
作者&投稿:宦克 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

11-15 ABACB 16-20CCBAA
21-25 CADDA 26-30CCADC
31-35 BACBD 36-40CEBFD
41-45 BADDC 46-50ABCCB
51-55 ABCDA 56-60DCCBA
61. containing 62. is located
63. the 64.has been
65. that / which 66. Fortunately
67. by 68.to monitor
69. growth 70.up
71. ... they thought that ... thought → think
72. ... still have them ... have → has
73. ... not necessary true.
necessary → necessarily
74. ... not definite data ... not → no
75. ... may better for ... better前加be
76. ... brand of bread ... brand→ brands
77. ... for laboratory rats. for → to
78. ... to see how many ... many → much
79. ... and buy whole ... 去掉and
80. ... doesn't mean something.
something → anything
One possible version:
Dear fellow students,
It's my honour to be here to share myEnglish-learning experience with you. English is the most widely used foreignlanguage. It's important to have a good knowledge of English. Then how can thisbe achieved?
As far as I'm concerned, it's vital todevelop good learning habits. Firstly, we should listen to English programsevery day, which is the only way to improve our listening ability. Secondly, weshould read as much English material as we can and choose some passages to readaloud. This helps us develop a sense of the language. Besides, we shouldregularly go over what we have learned. Last but not least, practice makes perfect,so we should try to use our English at every opportunity.
That's all. Thank you.
21. C。细节理解题。根据The British Museum部分中的The BritishMuseum was established in 1753 to house the collections of the physician SirHans Sloane可知答案。
22. A。细节理解题。根据The London Eye部分中的On a clearday, the Eye affords a unique 40-kilometre view, which sweeps over the capitalin all directions可知,伦敦眼是欣赏伦敦全景的最佳选择,其坐落于泰晤士河畔。
23. D。细节理解题。根据文章介绍这四个景点时分别出现的Opened in 2000, was established in 1753, For over 500 years和In 1824 ... the start of a national collection不难看出,这四个景点中,国会大厦的历史最为悠久。
24. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的with the coming of online machine translation it is so much easierto communicate with people from our own planet ... copying a few words intoGoogle Translate did the trick可知,作者发现机器翻译在某种程度上是有用的。
25. A。细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,英国法庭使用了谷歌翻译,通知被告法庭翻译没有到场,暂时休庭。
26. C。段落大意题。根据第四段中的It's less good news ... However, machines can only ... 及They fail to ... 可知,作者在这里主要论述了机器翻译的局限性。
27. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的that magical translator which will allow us to communicateeffectively and accurately可以推断,that time指的是机器翻译能够代替人工翻译的时候。
28. A。细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,如果是因早晨的鸟叫或者自然光而醒的话,作者会在床上慢慢回神、想一想新的一天,但是被狗叫声吵醒后作者享受不了这种宁静,而是马上就被迫清醒。
29. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Dogs live in packs, interdependent on others in their group forprotection, hunting and companionship. Deprived of fellowship, it's hardlysurprising that their loneliness causes them to seek attention — using the fullrange of sounds at their command可知,狗是群居动物,没有同伴依靠的狗用叫声吸引人们的关注。
30. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Consider the consequence of making such a complaint: after thecouncil official appears at your neighbour's house, your neighbour is likely toappear at yours. This is enough to put most people off可知,人们往往因为担心邻居接到投诉后找上门来而不愿采取行动。
31. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,作者既不选择搬家,也不会给房子作隔音处理。幸运的是,邻居家卖房子,所以作者决定不采取任何措施,等着邻居搬走。
32. A。推理判断题。联系前一句Not so long ago, sending a text message was exciting可知,作者潜在的含义是,不久之前我们还因为发短信感到激动,现在我们已经对智能手机的功能习以为常了。
33. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Hardware makers will recognize this and offer you another phoneserving those primary purposes — then you won't own just one mobile phone可知,智能手机的第二个趋势是让用户再拥有一部具有基本功能的手机。
34. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的remain secure及One securityfeature ... 可知,手机制造商正在努力提高手机的安全性能。
35. D。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讨论了未来的手机会是什么样子的问题。第一段末的So, what are the key areas that the mobile industry is looking todevelop in the next generation of phones? Let's look at two ...是重要提示。
36. C。根据下文的when DBD Social merged with another company in the fall and they hadthe money to pay可知,“有时,雇主仅仅是没钱支付多余的人手”。C项中的extra hands指的就是实习生。
37. E。根据下文中的Ownership, “meaty” projects, specific place可知,这里建议实习生“找到自己的职责,并对自己的项目提出要求”。
38. B。根据本空后的I have a very specific place可知,Huleurt有具体的职位,所以他不是被人呼来喝去“倒咖啡”或者干坐着“看别人怎么做”。
39. F。根据本空前的Inspired by her experience working with Johnson可知,Iqbal深受Johnson启发,所以她“想像Johnson那样,想成为Johnson那样的人”。F项中的her指代的就是Johnson。
40. D。根据本空后的My internship was a major thing I was asked about on job interviews不难看出,“Adenjii也经常提她的实习经验”。
41. B。根据本文中出现的in a restaurant, as a cook等可知,作者发现了一家新开张的“饭店(restaurant)”。
42. A。根据作者投简历的举动可推测,作者猜想这家饭店也许在“招(looking for)”人。
43. D。根据本空下一句内容可知,作者志不在当厨师,由此可推测,作者“从来(never)”没在饭店工作过。
44. D。根据But的转折语气可推测,虽然作者志不在当厨师,但是他从16岁开始就“做饭(cooking)”。
45. C。根据本文开头的I was out of work and starting to face serious money problems可知,作者失业了,为了生计他现在急需“工作(job)”。
46. A。47. B。根据第一段末的avoid having togo back to my hometown Palermo及第二段开头的it has somuch history, but it develops slowly可知,Palermo发展缓慢,所以作者一直想“离开(leave)”,并且一旦离开就不想再回去,他认为返回Palermo是一个巨大的“失败(defeat)”。
48. C。根据下一句中的I wanted to go to Rome, but I got into acting school in Milan可知,作者本想去罗马,但是“机缘巧合下(by accident)”去了米兰的一所表演学校。
49. C。根据本文开头的Last fall及本空后的Sincefinishing school不难看出,作者在米兰时日已久,故stayed(停留)符合此处语境。
50. B。根据上句中的acting school可知,作者应该是“表演(performed)”戏剧。
51. A。作者除了在剧院表演“还(also)”在一家服装店打工。
52. B。根据作者失业以及虽然不想当厨师但仍然给饭店投简历可推测,过去几年意大利的就业市场“不景气(awful)”。
53. C。根据本空后的who baked all their pastries可知,这里指老板“雇用(hired)”Tadzio烤酥皮糕点。
54. D。根据上一句中的friendly及本句中的we becamefriends instantly可知,Tadzio非常友善,所以作者和他相处很“舒服(comfortable)”并很快成为朋友。
55. A。56. D。很多人来这里吃饭是“因为(because)”这里环境“优美(nice)”、价格低廉。
57. C。Tadzio和作者都是厨师,所以他们最有可能是整天呆在“厨房(kitchen)”。
58. C。作者本不想当厨师,但是这段工作经历使他很快“发现(discovered)”他喜欢当厨师。
59. B。根据作者就读表演学校的经历及本空后的onstage可推测,作者把当厨师比作“表演(acting)”。
60. A。作者认为如果不尝试,有时你永远不知道自己真正“喜欢(like)”什么。
61. containing。考查动词-ing形式作定语的用法。island与contain之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填containing。
62. is located。考查一般现在时的被动语态。be located in意为“坐落于”,且此处描述的是客观事实,故填is located。
63. the。考查定冠词。Atlantic Ocean前需加定冠词the。
64. has been。考查现在完成时。由Since the 1970s可知,此处应用现在完成时,故填hasbeen。
