
作者&投稿:东野蒲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


However, in addition to the positive Oedipus complex there is a negative one(Freud 1923),which occurs in all boys to some extent. 不过除了正面的俄狄浦斯情结,还存在一个负面的俄狄浦斯情结(弗洛伊德1923),这在某种程度发生在所有男孩身上。In the negative complex the boy develops a feminine attitude toward his father and jealousy and hostility toward his mother. 在负面的俄狄浦斯情结中,男孩对他的父亲发展了女性的态度,而对母亲发展了妒忌和敌意的态度。Freud thought that what determined the outcome, a predominantly masculine or feminine identification, is the degree of innate bisexuality present in everyone; he attributed much more to genetic disposition than most people believe. 弗洛伊德认为,决定主要是男性或女性身份结果的是存在于每一个人天生的双性恋的程度;他更多把这归因于遗传而不是大多数人的认为。The etiology of homosexuality is still uncertain, but the prevailing opinion today is that it is a biological variant unrelated to psychic conflict in most situations. 病因同性恋仍然是不确定的,但是今天流行的观点是,在大多数情况下,这是生物学的变异而与心理冲突是没有关系的。Freud postulated that in the positive Oedipus complex, the boy represses his aggressiveness toward his father and his attraction to his mother because of the danger of castration by his father. 弗洛伊德假定,在正面俄狄浦斯情结中,男孩因为怕被父亲阉割的危险而抑制他对父亲的侵略性和他对自己母亲的吸引力。In the negative complex the boy represses his love for his father, because to have a relation like that presupposes the sacrifice of his genitals(Freud 1918,1926).在负面俄狄浦斯情结中,男孩抑制其对父亲的爱,因为有一个像一牺牲生殖器为前提的关系。Freud described other mechanisms in the development of homosexuality, besides castration anxiety: repressed masculine competitiveness(1922);narcissistic object choice, where the boy identifies with his mother and takes himself as the sexual object; and retention of the erotic significance of the anal zone(1905). 弗洛伊德在阉割焦虑之外描述了同性恋发展的其他机理:抑制男性竞争性(1922);自恋对象选择,其中,男孩同情自己的母亲,并且把自己作为性对象;保持肛门区的性欲意义(1905)。It is my opinion that Andersen had a strong unconscious feminine identification which had to be repressed because his masculine identity would not tolerate it. I suggest that Andersen identified with the mermaid and that the tale represents his unconscious wishes and conflicts. 我的观点是,安徒生有强烈的、无意识的女性身份,它不得不受到抑制,因为他的男性身份不能容忍这一点。我猜想,安徒生同情美人鱼,而故事代表了他的无意识的希望和矛盾。In order for the boy in the negative Oedipus complex to be loved like a woman, he must first undergo castration. To become a mortal the mermaid has to lose her tail and acquire legs, which means that every step she takes is accompanied with pain and bleeding. 为了处于负面俄狄浦斯情结中的男孩像一名妇女一样被爱,他必须实现经受阉割。为了变成一个人类,美人鱼必须失去他的尾巴而得到双腿,这意味着她做的每一步都伴随着痛苦和流血。Further, she loses her voice by having her tongue cut out.These are very graphic representations of castration.而且。她因为割去舌头而失去了自己的声音。这些是阉割非常图像化的表示。

Other factors that have been found to be important in determining female development are: the nature of the relationship with each of the parents, as well as the relationship between the parents; maternal depression; separation issues with the mother; gender preferences of the parents; concerns about sibling rivalry; innate biological factors; and the opportunities that a culture permits women to have. 在决定女性发展中业已发现,并具有重要意义的其他因素有:与父母中每一位关系的本质,以及父母亲之间关系的本质;怀孕抑郁;与母亲的分离问题;父母的性别偏爱;对同胞竞争的担忧;天生的生物学因素。One factor on which most investigators agree is that the suppression of women’s aggressiveness which occurs constitutionally and is imposed on them socially favors the development of powerful masochistic impulses (Freud 1933).大多数研究人员都同意的一个因素是,妇女进取心的抑制促使了强大的受虐冲动的发展,这种抑制因天生体质而发生,也由于社会强加而发生。The association of pain, suffering and sexuality is not exclusively a feminine trait; e.g., Muslim boys must undergo ritual circumcision in the second half of the first decade of life and some men become involved in bizarre masochistic perversions with a dominatrix. 痛苦、苦难和性别的关联不是专有的女性特征;例如,穆斯林的男孩必须在生命头十年的后半段经受个割礼,有些男子会受到施虐女子的怪异施虐性变态。However, masochistic behavior occurs much more frequently in females. 可是,施虐行为更多发生在女性身上。Biologically, there is the discomfort of menstruation and the pain of childbirth(Eve’s punishment for having eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge)and culturally, the range is from the discomfort of an adolescent girl’s wearing high heels(recall the mermaid’s pain when her grandmother attached oysters to her tail), to Chinese footbinding, to the mutilation of female circumcision. 从生物学上讲,有月经的不适和分娩的痛苦(爱娃因偷吃了知识树的果实带来的惩罚),从文化上讲,其范围从青春期女孩穿高跟鞋的不适(回忆美人鱼在她的祖母把牡蛎附着在她尾巴上时的痛苦),到中国的缠小脚,到女性割礼的残缺。

其他因素的影响,人们已经发现,女性在决定重要的发展是:这种关系的性质与每个父母,以及父母之间的关系;产妇抑郁症;分离问题与母亲;性别偏好的父母;关注同胞竞争;先天生物因素和文化的机会,允许妇女拥有。其中一个因素对大多数调查员同意的是,制止对妇女的态度发生的宪法,是强加给他们的发展有利于社会的强大自虐冲动(弗洛伊德1933 ) 。协会的痛苦,苦难和性行为不完全是一个女性性状;例如,穆斯林男孩必须接受割礼仪式在下半年的第一个十年的生活和一些男子卷入离奇受虐狂perversions与冷硬。然而,自虐行为发生频率远远超过其他的女性。生物,有月经不适和痛苦的分娩(夏娃的惩罚有吃的水果树的知识)和文化,其范围是从不适的少女的穿着高跟鞋(回顾美人鱼的痛苦时,她的祖母重视牡蛎她尾巴) ,汉语footbinding ,对残害女性割礼。

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However, in addition to the positive Oedipus complex there is a negative one(Freud 1923),which occurs in all boys to some extent. 不过除了正面的俄狄浦斯情结,还存在一个负面的俄狄浦斯情结(弗洛伊德1923),这在某种程度发生在所有男孩身上。In the negative complex the boy develops a ...

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concerns about sibling rivalry; innate biological factors; and the opportunities that a culture permits women to have. 在决定女性发展中业已发现,并具有重要意义的其他因素有:与父母中每一位关系的本质,以及父母亲之间关系的本质;怀孕抑郁;与母亲的分离问题;父母的性别偏爱;对同胞竞争的担忧;...

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