
作者&投稿:聊送 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

2.after all 毕竟3.drop by sb.=drop in on sb.顺便走访某人4.go out of one’s way to do sth.特地做某事5.make sb. feel at home使某人感到宾至如归6.bother sb.=disturb sb.打扰某7.save time 节约时间8.be familiar to sb. 对某人熟悉\/ be not familiar to sb. 对某人不熟悉.9.learn ...

* The 2,000th goal in the history of the FIFA World Cup tournament was scored by Marcus Allbäck of Sweden against England on 20 June[8] * Philipp Lahm of Germany was the first goal scorer in the 2006 World Cup, with a strike just outside the 18 yard box. * The first booking ...

For nothing increaseth envy more than an unnecessary and ambitious engrossing of business. And nothing doth extinguish envy more than for a great person to preserve all other inferior officers in their full lightsand pre-eminences of their places. For by that means there be so many screens ...

...jazz, a type music, is one of the art form th...
小题2:A 推理题。根据第三段最后一句people from all over the world come to New Orleans to hear jazz.说明世界各地的人都很喜欢爵士乐,故A正确。小题3:D 推断题。根据文章Jazz bands formed in the late 1800s.和By the 1940s, you could hear jazz not only in clubs and bars, but ...

过去式被动语态用have+been+过去分词 一班现在时被动语态be+过去分词 将来时被动语态will+be+过去分词

万能开头语句:1.不言而喻…It goes without saying that 2.一位伟人说 One great man said that…万能中间段语句:1.尽管如此,我相信……更有利 None the less, I believe that___ is more advantageous 2.完全同意...这种观点(陈述),主要理由如下 I fully agree with the statement that_...

3 Daniel Defoe was born as the son of Alice and James Foe.4 His father is a butcher of Stroke Newington, whose stubborn puritanism occasionally comes through Defoe's writing.5 He was educated in a Dissenting Academy at Stoke Newington run by Charles Morton 6In 1684 he married ...


Qingming festival, also known as the spring outing festival, is the 108th day after the winter solstice. The traditional qingming festival in China, started around the zhou dynasty, has a history of more than 2,500 years.Influenced by the han culture, China's 24 ethnic minorities...

These are all I can afford by now, more are on th

暨冯15111466253问: 英语中by the way ,on the way, in the way of 等各种way的意思最好全点.. -
西峡县脉君回答: by the way 意为“顺便一提” on the way 意为“在....路上 in the way of 意为”在....方式下”

暨冯15111466253问: 英语中by the way ,on the way, in the way of 等各种way的意思最好全点..
西峡县脉君回答: by the way 的汉语意思是“通过这种方式” on the way “在...的路上” in the way of "在路上"

暨冯15111466253问: way的短语 -
西峡县脉君回答: same way, long way, effective way, easy way, right way way to do sth, way of doing sth, way from(or to) ..., across the way在街对面;在…对面, all the way一路上;自始至终,完全地;无保留地,(that's/it's) always the way(表示经常如此,尤用...

暨冯15111466253问: 英语中by the way ,on the way, in the way of 等各种way的意思最好全点 -
西峡县脉君回答: across the way 路对面, 街对面 over the way 路对面, 街对面 a long way off 在远处, 离得远 all the way 一路上, 沿路 从远处, 特地 自始至终 all the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 quite the other way [口]相反的, 颠倒过来 very much the...

暨冯15111466253问: 行百里者半九十,张璐译文是否有误?
西峡县脉君回答: 我也是看MSN的,是翻译错了.将“半”解释为一半的人是错了,其实她已经把“半”的意思很巧妙地翻译出来了,“fall by the way side”在英语中是半途而废的意思,这个真的不容易,因为是没有准备的,那句点评还是很恰当的.如果要改,可以这么说:People who'll embark on a 100-mile journey may still fall by the way side when they have finished 90 miles.不知我这样解释能否令你满意,个人认为最难能可贵的就是那个“半”字的表达,错的也是她,对的也是她.

暨冯15111466253问: by the way是什么意思 -
西峡县脉君回答: By the way 是个语气词,即“附带说一句”之意.如:By the way, has everybody arrived?(附带问一句,大家是否都到了?) By the way, ... 顺便,…… By the way; incidentally. 顺便地;偶然地 They fell out by the way. 他们在路上就争吵起来了. Return by the way that one came 由原路返回;走回头路 Stopped for a picnic by the way 在途中停在路边野餐

暨冯15111466253问: fall和down有什么区别 -
西峡县脉君回答: fall 是动词,作谓语,down 是副词作壮语 也有词组FALL DOWN FROM (从什么地方掉下来) fall KK: [] DJ: [] n. 1. 落下;跌倒[C][(+from)] The fall from his horse broke his arm. 他从马上跌落摔坏了胳膊. 2. 降落;降落量[C] During the afternoon, ...

暨冯15111466253问: This machine will be widely used in many ways by the year 2005.这里by the year 2005的具体用法是什么 -
西峡县脉君回答: the year 2005 是固定用法 the day Tuesday, the month March, the season Winter 都是没有的 原因很简单,这里the year是为了说明2005表示年份,而不是一个数量,数字,或者什么门牌号码,而是2005. Tuesday,本身就是星期二, 除非你想...

暨冯15111466253问: by the way 有哪几种意思和用法 -
西峡县脉君回答: by the way 顺便地 当你想要补充之前说过的内容的时候,可以用by the way衔接..

暨冯15111466253问: fall on the way意思 -
西峡县脉君回答: fall on the way 这里fall如果是秋天的意思,那么没有系动词应该是fall is on the way 那么fall在这里就是动词了,前面应该有个主语,sth fall on the way或者sb fall on the way 某东西掉在了地上,或者某人倒在了路上

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