
作者&投稿:保饶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  一说到英语口语,很多人反应就是“多练“,事实上多练并不是解决方案。所有人都知道要多练,但为什么那么多人还是没学会英语,考试还是不及格?试想没有一套正确的方法,多练后一直没效果,只会让自己更容易放弃。  先在这里分享一节免费的在线英语口语体验课,是那种外教在线一对一的模式,跟着外教学口语效果才是最好的。点击这里免费领取:【免费领悟外教试试听课】,可以去试听感受下,看看外教怎么说口语,是否适合自己,找个专业的外教学口语,好过自己的在瞎琢磨要好的快。  而一般英语口语考试题目主要分为四大模块:  第一块是自我介绍,自我介绍是第一大块。  第二块是问答,就是老师跟你提问题你回答。  第三块比较难的就是话题的陈述,就是老师会给你一个话题,或者抽签,抽一个话题出来。  这个话题一般都是比较难的话题,不是一些日常生活的话题,往往是一些,尤其考研的考试是一些成人世界的话题,比如环境污染,气候,或者安乐死,比较严肃的话题,让你用英语说两分钟,这个你看起来特别复杂,特别难。  第四类题目是讨论因为特往往是两三个人一起考的,一个比较快,还有一个可以比较。  那么讨论也是一种很大的题目。最后一种是描述,会给你一幅图或者一个表格,或者漫画图之类的,让你用英语描述一分钟左右的时间,主要是这五类,当然不会都考。  如果各位大家还想了解更多干货,或者想了解vivi老师机构的师资力量、课程费用、自家娃最适合什么样的机构类型,欢迎找我进行深入交流,百度搜索vivi老师就可以找到我,我将会用多年的教育行业的经验给出最专业最诚恳的建议。

well. I think the key factor to help people learn English as a foreign language is take more interest and less interests. 嗯,我认为帮助一个人学习英语的关键因素是:少一些功利主义的追求,多一些不为什么的坚持。
Good question! I have some problem in learning English, such as , I have a little chance to talk with a foreigner ,that made me very agony。 好问题,在英语学习中我遇到很多问题,比如,很少能与外国人交流,这让我很苦恼。
Great!I LOVE my current major very much。I need not tochoose again。 我现在很喜欢我的这个专业,不需要换另一个。(你懂的,哈哈~~)
Handwriting. It is very necessary for my education and training. 书法,它对我的教育和修养都很有必要。
Our university which is the ideal in learning and living。I TINGK.我想我们的大学是我最理想的大学(你懂的~~)
下面自己发挥吧 希望对您有点用~~

it is not fair to say people put excessive focus on outer appearance in modem society,
it's their talent that dirve mankind to care the phisical beauty.the only difference between the past and nowadays is more individuals now take part in the group.just like most countries hope to see the screen of world peace,all of us have the right to acclaim we wanna to find ourselves gorgious.to be exactly, there is never a criterion that how much we should account for the outer look,and about the soul,or the inner part of our mind,it doesnt conflict with the our love of beauty.
girls make up for hours,and it is not only for the false pride,also,politeness involves.with the development of technology and economy,the interconnection among people gets unprecedentedly hot.according to any one of the human,they definitely wanna to meet a well-look person rather than a man in shabbiness.or at the very least,they would put a previlige on the cleaner dress.in a word,people want to be respected,and in order to obtain the praise of others,they should make themselves gentle enough.
obviously,we always find sth beyond inmagination because it's so weird,but once we discover the reason ,we get released.
所以网络拉近了人们的距离而不是increase the distance...

A: the summer vacation is comming, I am thinking about going to Hawaii.B: Eh it sounds good. It is a nice place for vacation.A: Do you want go with me?B: Maybe next time, I am going to Paris this year.A: Yes, it is more interesting, Do you mind I go with you?

我的答案Yes,I think so.Mastering a foreign language is a great help to both my work and study.My arguments are as the following:As everyone knows,the competition now is stiff.It is a necessary more than a choice to master a foreign language.A boudant of enterprises requires ...

对于小孩来说,一些搞笑的图片或者动画,其中一些幽默的话语会让他们乐的天翻地覆 好比如说Tom and Jerry,甚至没有语言也能让他们乐。而adult会觉得很无聊,很幼稚。Between the ages of six months and one year, babies learn to laugh for essentially the same reasons they will laugh through...

英语口语考试要编一段对话,至少八个对话(一问一答算一个对话) 题目是...
A,Where did you go for your last vacation?B,We went to West Lake.A,What was it like?B,It was very beautiful I have never seen 。A,Who did you go there with?B,My parents。A,How did you go there?B ,By car。

大学口语考试题目:My Hobbies 一分钟到两分钟左右演讲 然后我的爱好...
My hobbies Hello everybody. My name is Xxx.I am a easy going person. I'd like to make friends with anybody .The same hobby can make people get clocer. And I am the guy who have lots of hobbies.That's make me have lots of friends .I am a good singer, singing can...

5.q:Which athlete is your role model?a:liuxiang is my role model.i think he is the best athlete in the world.q:why do you like him?a:because he is the no.1 player in sprint.he get first world sprint champion for our country.q:any other reasons?a:he is hansome boy...

