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守株待兔的英语翻译 守株待兔用英语怎么说
本质上和“不劳而获”类似:wait for gains without pains

我帮你把守株待兔翻译好了,这个passao remoto我也不是很熟,找人帮我看过了。。。语法上应该没有问题。至于拇指姑娘实在是太长了,你还是自己解决吧!守株待兔 ( In attesa di conigli accanto ceppo d’albero)战国时,有一个宋国的农夫,他每天都到田里辛苦地工作,来维持全家的生活。Durante ...

吆喝之声四处起伏,受惊的小野兽没命的奔跑。突然, 有一只兔子,不偏不倚,一头撞死在他田边的树根上。The voice of the cry rose and fell everywhere, and the frightened little beast ran desperately. Suddenly, a rabbit, impartial, hit his head on the root of a tree near his field....

译文 宋国有个农民,他的田地中有一截树桩。一天,一只跑得飞快的野兔撞在了树桩上,扭断了脖子死了。于是,农民便放下他的农具日日夜夜守在树桩子旁边,希望能再得到一只兔子。然而野兔是不可能再次得到了,而他自己也被宋国人耻笑。而今居然想用过去的治国方略来治理当今的百姓,这都是在犯守株待兔...

英文版的《守株待兔》如下:Once upon a time, there was a farmer. One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck.从前,有一个农夫。一天,在他耕田的时候,忽然跑过来一只野兔,恰好碰在一个树桩上,脖子...


The song there was a farmer, a tree in his field. One day, a quick hit the hare on the stump,broke her neck is dead. So, farmers will put down his farm in the next day and night keep the tree stump, hoping to get a rabbit. However, the hare is impossible got again...

这个成语故事比喻不主动努力,而存万一的侥幸心理,希望得到意外的收获。主要告诉我们的道理是:只有通过自己的劳动,才能有所收获,否则终将一无所获,留下终身遗憾。守株待兔 宋人有耕者。田中有株。兔走触株,折颈而死。 因释其耒而守株,冀复得兔。兔不可得得,而身为宋国笑。宋国有个农夫种着...

成语故事:守株待兔 四百子的
专门等待野兔子窜出来。可是又白白地等了一天。 后来,农夫每天就这样守在树桩边,希望再捡到兔子,然而他始终没有再得到。但农田里的苗因他而枯萎了。农夫因此成了宋国人议论的笑柄。 [2]现在如果还要用以前的方法来治理现在的人民,就象守着一棵树等兔子来撞一样....

通过对以上四字格成语的学习,我们得出,四字格不能简单的采用直译的方法进行翻译,而使应该采取更多元化的方法去翻译出更符合英语习惯的四字格成语,同时在中文上也更加贴近四字格成语所包含的内容。例题 1.爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.2.百闻不如一见 (眼见为实)Seeing is believing.3.比上...

应惠15830333324问: 守株待兔 有多种英语翻译方式 -
东兴区三维回答:[答案] sitting by a stump,waiting for a careless hare staying by a stump waiting for more hares wait for gains without pains; watch the stump and wait for a hare

应惠15830333324问: 英语翻译请用英文写出(守株待兔)这一成语的内容 -
东兴区三维回答:[答案] 守株待兔:(后面有其中文意思)Staying by a Stump Waiting for More Hares To Come and Dash Themselves Against ItThis story took place more than 2,000 years ago,in the Warring States period(475-221 B.C....

应惠15830333324问: 守株待兔怎么翻译成英语?
东兴区三维回答: 简单点说就是 sit and wait 麻烦点说就是 to wait by the stump of a tree for the appearance of hares

应惠15830333324问: 守株待兔的故事用英文怎样说? -
东兴区三维回答:[答案] Warring States, Song of a farmer, and every day when he went to the fields to work hard to maintain family life. One day, which seems to be quite the same to the farmers working in the fields when I s...

应惠15830333324问: “今天我给大家讲一个故事名字叫做守株待兔”这句话怎么翻译?希望尽快解答, -
东兴区三维回答:[答案] Today, I will tell a story to everyone, this story name is wait for windfalls.

应惠15830333324问: 守株待兔用英文怎么说 -
东兴区三维回答: 守株待兔 [shǒu zhū dài tù] wait every day under the tree, in the hope that a hare would kill itself by crashing into a tree trunk; stand by a tree stump waiting for a hare -- one who sticks to his folly and does nothing; stand by a tree stump waiting for a ...

应惠15830333324问: 守株待兔英文篇 -
东兴区三维回答:[答案] Waiting for a Hare to Turn up There was a peasant in the land of Song who had a tree in his field. One day a hare dashed up,knocked against the tree and fell dead with its neck brocken. Then the peasant put down his hoe and waited by the tree for ...

应惠15830333324问: 守株待兔英文版简短
东兴区三维回答: Wait for windfalls 守株待兔In the Spring and Autumn Period, one day a farmer in the State of Song was working in the fields when he saw a rabbit bump into a tree stump(树...

应惠15830333324问: 守株待兔的英文翻译是什么?
东兴区三维回答: wait for windfalls

应惠15830333324问: 守株待兔英语怎么翻译? -
东兴区三维回答: wait for windfalls 金山词霸Stupid lacking innovation 金山快译

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