
作者&投稿:司马享 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

打平 all (注意除了40:40外的小分,大局大盘的比分和大盘比分都可以用all来表示)40:40 deuce 占先 advantage (只是在deuce中才会出现)领先 lead (这个可以泛用,注意和advantage的区别)抢7 tie-break (这个典故我是真的没查到,哪位大神知道的话,我会立刻加入...暂且理解为 暂停比赛 suspension ...

一幅画不是众多物件简单拼凑而成的。牛只是一头牛,草地也只有青草和鲜花,而穿过树枝的阳光也仅仅只是一束光,但如果将它们放到一起,就会产生魔一般的魅力。2、 Some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find someone who's ...

So, too, not only temporarily from the wilderness survival "as the rangers as completely flat, while hiding more like a of fashion.In most of my mother deeply, is gaining children. I can really feel she wanted for her husband and children eager warmhearted forward. In several ...

life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.任何事情的发生都是有原因的,没有一件事是偶然发生的或是因了某种好运或厄运发生的。疾病、伤害、爱、真正的伟大的消逝和完全的愚蠢――所有这一切的发生都是对你的精神...

...a roommate.It is a good idea to share a flat,especiall
小题1:money小题2:tTerrible小题3:1ive小题4:often小题5:honest小题6:housework小题7:forget 短文大意:这篇短文主要描述了和室友分享一所公寓的问题,并对此提出了详细建议.小题1:联系前文描述,可知此处指的是钱不是要有一个室友的唯一原因.结合语境及首字母可知填名词money ,钱.小题2:根据...

We're all we got in this world 我们都在成长 When it spins when it swirls 当世界旋转的时候,当它快速的旋转 When it whirls when it twirls 当它飞快的旋转,当它极速的旋转 Two little beautiful girls 两个漂亮的小女孩 Lookin' puzzled in a daze 眼花缭乱 I know it's confusing you...

the birds are seeing all those films
--- 我正在考虑一个一箭双雕。“一箭”就是从3月10日星期五直到周一的伦敦三日游。而“双雕”是去看那些我想看但是在Chepstow又看不到的电影,还有去看你。 可不可以,Ali,这个周末我跟你一起住你那里。或者如果你不在的话,虽然你不在很可惜,但是我也可以过去住。当然我很想见你。如果你在...

Some superheroes seem to survive this way indefinitely. An ad-agency founder profiled in the latest issue of Inc. Jordan Zimmerman rises at 3:30 a.m. works out before work takes three of his four kids to school works flat-out all day gets home for dinner...

Mr.and Mrs.jones elat was full of boxes,开头的全文
and saw a well-dressed middle-aged lady outside. The lady said that she lived in a flat beside theirs, and that she had come to welcome them to their new home.Mrs. Jones invited her in."I hope you'll excuse us for all this mess (杂乱)," said Mrs. Jones, "We are ...

Without a clear mind, and then the pace will go fast; there is no cautious pace, and then the road will fall flat. 只有一条路不能选择—...See is not the root of all evil. 善待他人,体谅他人,热爱生命,努力生活。 Be kind to others, understand others, love life, and work hard. ...

巫娣15330448428问: fall flat on one's face是什么意思? -
龙湖区甘油回答: 在 某人在做某个任务或什么事的时候 完全失败的时候用的.

巫娣15330448428问: fall flat on one's face是什么意思 -
龙湖区甘油回答: fall flat on one's face 面冲下跌倒;彻底失败 一败涂地

巫娣15330448428问: fall on one's face是什么意思 -
龙湖区甘油回答: fall on one's face v.脸朝下倒下 More often than not, if one tries to buck the system, one is more likely to fall flat on one's face! 在多半的情况下,如果有人试图反对他所在的制度,他很可能会栽跟头!

巫娣15330448428问: flat意思 -
龙湖区甘油回答: flat [flæt] adj.平坦的, 扁平的, 气不足的, 单调的 adv.平直地, 直截了当 n.[英]公寓 vt.变平 vi.降调例句与用法: 1. The colours used are flat and unvaried.使用的颜色既单调又无层次. 2. He spread the map flat out on the floor.他把地图平铺在地上. 3. They divided the house into flats.他们把那栋房屋分成许多套住房.

巫娣15330448428问: fall down upon one's knees是什么意思 -
龙湖区甘油回答: fall down upon one's knees 伏地跪拜 , 这是对崇拜者的最高礼节

巫娣15330448428问: fall over one's own feet怎么翻译 -
龙湖区甘油回答: fall over是跌倒的意思 应该是自己被自己绊倒 如果要引申为“搬起石头砸自己的脚”,更好的翻译应该是Reap as one has sown

巫娣15330448428问: 求翻译:fall flat on your face是什么意思?
龙湖区甘油回答: 字面意思:fall flat on your face. 你面朝下跌倒在地句意: 遭到丢脸的挫折(指不自量力者)

巫娣15330448428问: fall to one's knees是什么意思 -
龙湖区甘油回答: 秋天的一跪 双语对照 例句:1.Use to one's advantage. 利用某人的有利条件.2.Never go down on one's knees before enemy. 在敌人面前决不能屈膝.3.Better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees. 宁可站着死,也不跪着生.4.Go down ...

巫娣15330448428问: 请问高手下面这句话如何翻译: You might as well fall flat on your face as lean over behind -
龙湖区甘油回答: 万事都要有个度,否则会陷入其中难以自拔

巫娣15330448428问: If they ?,our plan will fall flat.答案为甚么是won't co - operated?那就变成了WOUID fallflat是主句了? -
龙湖区甘油回答:our plan will fall flat是主句,if they won't cooperate是条件状语从句,该从句中won't表示不愿意,will在这里表示意愿,不是将来时的助动词形式.

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