07-14 · TA获得超过1614个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:572 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:329万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开...

英语口语的作业 ~~要自己选一个题目~
pace of life for “modern” people. And suggest some possible ways for people in different lines of work (farmers, university teachers, doctors, businessmen, etc.) to slow down steps while not lowering working efficiency and quality of life.这是我的口试题目,老师给的。。。

A: What is important in learning English?B: I think you should be interested in learning English.A: It's easier said than done. Can you give me some suggestions.B: Sure, first of all, you should practice the pronouncition correctly;then start learning grammer from some ...

A:Hey, Tommy, I heard that you travelled to America to spend your summer vacation last year, what do you think of America?B:Well, honestly, it's a country with modern fashion flavours everywhere. It's a shopping heaven and so convenient for me to find what I want to ...

关于锻炼的优点和缺点:A:Hey! guy, do you like doing exercise?你喜欢运动吗?B: Absolutely, Exercise is profitable in all ages.当然了,运动对于各年龄段都很有利。A:YEAH!!Exercise will do good to our health.锻炼将对我们的健康有益。And for girls, it is a sure way of losing ...

英语口语考试是一种测试英语语言能力的技能型考试。一般来说,英语口语考试考察考生在英语交流中的口语表达能力、思维逻辑能力、语音语调和语法结构的正确性、词汇运用能力等方面。英语口语试题的形式多种多样,一些常见类型的口语题目如下:1. 自我介绍:要求考生介绍自己的基本信息。2. 图片描述:要求考生...

英语三分钟口语对话 急求
A:Hi,B!Glad to see you!How have you been recently!\\b,很高兴遇到你,最近怎么样啊?B:A little busy!What about you?\\有点忙,你呢?A:Me,too!I'm going to buy a cellphone.Do you have any good suggestions?\\我也是,我准备去买个手机,你有什么建议吗?B:Yeah!I know a super...

大姚县18596872366: 英语口语21个问题,要求每个问题回答7~8句,有能力帮帮我的请进,1.Do you like classical/popular/folk music?Why?2.Can you play a musical instrument?... -
频迫虎地:[答案] I like classic. It show me up.No I can't.My fingers are out of control.Golden old. I've a aged heartI don't think music could narrow down the generation gap. The gap is gap!There is no adv/disadv of p...

大姚县18596872366: 英语口语小问题回答~急口语练习课上的问题,写6、7句(2、3个理由)就可以,(不用翻译器翻译的)随便写,按照各位英语高手的想法写就行.1.many ... -
频迫虎地:[答案] 1.Yes.In current society,it cost so much in working for people under 30.After that,couples' financial situations and working could better get them ready to take care of kids.Secondly,life experience could be helpful in the moral and academic education,...

大姚县18596872366: 英语口语问题不是让各位大侠翻译问题,是回答!英语口语的试题,按照高手们的思路写就可以,简单回答(7,8句)3,4个理由就可以do you prefer to save ... -
频迫虎地:[答案] I prefer to save money.reason:You always do not know what you will get in the box of chocolate.It is also the same when we are in the society.Maybe we will be will tomorrow,we should spend a lot of mo...

大姚县18596872366: 求下列初中英语口语考试问题回答(8句以上,急)
频迫虎地: .你最喜欢的科目/颜色是什么? My favourite subject is Chinese.My favourite colour is purple. 2.周末你通常做什么?I usually play basketball. 3.你上学曾经迟到过吗?No,I've never been late for school. 4.你在业余时间喜欢做什么?I like reading in my ...

大姚县18596872366: 急!简单的英语对话 口语考试题目是 .How do you think of life long education? 3个人的口语对话 简短一点的就好 每个人就8,9句. 时间在3分钟左右 -
频迫虎地:[答案] 1 我支持长期教育,因为长期教育才能真正提高一个国家的教育水平.国民素质不是在短起内能提高的. 等等. 请先写出中文. 因为中文说不清楚,所以英文才说不明白,结合历史,经济,政治,文化多个角度写写看.

大姚县18596872366: 急求..明天英语口语考试..请英语大神帮我看题说话..一道题7、8句话50分悬赏.好了追加20 -
频迫虎地: do you often go to movies?Please say sth about it.answer:well, actually, i'm a huge fan of movies, coz thay can bring me so much fun at my spare time.indeed, there're several kinds of films, such as actions, emotions, science fictions......and my ...

大姚县18596872366: 急求!!几个英语问题答案!!!!!!! -
频迫虎地: 太简单了 1 Yes,i do!I usually talk about study ang life with my parents on the phone. 2 I like <Day day up>(《天天向上》).Because it is very interesting and funny! 3 Yes!I want to be a doctor!

大姚县18596872366: 英语问候语的小对话,七八句!急! -
频迫虎地: Hello ,Tom,hello,How have you been?YEAH!!what did you do in the morning?I went fishing .oh,but now ,what are you doing?I am going shopping.me toolet's go...

大姚县18596872366: 周六就要考商务英语了,可是还有几个口语问题不知道怎么回答.急死我了都!要求就言简意赅的答三两句就可以啦!要用英文的呕!1.How important you ... -
频迫虎地:[答案] 按你说的,来点两三句的回答 1.A:take more job opportunity. B:take more tax to government and improve our life C:introduce other countries,culture & products to ours also let the world know more about china. 2.A:long life to products that means ...

大姚县18596872366: 急求一些英语日常问题的答语.谢谢.
频迫虎地: --my school is very beautiful. there are many trees and flowers around our school and the air is very fresh. the teachers and students are very friendly .so i like it very much . --i love english .i dream to be a translator in the future.and i think the language ...

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