
作者&投稿:务泼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
如何评价科幻小说《三体》英文版(The Three~


......"No. That's a large particle accelerator still under construction. The plans for building a second space fleet have been scrapped. All resources are now devoted to Project Sophon(*42)."

[Translator's Note(*42); There is a pun in Chinese between the word for a proton, zhizi (质子), and the word and the word for a sophon, zhizi(智子)]
soph- 表示智慧,比如:sophist 指智者、诡辩家;后缀 -on 表示“粒子”,比如:离子(ion),中子(neutron),电子(electron),质子(proton)等。所以,可以说,这是译者创造的词,但创造得非常巧妙,不失原意。

The roots of modern science fiction in China — brilliantly synopsized in
the pages of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction — are to be found deep
in the early decades of the twentieth century, much like those of the
genre in the USA. 


The mode continues to attract a large Chinese
readership, as exemplified by the existence of the magazine Science
Fiction World, the planet’s most widely read SF publication. 

这种模式继续吸引着大量的中国读者,例如《科幻世界》(Science Fiction World)杂志的存在,这是全球阅读量最大的科幻小说出版物。

But of
course, with historically minimal foreign commercial and intellectual
contacts, either one-way or two-way, and shifting ideological banners,
Chinese writers and readers came to explore radically different story
spaces and themes, moods, and attitudes than their Gernsbackian


Unfortunately, due to the exclusionary rigors of the
foreign marketplace and the lack of a cadre of crack translators,
English-language readers have been generally cut off from this parallel


Even veteran American fans would be hard-pressed to cite famous
or representative works of Chinese SF, as opposed to recognizing French,
German, Japanese, or Russian authors.

But welcome cracks in the
dam are appearing, most notably with the publication in English of The
Three-Body Problem, the first in a trilogy by Cixin Liu, ably translated
by the award-winning American SF writer Ken Liu.And given the fact
that filmmakers currently have in development five projects based on
various works by Cixin Liu, this could be a watershed moment for Chinese
SF in general.


The novel opens in the midst of China’s Cultural
Revolution, with a family tragedy in progress. A scientist deemed a
counter-revolutionary is denounced at a show trial by his brainwashed
wife, then murdered in front of a crowd that includes his young
daughter, Ye Wenjie.


It is Ye Wenjie, richly adumbrated, who will occupy
much of the novel’s center. We follow her through her maturation and
her gradual involvement in a secret Chinese research program at a place
called Red Coast Base.

叶文杰将占据这部小说的大部分中心位置,他受到了广泛的赞誉。我们跟踪她的成长过程,以及她在红海岸基地(Red Coast Base)秘密参与中国研究项目的过程。

The exact transcendental and dangerous nature of
this program is parceled out to the reader in measured fashion, in a
series of flashbacks interspersed throughout what we might dub the
realtime narrative, set in the present. But Ye Wenjie will figure in
that contemporary telling as well, as an elderly woman, still pivotal to







副词一般在句子中做状语,He speaks English very well. 他英语说得非常好。其中的“very”是程度副词,用来修饰“well”。“very well”是修饰“speak”的程度状语。

但是大坝出现了令人欢迎的裂缝,最引人注目的是出版了《三体问题》的英文版,这是刘慈欣三部曲中的第一部,由获奖的美国科幻作家肯恩巧妙地翻译刘。还有鉴于电影制作人目前正在开发五个基于刘慈欣各种作品的项目,这可能是中国科幻小说的分水岭时刻。The novel opens in the midst of China’s Cultural Re...

(1)他开始了80天的环游世界的计划!(2)他来到许多国家,遇到许多有趣的事。(3)最后,他不仅80天回到了英国,还找到了真爱!1) He began his plan of the travel the world in 80 days.2) He arrived in many countries and saw lot of interesting things.3)At the end of the travel....

书话 Book talking 书评 :shū pínɡ 1.书法评论。南朝梁袁昂着有《古今书评》。2.评论或介绍书籍的文章。

因此,我必须依旧接受作者的假设前提而到达他的结论。更重要的是,对于所有的外文著作(本人不通外语),我很感激本作翻译的质量。本书的英文读起来不可思 议的好,流畅得如同我想象中的中文原著一样。译者在本书中插入了大量很有用的注脚,让读者了解本书涉及的基于历史的人、地、事。如同本书的简...

