
作者&投稿:才葛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

ntentions to care,love you a person worthy of love,life什么意思...

PART 1 职场通行200短句社交用语司候Greetings故介绍Introduction道别Saying Goodbye找路Finding the Way淘问联系方式Contact Details说明时间和日期Time and Date告知消息Information打电话Telephone邀请Invitation约会Appointment谈论天气Weather就餐Restaurant喝咖啡Coffee购物Shopping在银行Bank在邮局Post Office在医院Hospit...

名词 n.1.提及,说起[U][C]The actor's wedding got a mention in the newspapers.报上提到了这位演员的婚礼。2.传令嘉奖;提名表扬[S]希望对你有帮助,谢谢采纳,

答案:A。not to 为not to do it 的省略形式。可以只用to这个词,而不必重复整个不定式词组。及物动词do后应有名词、代词等,否则不对,因此B,D不对。 5) The patient was warned ___ oily food after the operation. A. to eat no B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating 答案:C。warn一词...

长班chángbān[footman;retainer] 官员身边随时听使唤的仆人。又称“长随”。长波chángbō(1) [long wave]∶通常指波长在10-1000米(频率在30-300千赫)的无线电波,用于无线电测向,无线电导航长波通信。(2) [sea-gate]∶海洋中延伸很长的翻滚的浪潮。长策chángcè[tactics of long effect] 上策...

worth worthy的用法,要全
to be worthy of sttention 2. 值得尊敬的,值得注意的 The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.3. having good qualities but not very interestiong of exciting 有价值的(但不太令人感兴趣或激动的)her worthy but dull husband 她那为人正派却呆板的丈夫 4. worthy of ...

This is a ( ) English-chinese dictionary. A.worth B.worthy C.wort...
worthy adj.1. worthy of sb\/sth 值得(或应得)的 to be worthy of sttention 2. 值得尊敬的,值得注意的 The money we raise will be going to a very worthy cause.3. having good qualities but not very interestiong of exciting 有价值的(但不太令人感兴趣或激动的)her worthy but ...

能帮忙分析一下语法:how often is the root of a customer's_百度知 ...
issatisfation the proception that we were too bezy to pay a tention to hi...这一点,我们太issatisfation bezy付出关注他的n

冷刘18332131267问: intentional是什么意思及反义词 -
新抚区赛比回答: intentional 英[ɪnˈtenʃənl] 美[ɪnˈtɛnʃənəl] adj. 有意的,故意的; 策划的; [网络] 存心的; 有意的; 故意的,有意识的; [例句]A designed or intentional disturbance in a communication system. 在通信系统中,一种事先设计的(信号)或有意的干扰(信号). [其他] 形近词: intentioned inventional untentioned

冷刘18332131267问: 故意的 形容词,名词,副词怎么说? -
新抚区赛比回答:[答案] n.intention adj.intentional adv.intentionally

冷刘18332131267问: intent,intention,intentional想知道这几个次的用法 -
新抚区赛比回答:[答案] intent v.想要,试图 intention n.目的,试图 intentional adj.故意的 He intend to destroy this building. His intention is too evil. He is intentional to do this.

冷刘18332131267问: intentional与 deliberately 还有 on purpose 的区别是什么呢~?? -
新抚区赛比回答: intentional是形容词,当“有意图的,故意的”讲. deliberately是副词,当“故意地”讲,一般放在句尾或用在句首时,加逗号隔开后面要修饰的句子. on purpose也是副词短语,多用在口语中,形容此人是故意而为.

冷刘18332131267问: intentional;manager;management;这些个英语怎么读? -
新抚区赛比回答: 因特内玄no,么内鸡儿,么内鸡们特这些都是不对的,还是学下不同词根的发音,以后不认识的单词也是可以读出来的.

冷刘18332131267问: intentional 与intentioned的区别 -
新抚区赛比回答: intentional多用于表示事情方面的, intentioned多是人方面的所表示出来的

冷刘18332131267问: intended和intentional的区别? -
新抚区赛比回答: 前者强调的行为本身的故意,后者重在指心理因素.

冷刘18332131267问: 故意地,用英文怎么说 -
新抚区赛比回答: intentional

冷刘18332131267问: 故意英语怎么说 -
新抚区赛比回答: 形容词 intentional 副词 deliberately intentionally on purpose purposely willingly

冷刘18332131267问: intent, intention, intentional -
新抚区赛比回答: intent v. 想要,试图 intention n. 目的,试图 intentional adj. 故意的He intend to destroy this building.His intention is too evil.He is intentional to do this.

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