大学即兴演讲口语考试 题目是 最难忘的一件事
大学即兴演讲口语考试 题目是 最难忘的一件事 30 要结合实际生活中越现实越好我实在是想不出什么是难忘的或许我有难忘的可是需要大家指点一下谢谢大家了... 要结合实际生活中 越现实越好 我实在是想不出什么是难忘的 或许我有难忘的 可是需要大家指点一下 谢谢大家了 展开  我来答 ...

那个省的啊,我找这个是广州的,如果需要别得请追问,望采纳...广州中考英语口试历届试题(第一套)一、 用正确的语音语调朗读下面短文。(5分)Most of us think that people are the most important things on earth, but we aren’t. We are really much less important than plants! If all...

例如: —Fineweather,isn’tit?(情景)—Yes,itis.\/Yes,butisn’t itabitcold?\/…(考生) 第二部分Question Raising(20%) 要求考生针对所读出的情景在规定的时间内进行应答,这里要求考生必须听懂或看懂题目的内容和要求。历年考试都给出两个情景并要求考生根据每个情景各提出两个问题,一个是一般疑问...

who is the person you admire most?why? 英语口语考试题目,
英语学习讥构优秀的很多 但不能说每个都会适合你..ABC天卞口语性介比不错.好. 是外籍教师跟我1对1进行辅导授课,进步很多;In my life my father is the person I admire most . My father is an ordinary worker but he is very ambitious .He often teaches mself English in s free ...

元谋县13933477508: 大学英语口语考试试题 10道题,每个确保三分钟01. What are your opinions about “eating out”?02. Make a speech to persuade some people to visit the ... -
泰沸布地:[答案] 哈哈,你是不是理工大的?我也在找,留一个你的邮箱,找着了给你发过去

元谋县13933477508: 英语听说口语考试,十个题随机抽一个,用英语说2到3分钟,1.爱好 2.提高英语的方法3.在学校生活中遇到的问题4.描述一个你尊敬的人5.你喜欢的电视节目6.... -
泰沸布地:[答案] 1.爱好: My favourite things to do is reading the books about detective,because the contents of the book is very exciting, every time There is always the critical moment of unexpected results, the test of our mental energy. Of course, some of the plot is ...

元谋县13933477508: 英语口语考试的几个题目 帮忙回答一下,谢谢1、Can you give an example of a courageous act by someone you admire? 2、What are some qualities that ... -
泰沸布地:[答案] 1.你可以举出一个你欣赏的人做出的勇敢的事吗? 2.勇敢的人具有哪些品质? 3.你欣赏那些在电影里做危险动作的演员吗?谁是这些动作演员中真正的英雄? 4.在最后的常春藤叶这个故事中那个人物给你留下深刻的印象?为什么? 5.你认为什么可以...

元谋县13933477508: 英语口语考试题目,要求回答时间为一分钟(每题的回答时间)1、when a tourist visits china,what advice would you give on what one can and can not do in ... -
泰沸布地:[答案] 1、can do : take pictures because China have many amazingly breathtaking sceneries. myriad delicious foods go to historical museum because China is one of the four oldest countries. can not do : somethings which violate laws and harm for the ...

元谋县13933477508: 英语期末口语考试试题,求答案,10句1.Would you like to live with your parents when they are old? What do you think can be done to improve older people's ... -
泰沸布地:[答案] Would you like to live with your parents when they are old? What do you think can be done to improve older people's lives if their children do not live with them?accturally I like to live with my mum...

元谋县13933477508: 英语口语考试题目!用英语答!2 - 3分钟就行!英语口语考试题目!用英语答!要自己阐述!2 - 3分钟就行!1、Do you enjoy learn English Why or why not?... -
泰沸布地:[答案] I keen on English very much cuz it is not only a tool of communication to me but a bridge that connects China and Western countries. The most effective way of learning English, in my mind, is practice whenever and wherever. well, i will celebrate my ...

元谋县13933477508: 英语口语考试题:A早去考试,他很焦虑,B安慰他.写一段小对话 -
泰沸布地:[答案] A: Oh my god I'm so nervous about this exam! I'm so screwed what should i do!B: Hey chill out! Did you review at all?A: Yeah of course i did. I studies for four hours yesterday.B: Well then you will d...

元谋县13933477508: 有几道英语口语考试的试题 是我们期末考试的题目 麻烦大家帮我看看 提出几个参考答案 谢谢各位1. Do you remember your first campus visit , registration or ... -
泰沸布地:[答案] 1: I can remember that was my bother, who study in the collage ,showing me around the campus.Bcause I am the green hand,.I don't know much of my new school.He show me the way to the canteen,the schoo...

元谋县13933477508: 英语口语考试(有题目)帮忙答下,要简单易背的那种.1.what's your purpose of going to college?2.Do you have any idea about how to learn English well?3.... -
泰沸布地:[答案] 1 to have a better life 2 just speak English as much as I can 3 success if someone is successful, he will enjoy both wealth and love 4 stories which are interesting and can bring something to the real life 5 Of course As Chairman Mao says: Good good ...

元谋县13933477508: 是关于英语口语考试的题目,对话.帮忙写六段对话关于下面的话题,对话时间大约在三到五分钟,口试题目为1.what is important in learning English?2.What ... -
泰沸布地:[答案] 1、I think that the grammar is very important when we learing English,Because the grammar is the base of learning English .2 We should often care for our parents,for example,we can cook for our pa...

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