Little Women === In Little Women, you will meet the March sisters, Meg, Jo, Beth & Amy who live with their mother, Marmee, and their maid Hannah, during the Civil War. The first half of the novel takes place while their father is away, serving in the war. Each sister ...

《老人与海》英语书评:The old man and the sea "book such a story, the Cuban fisherman Santiago didn't catch fish for eighty-four days, by other fishermen as failure, but his perseverance, finally caught a big marlin.Although the fish to bite, but what also can't trample ...

Freud thought that what determined the outcome, a predominantly masculine or feminine identification, is the degree of innate bisexuality present in everyone; he attributed much more to genetic disposition than most people believe. 弗洛伊德认为,决定主要是男性或女性身份结果的是存在于每一个人...

She sees these three stories as tragic; she does not see these girls as developing into adulthood, but rather retreating into death and an asexual angelic idealized maternal image. 她把这三个故事看成为悲剧;她并不把这些女孩看成向成年发展,而是后退到死亡,以及无性的、天使般的、理想...


这种抑制因天生体质而发生,也由于社会强加而发生。The association of pain, suffering and sexuality is not exclusively a feminine trait; e.g., Muslim boys must undergo ritual circumcision in the second half of the first decade of life and some men become involved in bizarre masochistic...

北湖区19395875175: 如何评价科幻小说《三体》英文版(The Three -
类试福善: 《三体》已经成为中国文化软实力输出的象征. 继联合国和央视发出关注《三体》的消息之后,三体社区前线又发捷报,最近,美国《纽约客》网络版刊登了该杂志编辑兼撰稿人乔舒亚·罗斯曼对中国科幻作家刘慈欣的推荐文章,文章给予了刘慈欣先生极高的评价,将他称为“中国的阿瑟·克拉克爵士”. 这一评价对于刘慈欣和整个中国科幻界应该说都有着重大的意义,它表明着外国对于中国科幻第一次以极高的审美眼光做出关注和赞扬.

北湖区19395875175: 如何评价科幻小说《三体》英文版 -
类试福善: 最大的特点就是读着特别特别顺,是我看过英语作品里最顺的,没有之一.不知道是翻译的特点还是大刘原文的特点,很多英语小说很绕,词汇堆积很多,Ken的翻译没有,对于我来说,这点很欣慰.

北湖区19395875175: 如何评价《三体》英文版的翻译主标题其实是《地球往事 -
类试福善: 其实改动不很大,只是面壁人泰勒的计划改掉了,应该是因为涉及球状闪电的内容解释起来麻烦.之前听说大刘要塞一段球状闪电的内容方便理解量子态的人,估计是消息有误或者后来改计划了…不过改之后的计划觉得不够反人类,冲击力略小 其它没细看.发现连“老杨”的“老”,“小李”的“小”都是音译然后加注释…而“杨援朝”只是音译了没加注释…

北湖区19395875175: 《三体》英文版的翻译水平怎么样 -
类试福善: 《三体》英文版的翻译水平怎么样 How to translate the English version of "three body"

北湖区19395875175: 《三体》英文版如何凭借翻译取胜 -
类试福善: 三体游戏无疑是小说最重要的部分,其中出现了大量历史名人和专业词汇,增加了翻译难度.汪淼登陆游戏的ID为“海人”,刘宇昆尊重作品的文化背景直接音译为“Hairen”,并在脚注中解释道:Hairen的意思即是Man of the Sea,是其名“...

北湖区19395875175: 英语上面的三体 -
类试福善: 1.show you around 2.(1)is interested in(2)are interested in singing

北湖区19395875175: 三体英文版pdf 急求! -
类试福善: 您需要的三体英文版http://pan.baidu.com/s/1kTuuNEv

北湖区19395875175: 三体的的英语翻译 三体的用英语怎么说 -
类试福善: 三体的 [词典] [医] isomic t; [例句]2号三体的花粉整齐度与二倍体无显著性差异; Pollen regularity of trisomic 2 had no significance difference with that of diploid;

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