65. that / which。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰plants,且在从句中作主语,故填that / which。
66. Fortunately。考查副词。设空处修饰整个句子,且意为“幸运地”,故填Fortunately。
67. by。考查介词。这些红树是由志愿者们移植的,故填by。
68. to monitor。考查不定式作状语的用法。志愿者们工作的目的是监测这片栖息地,故填to monitor。
69. growth。考查名词。设空处作宾语且前面有定冠词限定,故填growth。
70. up。考查副词。sign up意为“报名”。


1-5 ABBDB 6-10 DDADB
1. A。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Blueness Index, a way of measuring what factors contribute to thelake's brilliant color可知答案。
2. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的bring Lake Tahoe's brilliant blueness back及in the 1950s and 60s, when rapid development caused the lake to losesome of its brilliance可知,这里的brilliance指的就是塔霍湖的蔚蓝色,因此,这里指上个世纪五六十年代,塔霍湖变得没有那么蓝了。
3. B。细节理解题。根据第五段末的How clear the water appears does not contribute to how blue the lakeis可知,湖水的清澈度和湖水的蓝度没有关系。
4. D。推理判断题。根据最后两段内容可知,由于干旱,流入湖里的河水减少。由于河水中包含营养物,间接造成湖水中的营养物也减少了,限制了藻类的生长,使得塔霍湖变得很蓝,这证明了Schladow关于藻类浓度决定湖水蓝度的研究结果。
5. B。文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了一项关于塔霍湖蓝度的研究,故其应属于科学的范畴。
6. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的But The Haunting of Sunshine Girl has managed to spread itselfbackward, successfully swimming upstream, from a series of YouTube videos ... 可知答案。
7. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Paige McKenzie is also the author of the book, written with theassistance of the established young-adult novelist Alyssa Sheinmel可知答案。
8. A。段落大意题。第三段主要介绍了小说的两条主线:女主人公搬到新租住的房子里后碰到的令人毛骨悚然的事情以及她在学校碰到志同道合的同学。故选A项。
9. D。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的Things happen a little too simply and predictably in Sunshine'sworld ... I'll leave it to you to guess whether her real parents turn out to bepeople of unusual abilities可知,发生在女主人公身上的事情都可以预测到。因此,根据女主人公具有超能力我们也就可以猜到其父母也具有不同寻常的能力。
10. B。观点态度题。根据倒数第二段中的As a heroine, Sunshine is appealing but not irresistible. Herbehaviors are a bit too conventional to feel authentic和It lacks the unpleasant randomness of real life以及最后一段末的But you need some unusual and special things in there too to give abook life可知,作者认为该小说的主人公和情节都过于循规蹈矩、缺乏真实性,因此,作者是用批判的眼光看待该小说。

I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with lessons.Both of us like helping others. We both like sports very much.Jim enjoy playing basketball.but Ilike palying soccer. She likes green but Ilike red. Tough we are different in my ways,we are good friends


Book 4 Modules 3-4
11-15 CCBAC 16-20BACBC
21-25 DBACB 26-30CDDBA
31-35 CBAAA 36-40GBCFD 41-45 ADDAC 46-50 BDBAB
51-55 CDCAA 56-60CBBAC
61. when 62.education
63. himself 64.out
65. to see 66.in
67. the 68.made
69. called 70.amazing
71. ... today ‘Daily Paper’ ...
today → today's
72. ... some informations ...
informations → information
73. I am current ... current → currently
74. ... I needed to ... needed → need
75. ... to making my ...
making→ make
76. ... by using a ... 去掉by
77. ... take up a ... take → takes
78. Sometime, it is ...
Sometime → Sometimes
79. ... if you could ... if前加it
80. ... something of your ...
of→ about
One possible version:
Dear Tom,
How are you doing these days? I'm writingto tell you something about my English teacher Miss Liu.
