
作者&投稿:龙饺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


wildebeest角马;meek 顺从的 suckle 喂奶;clandestine秘密的 Spotted Hyena 花斑鬣狗;den 兽穴 gazelle 小羚羊;nomad 游牧民,流浪者 tropical fruits 热带水果;Haste makes waste.心急吃不了热豆腐。lick one's chops流口水;dry pork肉松 volunteer志愿者;homeless无家可归的 staircase楼梯;groan 呻吟...

帮我翻译几个句子(中译英) 在线等~
Bring joy to people.Increace happiness of life.Share\\Deliver information.Make\\Let the world colorful Keep natural balance They are regarded as our best friends,but people would like to keep them as pets.They are smart and very meek ,they amuse people by doing different things.The...

急急急!!跪求翻译 中译英 高手进 ~答得好的 我追加分
If there is a problem with the product itself, sales will only be temporary and false advertising can generate bad publicity for a company as well as inducing bankruptcy. Taking into consideration of today’s highly competitive market, advertising is an indispensable marketing tool. Adhering to ...

H.E.R.R<The Meek Shall Inherit>歌词,知道的告诉一声,还有,有谁喜 ...
But then there's Audrey, lovely Audrey.If life were tawdry and impov'rished as before,She might not like me, she might not want me Without my plant, she might not love me anymore [CRYSTAL, RONETTE, CHIFFON]They say the meek shall inherit [SEYMOUR]Where do I sign?[CRYSTAL...

关于泰星Sammie Pantitha Puwijaan-Meekrop (《花漾阶梯》的第二女主...
Bundai Dok Ruk as Meekrop with Om\/Min (Ch.7 2011) 花漾阶梯 Payak Deud with Production(Ch.7 2011) 天沙 Lui with Vee\/Yui (Ch.7 2011) 杀手法则\/刺杀密谋令 参考资料:<a href="http:\/\/\/view\/5646575.htm" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopen...

英语语法:The house built of stone lasts longer than ___ built...
On condition that you were lost in the desert, you should ask for help as soon as possible.3. 引导强调句。It is Mrs. White that makes the decision in her family, not her meek little husband.It is an ill wind that blows nobody good.第四、that用作副词。1. that用作普通...


Let’s take actions. 高三英语作文 篇3 With the approachment of life in university, choosing a suitable dorm becomes a hot topic among the freshmen. As far as I am concerned, renting a flat close to the university will be a smarter choice. Compared with school dorm, although the cost of...

The Meek One 《温顺的女人》选译
You see: youne people are magnanimous, that is, the good ones are magnanimous and impetuous, but they have little tolerance, as soon as something's not quite right - you get their contempt.看吧,年轻人宽宏大度。优秀的年轻人总是宽容的,又易于冲动,但是他们缺乏忍耐力,一旦事情有...

丹怖17096011703问: as meek as a lamb是什么意思 -
安康市妇科回答: as meek as a lamb 像羊羔一样温顺; 网络 非常温顺; 双语例句1 The little girl is as meek as a lamb.那个小姑娘像羔羊一般温顺.2 She's as meek as a lamb.她像羔羊般温顺.

丹怖17096011703问: 含有的英语习语及解释 -
安康市妇科回答: 1. as large as life adv. 与原物一样大小2. 2. as level as a die 笔直的, 绝对真实可靠3. 3. as light as a butterfly 轻浮 4. 4. as light as thistledown (n.蓟花的冠毛adj.非常轻的) adv. 极轻 5. 5. as like as an apple to an oyster 毫无相同之处 6. 6. as like as ...

丹怖17096011703问: meekaweek是什么意思 -
安康市妇科回答: meek a week 温顺的一周 词典结果:meek[英][mi:k][美][mik] adj.温顺的; 驯服的; 最高级:meekest比较级:meeker 易混淆单词:Meek 以上结果来自金山词霸 柯林斯高阶英汉词典同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED温顺的;顺从的If you describe a ...

丹怖17096011703问: mutton lamb 有什么区别? -
安康市妇科回答: mutton: [ 'mʌtn ]n. 羊肉例句与用法: 1. People like to have mutton in the winter.冬天人们喜欢吃羊肉.2. A leg of mutton, lamb, or veal for cooking.羊腿做烹调用的羊肉、小羊或小牛的一只腿3. Please warm(up) yesterday's mutton.请把昨...

丹怖17096011703问: lamb什么意思 -
安康市妇科回答: lamb n. 羔羊, 小羊 羔羊肉[皮] (对孩子等的爱称)好宝宝, 小乖乖 年幼、天真无邪的人; 羔羊般柔弱[温顺]的人 [俚]容易上当的人(尤指在证券交易方面) [the Lamb ]【宗】耶稣 翼形[蝶形, 元宝]螺母 (操舵)盘 roast lamb 烤羊肉 习惯用语 ...

丹怖17096011703问: lambs是什么意思 -
安康市妇科回答: lamb [læm][ 自动跳转自: lambs ] n. 羔羊,小羊,羔羊肉,温顺的人 v. 产羊羔 例句与用法: The dying lamb fell, its legs flailing (about) helplessly. 小羊快要死了,倒在地上四条腿又踢又蹬. The lamb had to be brought up by hand. 这只小羊要用...

丹怖17096011703问: as gentle as a lamb习语意思是什么? -
安康市妇科回答: as gentle as a lamb习语意思是性情温顺如小羊 像羔羊一样温顺.' as...as的结构:as + 形容词或副词原级 + as1)在否定句或疑问句中可用so… as.He cannot run so/as fast as you.2)当as… as 中间有名词时采用以下格式. as +形容词+ a +...

丹怖17096011703问: humble是 褒义词还是贬义词啊? -
安康市妇科回答: 这一类词有这么几个的,modest,humble,lowly modest是谦虚,正常表达 humble是谦恭,是一种把自己的位置放低的表示,词性上来说是褒义的 lowly是低下的,地位低卑的,这是一种比较贬义的表示

安康市妇科回答: 当英文句型 as + 形容词 as + a /an + 动物名词时,就能用来形容人的性格,例如:as timid as a hare(胆小如兔); as strong as a Horse(健壮如马); as watchful as a hawk(锐敏如鹰); as gentle as a lamb(温驯如羊); as innocent as a ...

丹怖17096011703问: 这是什么从句?It's incredible that the tame wolf is as mild as a lamb.请问这句话是定语从句还是状语从句?顺便请问下一个句子里会不会同时存在定语从句和... -
安康市妇科回答:[答案] 一楼不要在误人子弟了!这怎么能是状语从句呢,分明是主语从句! 楼主,这句话是个主语从句,其中it是形式主语,后面的从句才是真正的主语. 这样处理是为了避免头重脚轻. 这句话的意思是:驯服的狼如羊一样温顺,这实在是太令人难以置信了. ...

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