
作者&投稿:夕孙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

《春晓》唐代:孟浩然 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,Everywhere round me the singing of birds。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。But now I remember the night,the storm,And I wonder how many blossoms were broken。译文:春日里贪睡不知不觉天已破晓,...

接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。The Lakeside Temple at Dawn Yang Wanli The uncommon West Lake in the midst of sixth moon Displays a scenery to other months unknown.Green lotus leaves outspread as far as boundless sky;Pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye.(许渊冲、许明...

一、《春望》【唐】杜甫 国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。英文:The country has broken mountains and rivers, and the city has deep vegetation in spring.Tears splash when you feel it, and you hate the birds.The b...

接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。The Lakeside Temple at Dawn Yang Wanli The uncommon West Lake in the midst of sixth moon Displays a scenery to other months unknown.Green lotus leaves outspread as far as boundless sky;Pink lotus blossoms take from sunshine a new dye.(许渊冲、许明...

一、《浣溪沙.一曲新词酒一杯》——宋.晏殊 一曲新词酒一杯,I compose a new song and drink a cup of wine 去年天气旧亭台。In the bower of last year when weather is as fine.夕阳西下几时回。When will you come back like the sun on the decline?无可奈何花落去,Deeply I sigh...

春节古诗的英文版如下:1、TianGu YuanRi (tang) meng haoran Last night, fights back to north, now aged up east.I already strong, no eloth in is sorrow farmers.SangYe will plow father, lotus hoe with cowboys.TianGuZhan climate, total said it in abundance.《田家元日》(唐)孟浩然...

drench, yet make no sound at all.野径云俱黑,The paths between the fields are cloaked with clouds;江船火独明。A river-skiff’s lone light still burns.晓看红湿处,Come dawn, we’ll see splashes of wet red –花重锦官城 The flowers in Chengdu, weighed down with rain ...

3.关于英语的古诗词 《春晓》春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟.夜来风雨声,花落知多少.spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?《静夜诗》床前明月光,疑是地上霜.举头望明月,低头思故乡.silent night thoughtssee...

中国诗词 英文版 急急急急~~~
夜间常失眠,默诵唐诗,译成英文诗来消遣。 === 静夜思 李白 Musings on a Quiet Night Li Bai 游子吟 孟郊 For Her Son Who'll Be Away for a While Meng Jiao 春晓 孟浩然 Spring Morn Meng Haoran 登鹳雀楼 王之涣 Going up the Stork Tower Wang Zhihuan 相思 王维 Love's Yearnings Wang Wei 悯农二...

梁山伯与祝英台的英文版简介:The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai (Butterfly Lovers) is based upon a historical legend known to every Chinese.It was in the feudal China, when love as young people's own choice was considered to be devious from the norm of the society.Howe...

驹波19140782037问: 《春晓》这首古诗的英文版 -
马塘区胆舒回答: A SPRING MORNING Meng Haoran I awake light-hearted this morning of spring, Everywhere round me the singing of birds -- But now I remember the night, the storm, And I wonder how many blossoms were broken. 或 春眠不觉晓,啼鸟:heard everywhere. 风雨声:nights, Whispering Color.

驹波19140782037问: 《春晓》这首诗谁会翻译成英文? -
马塘区胆舒回答: rywhere sing, and hear the birds ev'dawn of spring i wake up at the dawn of spring;ernight. as sounded the wind and rain o'

驹波19140782037问: 春晓古诗用英语怎么读 -
马塘区胆舒回答:[答案] Spring sleep it feels, Everywhere smell bird crow . The sound of wind and rain, Flower falls to know how much.

驹波19140782037问: 古诗英文版(急需!)
马塘区胆舒回答: SPRING DAWN I overslept unaware lf daybreak in spring, Have heard birds crying almost everywhere A nightlong of noise from winds and rains I wonder the fallen flowers are countable 这里有找到一个人弄的几个版本,参考一下吧A Spring ...

驹波19140782037问: ...胡马依北风,越鸟巢南枝.相去日以远,衣带日已缓;浮云蔽白日,游子不顾返.思君令人老,岁月忽已晚.弃捐勿复道,努力加餐饭!请把以上三手古诗翻译... -
马塘区胆舒回答:[答案] 《春晓》春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟.夜来风雨声,花落知多少.spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?《静夜诗》床前明月光,疑是地上霜.举头望明...

驹波19140782037问: 谁能用英语帮我翻译一下《春晓》这首诗?
马塘区胆舒回答: title:(the morning of spring ) content:I cannot feel the morning when sleep in spring ,and listen to the voices of the birds everywhere.it was raining and windy at night ,I was listening !then I cannot know the amount of the fallen flowers !

驹波19140782037问: 怎样用英文翻译《春晓》这首诗?
马塘区胆舒回答: .春晓 Sexual Morning 春眠不觉晓 I don't wanna wake after an overnight fight 处处闻啼鸟 I find cock screaming everywhere i pass by 夜来风雨声 Sex blowing every night almost makes me die 花落知多少 Secret flowers fly and people just sigh 以上...

驹波19140782037问: 中文古诗翻译成英文古诗 -
马塘区胆舒回答: 《春晓》春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟.夜来风雨声,花落知多少.spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?《静夜诗》床前明月光,疑是地上霜. ...

驹波19140782037问: 春晓全诗用英语怎么说? -
马塘区胆舒回答: 春晓全诗A full collection of poems about early spring.

驹波19140782037问: 春晓的解析英文版? -
马塘区胆舒回答: 提供一个仅供参考的版本 《春晓》Spring Morning 春眠不觉晓, In drowsy spring I slept until daybreak, 处处闻啼鸟. When the birds cry here and there, I awake. 夜来风雨声, Last night l heard a sound of wind and rain, 花落知多少. How many blossoms have fallen again?

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