Miss Liu is a popular teacher who's alwayskind to us. Unfortunately, she was hurt badly when trying to save a studentfrom a car accident and has lain in bed for almost one year.
Last Sunday afternoon my classmates and Iwent to Miss Liu's home to celebrate her birthday. She was moved to tears whenshe saw us. We first sang “Happy Birthday” and then gave her flowers and otherpresents we had made. Seated around her, we discussed our studies and lookedforward to our future together. We left around six.
We had a great time and I'm happy that MissLiu is recovering well.
Did you do some interesting things lastweek? Would you like to tell me about them?
Best wishes,
Li Hua
21. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的sense and give access to those with approved smartphones. Approachthe entry while logged in to your account, and the door will automaticallyunlock. You can temporarily add a friend ... 可知答案。
22. B。篇章结构题。根据最后一段中的A little device called the Fob — roughly the size of a stick of gum — easily fits on your key chain and operates with the lock可知,Fob大小跟口香糖差不多,可以很容易地挂在钥匙链上,而且它需要跟门锁一起才能起作用。由此可推测,开门的时候需要轻碰一下“Fob和门锁”。
23. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的you can unlock the door by texting your password可知,安装了Lockitron设备后,你只需要输入密码,门就会自动打开。
本文是记叙文。文章介绍了SB.TV的创始人Jamal Edwards。
24. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的watches a new music video ... on the website of SB.TV ... he needsto stay on top of the latest music videos if he's going to keep SB.TV a majorplayer in the digital world可知,Edwards需要知道最新上传到SB.TV上的内容,因为他得保证自己网站上的视频非常受欢迎才能使SB.TV成为主要的电子播放平台。
25. B。段落大意题。根据第二段中的began in November 2006, Three years later, Right now, plans to ... 可以看出,本段主要介绍了SB.TV的发展历程。
26. C。推理判断题。根据第四段中的Eager to share his videos, parti-
cularly those of his friends rapping or singing,he started uploading his content to YouTube, under the name SB.TV可推测,Edwards一开始上传到SB.TV上的视频最有可能是他的朋友在表演说唱。
27. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段内容,尤其是he has seen strong leadership qualities in Edwards可知,Branson对Edwards表现出的领导能力表示赞赏。
28. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的by the beginning of the 19th century, all the hippos in Africa hadbeen killed可知答案。
29. B。推理判断题。根据第二段中的The early Egyptians liked to hunt hippos for their teeth ... Amuletsto protect babies from demons were made from hippo bones可推测,人们捕杀河马是为了满足自己的各种需求。
30. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中的they live in such heavy concentrations that they make the grasslandsbare ... destroy their own feeding grounds可知答案。
31. C。细节理解题。通读全文可知,人类曾因为河马的需求和自身的需求发生冲突而大量捕杀河马,导致其在很多地方灭绝。但是在Rondevlei自然保护区,人们把河马变害为宝,利用河马防止草地吞噬湿地、为水鸟开辟栖息地并给学生提供了一次接受环保教育的机会。这些都说明,这个野生动植物管理计划使得自然和人类能够和谐共处。
本文是议论文。有人认为应该教授学前儿童基本的知识及学习技能以应对将来的学习生活,有人认为应该着重发展学前儿童的社交能力并让他们学会管理自己的情绪。Karen Bierman则认为这两者不应该相互排斥,一个好的学前教育应该包含这两方面的内容。
32. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Half were taught the traditional curriculum. The other half weregiven the basic curriculum as well as social and emotional teachings不难看出,Karen Bierman和她的研究小组把研究对象平均分成两组,分别教授不同的课程。
33. A。词义猜测题。根据最后两段内容,尤其是Goal-oriented and motivated learning is best taught in preschool可推测,教授包括面向目标的学习及有动机的学习在内的情绪管理的“最佳时间”是在孩子入学前。
34. A。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的And the ability to regulate behavior is what helps children getmotivated at school可知答案。
35. A。标题归纳题。文章第一段是本文的主题段:学前教育不应该仅仅教授基本知识,还应该包括社交能力和情绪管理方面的内容。A项符合本文主题。
36. G。根据本空前的Don't invite emotional release unless you can stay with your friendswhile they experience their feelings可知,“除非你愿意等着朋友哭完,否则不要说‘也许你需要好好地哭一场’”。
37. B。根据本部分中的Pay attention to the emotion, not the problem及随后举的例子不难看出,作者在这里建议大家“不要在问题中迷失”。
38. C。根据本空前的If they had wanted a teacher, or a parent, they could have gone toone可知,他们要找的不是老师或者家长,“他们找你是因为他们需要朋友”。
39. F。F项中的answer不仅符合本空前的问句,而且are not asking you tobe a friend也与本空后的Instead,they are asking you to be an advisor of some sort相呼应。
40. D。根据本部分中的When your love and caring isn't enough, don't be afraid to say so可知,当自己没有时间和精力帮助他人时,“直接说:‘我想在这个问题上我不能再帮你了’”。
41. A。42. D。根据本段中的left,out of the nest可知,有人离开了家,家就不完整了,有了一个“洞(hole)”,而且吃饭的时候也少了一个人。missing可以表示“缺少的,不在的”,符合此处语境。
43. D。根据下文中的just write a letter及Enright ... phone calls可推测,出于“电话费(phone bill)”的考虑,Enright的妈妈希望Enright写信而不要打电话。
44. A。根据本空后的suggests that when the kids phone home可推测,Enright“鼓励(encourages)”孩子们打电话。
45. C。打电话的目的就是要“交谈(talk)”。
46. B。根据本空后的their children ask them to go away可推测,如果孩子们让家长离开,家长应该会感到“很受伤(hurt)”。
47. D。根据本句中的on move-in day可知,搬进宿舍的第一天应该是把东西都“整理好(put ... in order)”。
48. B。49. A。结合前一句中的askthem to go away可推测,当“最后(last)”一件事做完以后,家长从孩子们的眼中可以看到孩子们已经不“需要(needed)”他们了。
50. B。下句中的got to know their children's new friends提示了本题答案。
51. C。52. D。结合全文内容可知,这里应该是指孩子们上大学后,Enright和丈夫到大学“去看(visited)”孩子们,并且为了认识孩子们的新朋友,他们“邀请(inviting)”孩子们的朋友跟他们一家人一起野餐。
53. C。they were busy in college和her four children understood ... 之间是转折关系,故选although。
54. A。根据本空后的on the home front可知,这里是指他们“离开(absences)”家。
55. A。根据本空前一句中的sad可知,Enright的一个孩子因为他们一家人“再也不能(never)”住在一起了而感到难过。
56. C。下一段中提到的Everyone of them just loves the time we all have together是“积极正面的(positive)”事情。
57. B。根据本空前一句内容可知,Enright的孩子们都“喜欢(enjoy)”与家人呆在一起。
58. B。本空后的there're two important gifts we give our children — roots and wings就是Enright信奉的“格言(saying)”。
59. A。根据本段内容可知,家是孩子们的“根”,当孩子们长大后,父母的职责也就“告一段落了(finished)”,这时父母要学会放手,让孩子们展翅飞翔。
60. C。“根”是要把孩子们留在家里,“翅膀”则是让孩子们展翅飞翔,家长应该让这两者达到最佳的“平衡状态(balance)”。
61. when。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句修饰time,且在从句中作时间状语,故填when。
62. education。考查名词。设空处前有形容词修饰,故需填educate的名词形式education。
63. himself。考查代词。but后的分句意为:他主要是借书自学自然科学和数学。故填himself。
64. out。考查副词。find out意为“发现”。
65. to see。考查不定式作目的状语的用法。people与see之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且设空处表目的,故填to see。
66. in。考查介词。in his late 50s意为“在他快60岁时”。
