
作者&投稿:东野便 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Other factors that have been found to be important in determining female development are: the nature of the relationship with each of the parents, as well as the relationship between the parents; maternal depression; separation issues with the mother; gender preferences of the parents; concerns about sibling rivalry; innate biological factors; and the opportunities that a culture permits women to have. 在决定女性发展中业已发现,并具有重要意义的其他因素有:与父母中每一位关系的本质,以及父母亲之间关系的本质;怀孕抑郁;与母亲的分离问题;父母的性别偏爱;对同胞竞争的担忧;天生的生物学因素。One factor on which most investigators agree is that the suppression of women’s aggressiveness which occurs constitutionally and is imposed on them socially favors the development of powerful masochistic impulses (Freud 1933).大多数研究人员都同意的一个因素是,妇女进取心的抑制促使了强大的受虐冲动的发展,这种抑制因天生体质而发生,也由于社会强加而发生。The association of pain, suffering and sexuality is not exclusively a feminine trait; e.g., Muslim boys must undergo ritual circumcision in the second half of the first decade of life and some men become involved in bizarre masochistic perversions with a dominatrix. 痛苦、苦难和性别的关联不是专有的女性特征;例如,穆斯林的男孩必须在生命头十年的后半段经受个割礼,有些男子会受到施虐女子的怪异施虐性变态。However, masochistic behavior occurs much more frequently in females. 可是,施虐行为更多发生在女性身上。Biologically, there is the discomfort of menstruation and the pain of childbirth(Eve’s punishment for having eaten of the fruit of the tree of knowledge)and culturally, the range is from the discomfort of an adolescent girl’s wearing high heels(recall the mermaid’s pain when her grandmother attached oysters to her tail), to Chinese footbinding, to the mutilation of female circumcision. 从生物学上讲,有月经的不适和分娩的痛苦(爱娃因偷吃了知识树的果实带来的惩罚),从文化上讲,其范围从青春期女孩穿高跟鞋的不适(回忆美人鱼在她的祖母把牡蛎附着在她尾巴上时的痛苦),到中国的缠小脚,到女性割礼的残缺。



“踩着面包走路的小女孩”、“红菱鞋”、“小美人鱼”。在这三个故事中,女孩都变成了天使。在前两个中女孩因为她们的虚荣心受到了惩罚,然后醒悟,并最终成为天使。 She sees these three stories as tragic; she does not see these girls as developing into adulthood, but rather retreating into death and an asexual angelic idealized maternal image. 她把这三个故事看成为悲剧;她并不把这些女孩看成向成年发展,而是后退到死亡,以及无性的、天使般的、理想的母性景象。The little mermaid becomes a “daughter of the air,” whose happiness is linked to the goodness of children. Tseelon(1995)reads The Little Mermaid as a creation myth and a metaphor for woman’s condition in patriarchy; her approach is Lacanian. 小美人鱼变成“空气的女儿”,她的欢乐和孩子善良相联系。Tseelon(1995)作为创造神话和妇女在父权制中的状况来阅读“小美人鱼”,她的方法就是拉康理论(Lacanian)。She conceptualizes castration as a series of separations which include birth, growing up, desire and death. This fairy tale represents the female condition in patriarchy structured around a particular castration of tongue and voice. 她作为一系列的分离使阉割概念化,这些分离包括出生、成长、欲望和死亡。这一童话代表了女性在围绕特定的阉割舌头和声音而构建起来的父权制中状况。The mermaid epitomizes the female predicament in western culture; she is rendered socially mute. 美人鱼概括了女性在西方文化中的处境;她被给予了社会意义上的哑巴。Turning to sexual development in the male, the picture is ostensibly much clearer. 转向男性的性别发展,情景从表面来看就清晰的多。According to Freud(1924),somewhere between the ages of three to five the boy wishes to possess his mother and to displace his father. These wishes are accompanied by vague erotic desires toward his mother, associated with infantile masturbation. 据弗洛伊德说(1924),在三到五岁之间的每个时段,男孩希望占有自己的母亲,并替代自己的父亲。这些希望伴随着对母亲模糊的性爱欲望,这与婴幼儿手淫相关联。This is the positive Oedipus complex, which continues until it is ended by the threat of castration. The threat occurs when the boy observes that females do not possess a penis and he thinks this could happen to him; awareness of menstruation strengthens this conclusion.这是正面的俄狄浦斯情结,他会继续到受阉割的威胁为止。此威胁发生于该男孩观察到女性没有阳具,而他想这可能在自己身上发生;意识到月经强化了这一结论。154 Meyers In the face of this threat the boy relinquishes this aspect of his relationship with his mother, identifies with his father and enters the latency phase. 在面临这一威胁时,该男孩放弃了他与自己母亲关系的这一方面,而同情自己的父亲,并进入潜伏期。It is only in puberty that erotic desires return and these are directed toward other females. 只有在青春期,性爱欲望重新回来,但这些欲望被指向了其他女性。

小女孩是谁走过的面包,红舞鞋,和小美人鱼。在所有这些故事,女孩变成天使。在头两,女孩受到惩罚他们的虚荣心,然后是悔罪,并最终成为天使。她认为,这三个故事的悲惨,她没有看到这些女孩的发展中国家进入成年,而是退回到死亡和无性天使理想化产妇形象。美人鱼成了“女儿的空气, ”他的幸福是分不开的善良的孩子。 Tseelon ( 1995 )读取小美人鱼作为创世神话的隐喻和女人的条件父权制;她的做法是红字。她的一系列离职,其中包括出生,成长,欲望和死亡。这童话代表女性条件父权制结构上,尤其是阉割的舌头和声音。美人鱼集中体现了女性在西方文化的困境,她是使社会哑巴。谈到性发展中的男性,是表面上的图片要清楚得多。根据弗洛伊德( 1924年) ,某处岁之间的三到五年的男孩希望拥有他的母亲和取代他的父亲。这些希望的同时,模糊的性爱欲望,向他的母亲与婴儿手淫。这是积极的恋母情结,继续,直到它结束的威胁阉割。威胁时,就会发生男孩指出,女性不具备阴茎,他认为这可能发生在他的意识月经加强了迈耶斯在面对这一威胁的男孩放弃这方面的他与他的母亲,确定了与他的父亲和进入潜伏期阶段。只有在青春期的性爱欲望回报,这些是针对其他女性。

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However, in addition to the positive Oedipus complex there is a negative one(Freud 1923),which occurs in all boys to some extent. 不过除了正面的俄狄浦斯情结,还存在一个负面的俄狄浦斯情结(弗洛伊德1923),这在某种程度发生在所有男孩身上。In the negative complex the boy develops a ...

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Other factors that have been found to be important in determining female development are: the nature of the relationship with each of the parents, as well as the relationship between the parents; maternal depression; separation issues with the mother; gender preferences of the parents; ...

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