The Meek One 《温顺的女人》选译

作者&投稿:迪骂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ How should I begin this, because it's very difficult. When you begin justifying yourself - that's when it gets difficult. 


You see: your people despise money, for example - I hammered away about money; I pressed home about money.


And I hammered away so that she began to fall silent more and more.


She would open her big eyes, listen, look and fall silent.


You see: youne people are magnanimous, that is, the good ones are magnanimous and impetuous, but they have little tolerance, as soon as something's not quite right - you get their contempt.


But I wanted breadth, I wanted to instil breadth right into her heart, to instil it into her heart's vista, isn't that so?


I'll take a trivial example: How could I explain, for example, my pawnshop to a person like that? 


It goes without saying that I didn't bring it up directly, or it would have looked like I was asking her forgiveness for the pawnshop; instead I acted, so to speak, with pride - I spoke almost silently. 


And I'm a master of speaking silently - all my life I've spoken silently and I've lived through entire tragedies in silence.


Oh, and I too have been unhappy !


I was cast aside by everyone, cast aside and forgotten, and no one, no one knows it!


And suddenly this sixteen-year-old girl got hold of details about me afterwards from vile people and thought that she knew everything, but meanwhile the secret remained only in this man's breast! 


I went on being silent, and I was particularly, particularly silent with her until just yesterday - why I was silent?


Because I'm a proud man.


I wanted her to find out on her own, without me, but not from stories told by scoundrels, but that she should guess herself about this man and comprehend him!


When I received her into my house, I wanted her complete respect. 


I wanted her to stand before me beseechingly, on account of my suffering - and I was worthy of that.


Oh, I've always been pround, I've always wanted all or nothing!


And that's precisely why I'm not for half-measures in happiness, but wanted everything - and that's precisely why I was forced to act as I did then, as if to say: "Figure it out for yourself and appreciate me!" 


Because, you must agree, if I had begun by explaining and prompting, being evasive and asking for respect - then, you see, it would have been as if I were asking for charity...However...However, why am I talking about this!


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