67. the。考查定冠词。句中的study后有of theplanets and stars修饰,表示特指,故填the。
68. made。考查一般过去时。由上下文可知,make所表示的动作发生在过去,故填made。
69. called。考查过去分词作定语的用法。call与almanacs之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且call所表示的动作已完成,故填called。
70. amazing。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作life的定语,且意为“令人吃惊的”,故填amazing。


1. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的... Ms. Brown got to the area, the sign was lying on the floor. Andshortly thereafter, so was she. Her foot got caught in the sign, in a bad way,and she fell可知,Brown女士被警示牌绊倒了。
2. C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的not allowing Brown's case to proceed及Georgia's Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the store可推断,AMC提到这一案例的目的是为了强调自己对该事故不应承担法律责任。
3. A。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的it did conclude that Brown's case could continue to a jury可知,法院将请陪审团来审理此案。
4. A。篇章结构题。文章末引号中句子的意思是“一个商人选择和使用某一用来警告顾客某种危险的设备,这种行为本身就可能将顾客置于另一个危险中”。故one指代“danger”。
5. D。文章出处题。文章围绕消费场所的警示牌引起安全事故的案件展开论述。该案件和生活息息相关,故D项正确。
6. C。词义猜测题。根据本段内容可知,学费持续上涨、工作不好找、学生贷款总额超过了一万亿美元且仍在增加,这些现状无疑都让人很“沮丧”。
7. D。推理判断题。根据第二段中的We are anxious about the trillions of dollars in debt our countryfaces可知,Mark Cuban认为一个国家负债上万亿美元让人很不安,那么以此类推,他认为学生贷款总额超过了一万亿美元应该让人很“担忧”。
8. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的These statistics aren't surprising, considering a recent laboranalysis indicating that over half the adults below 25 with a bachelor's degreeare underemployed or can't find a job at all可推测,学生贷款拖欠率高是由就业率低引起的。
9. C。细节理解题。根据第四段中的SBAA is a nonprofit organization that offers information and supportto the student debt crisis ... 可知答案。
10. B。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的 ... for any education-related goal. That includes tuition, studentloans, seminars, equipment, study-abroad programs, activities, you name it可知答案。

高三英语周报2016-2017第二十一期外研综合答案Book 7 Modules 5-6参考答案及部分解析参考答案1-5 BCBCA 6-10CBACA11-15 ACBAC 16-20CBBAB21-25 CACDA 26-30ACBDA31-35 CBBDA 36-40FDAGE41-45 BDAAC 46-50CDBAD51-55 CDBAB 56-60DDCAB61. warning 62.that63. completely 64. are attached65. at...

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19. A。此处指免受其害的办法,故填protection。20. B。下文讲的是恶毒的眼光的历史渊源。21. C。根据下文的prize cow和you could get it可知,应该是能得到“好(good)”东西。22. C。根据文章第二段的a look of envy可知。23. A。24. B。根据下文的so you could get it可知,人们并不是“想要(wanted...

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69. healthy。考查形容词。设空处与alive并列作宾语补足语,故填healthy。70. which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰先行词snows,且在从句中作主语,故填which。选做题参考答案及解析 参考答案1-5 DADDD 6-10BBBDC解析A篇(社会)本文是议论文。作者认为当今社会要想成功不仅需要努力工作,还需要灵活...

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青秀区15042361125: 高三英语周报外研版2015 - 2016第13期 阅读理解B篇 C篇 原文或翻译 -
吉虹开奇: 只有答案, 没有报纸, 因此没有原文, 就没办法翻译了.B篇(社会) 本文是应用文.文章介绍了一个专门为具有创意方案的艺术家筹资的网站平台——Kickstarter.25. B.细节理解题.根据第三段内容可知,Kickstarter只是一个筹资平台,...

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