
作者&投稿:潜师 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


超人的英文是supreme man吗?
是Superman Superman 读法 英 [ˈsuːpəmæn] 美 [ˈsuːpərmæn]词汇搭配:1、man and superman 人与超人(萧伯纳的戏剧)2、Waiting for Superman 期待超人 3、Invisible Superman 隐形超人 示例:Collor nurtured the idea that he was a ...

Though he holds in his arms the earthbride, the sky is ever immensely away. 虽然天空把大地新娘拥在怀抱 但距离却总是那么遥远 二十四 God seeks comrades and claims love,the Devil seeks slaves and claims obedience. 魔鬼寻找奴隶要求服从 而上帝寻找伙伴要求爱 二十五 The soil in return for her ser...

at both ends.自暴自弃 While there is life there is hope.一息尚存, 希望不灭。 --- 英语 谚语 To count one"s chickens before they are hatched.The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.生活中最大的幸福是坚信有人爱我们。 ---V. Hugo雨果 ...

Despite his lawyer's objections, the confession was presented as evidence at Miranda's trial, and he was convicted and sentenced to 20 years. His appeal went all the way to the Supreme Court, where it was joined with three other similar cases. In a landmark ruling issued in 1966, the ...

A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make it drink. 一个人可以把马带到河边,但他不能令它饮水。 —— Heywood 希伍德 One cannot eat one’s cake and have it. 一个人不能把他的糕饼吃掉之后还留在手上。 —— Davies 戴维斯 Time is money. 时间就是金钱。—— Benjamin ...

谁能告诉我 鲁宾逊漂流记里的 经典英文对白 谢了 我给你满分啊_百度知...
8. The rule of the Creator in human beings, to human understanding and knowledge confined to a narrow range, it is the supreme good.1.我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻。我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运。2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽...

supreme commander是什么意思
supreme commander[英][sju:ˈpri:m kəˈmɑ:ndə][美][sʊˈprim kəˈmændɚ]元帅;最高统帅;元戎;例句:1.He is your new supreme commander.他是你们新的最高司令官。

Supreme authority rests with the people.最高权力属于人民。He sings treble.他唱最高声部。God is above the summit of heaven.上帝是天堂的最高阶层。A sovereign body最高权力机构 Supreme Headquarters of Allied Powers in Europe欧洲盟军最高司令部.highest是什么意思:adj. high的最高级 The ...

King first came into the national spotlight when he organized the Montgomery, Alabama bus boycott---during which time he was jailed, his home burned, and his life threatened. The result, however, was the mandate from the Supreme Court outlawing segregation on public transportation, a...

频竹13519618525问: the supreme court是什么意思 -
临河区扶他回答: the supreme court [英]ðə sju:ˈpri:m kɔ:t [美]ði sʊˈprim kɔrt n. 最高法院 [例句]Paul , weiss partner kaplan represented 84-year-old windsor in a case brought to the supreme court.宝维斯律师事务所(Paul,Weiss)合伙人卡普兰在84岁老妇温莎上诉至美国最高法院的案件中担任代理人.

频竹13519618525问: the Supreme Court的中文意思 -
临河区扶他回答: 塞缪尔是美国最高法院唯一被弹劾的大法官. The Federal Rules of Evidence currently in force were promulgated by the Supreme Court and enacted by Congress in 1975.目前生效的联邦证据规则是在1975年由国会制定、最高法院颁布的. We ...

频竹13519618525问: 英国最高法院 -
临河区扶他回答: 联合王国最高法院(英语:Supreme Court of the United Kingdom),俗称英国最高法院(British Supreme Court),是英国的一所最高法院,对于英格兰法律、威尔士法律(由威尔士国民议会为威尔士制定,并...

频竹13519618525问: 英文文法和结构the supreme court cleared the way for the deal after delaying the sale pending review of case brought by indiana state pension funds .   2 .... -
临河区扶他回答:[答案] 高等法院在因审理印第安纳州养老金组织提交的案件而延迟了交易后,终于为该交易亮了绿灯.delaying the sale:延迟交易.pending review of ...:这是介宾词组作状语.pending是介词,意思是“在...期间”,“直到...为止...

频竹13519618525问: 英语翻译Although the Supreme Court ruled as long ago as 1880 that Blacks could not be excluded outright from jury service,nearly a century of case - by - case ... -
临河区扶他回答:[答案] 尽管最高法院早在1880年久规定 黑人不能完全地被排除在陪审服务之外. 将近一个世纪,案件的逐步审理,使发展和强制所有陪审人员必须以“社会的每一个部分都得到公正”为原则变得必要.

频竹13519618525问: 求高手翻译 - ----今天中午用--完成的给加分--满分 B. The Supreme Court Decision -
临河区扶他回答: 在索耶v说明该n36最高法院认为索耶先生没有表明他是无辜的自从他声称在上诉不涉及到他有罪或无罪的潜在的进攻或加重因素使他获得了死刑,在路易斯安那州法令.

频竹13519618525问: 我的鞋上有supreme court的字样神马意思啊是啥品牌吗? -
临河区扶他回答: supreme是美国街头服饰的代名词 Supreme是结合滑板、Hip-hop等文化并主要以滑板为主的品牌 所以说,你这双鞋是街头时装品牌supreme 的

频竹13519618525问: 美国最高法院名字 -
临河区扶他回答: Supreme Court of the United States 美国联邦最高法院

频竹13519618525问: super supreme 这俩有什么联系吗? 都是“最”,那么各自有什么用法 、 -
临河区扶他回答: supreme —— adj. (权力、级别、等级,等等)最高的,顶尖的.如:the supreme court (最高法院) super —— n. adj. (口语、非正式用语)高级、超好、顶呱呱.如:You did a super job. - We're gonna have a party tonight. Are you coming?- Super. I'll be there.还有个比super正式的形容词:superb,意思与super一样.(我估计super出自superb)

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