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新概念英语第四册长难句型精讲 导语:新概念英语中有许多长难句型,下面是我收集整理的新概念英语第四册长难句型,并对他们进行讲解,欢迎参考。【句型1】They had a single aim, a solitary goal—the top!(Lesson 3)【译文】他们只有一个目的,唯一的目标——顶峰!【讲解】...

英语长难句分析翻译,最好有多个语法结构,一定要有主谓一致的语法。... 英语长难句分析翻译,最好有多个语法结构,一定要有主谓一致的语法。 展开  我来答 分享 复制链接http:\/\/zhidao.baidu.com\/question\/646760225807899165 新浪微博 微信扫一扫 举报 1...

汉弗莱长难句有:1、公众对如何挥霍公家的钱财可是一窍不通,我们才是专家。2、国家不关乎善与恶,只关乎治与乱。3、Hacker: What do you know about all this? Something funny?4、哈克: 我们应该锄强扶弱。汉弗里:那我们为什么不派军队去阿富汗对抗俄国人呢?哈克: 俄国人太强了。5、“内部...

把句子进行分割解剖,这句话就可以分为以下四个简单的部分: ① Tracking whales is but one example of an exciting new world; ② just opening to civilian scientists after the cold war; ③ as the Navy starts to share and partly uncover its global network of underwater listening ...

1. What others think you think and what you think they think you think.别人(猜)想你想什么和你(猜)想他们(猜)想你想什么.这是两个并列句组成一个长句.前半句:主语others,谓语think,宾语think you think(what),该宾语从句省掉引导词that;后半句:主语you,谓语:think,宾语they think ...

[参考译文]美国的经济是以基本的私有企业和市场导向经济为架构的,在这种经济中,消费者很大程度上通过在市场上为那些他们最想要的货品和服务付费来决定什么应该被制造出来。英语 2. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of ...

当一个人真正觉悟的一刻,他放弃追寻外在世界的财富,而开始追寻他内心世界的真正财富.When a person true consciousness quarter, he gives up track down the external world the wealth, but starts to track down his inner world the true wealth.有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百日秦关终属楚;苦心人天...

(NMET2003.E篇)由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词jus ...


Greenberg 和Ebbers的失败再次强调了公司内部行政,尤其是犯罪检举管理在对待企业拥有者的问题上正在逐渐成熟。而这成长最多也是好坏不一的事。你的原句是The fall of Messrs Greenberg and Ebbers, meanwhile, highlights the growing role of government—and, in particular, of criminal prosecutors—in ...

姓凝13770772315问: 英语 英语CET4 大学英语长难句.you should know bette英语 英语CET4大学英语长难句.you should know better than to take Pam's words for anything .如何理... -
芦山县大安回答:[答案] 这个不是长句 而是 should know better than to do (doing) 这个短语用法 意思是 should not , "你该知道,你绝对不能相信pam 说的任何话." 其实学会了这个短语就可以了,句子本身不难.如果需要,可以google 一下 "know better than to" 这个字段...

姓凝13770772315问: 英语 英语CET4 大学英语 长难句 But they also h英语 英语CET4 大学英语 长难句 But they also hint that other environmental factors shared by siblings ,like ... -
芦山县大安回答:[答案] But 连词 they 主语 hint 谓语 that other environmental factors shared by siblings ,like influences in the womd ,may be important as well 都是宾语 在宾语中,other environmental factors是主语 be 是谓语 important是表语 shared by siblings ,like influences ...

姓凝13770772315问: 英语有高级表达的长难句 -
芦山县大安回答: 1.Many experts suggest that the child raised in an environment where there are many stimuli which develop his capacity for appropriate responses will experience greater intellectual development. 译文:许多专家认为:如果一个儿童在有许多刺激...

姓凝13770772315问: 英语 英语CET4 大学英语长难句!Moral decline will not英语 英语CET4大学英语长难句!Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the... -
芦山县大安回答:[答案] 感觉最后几个词有问题,不过意思还是明白的. 道德标准下降这种趋势不会被逆转,除非人们找到一种方法来反驳社会上物质崇拜的现象.

姓凝13770772315问: 提供几句有关励志的英语长难句 -
芦山县大安回答: 当一个人真正觉悟的一刻,他放弃追寻外在世界的财富,而开始追寻他内心世界的真正财富.When a person true consciousness quarter, he gives up track down the external world the wealth, but starts to track down his inner world the true wealth. ...

姓凝13770772315问: 寻找英语长难句 -
芦山县大安回答: It is perfectly possible to organize the life of our colleges in such a way that students and teachers alike will take part in it; in such a way that a perfectly natural daily intercourse will be established between them; and it is only by such an organization...

姓凝13770772315问: 求 一些英语长难句.....谢谢啦 -
芦山县大安回答: A lost chance never returns. 错过的机会永不再来. Truth is the daughter of time. 时间见真理.Who do you think you're talking to? 你以为你在跟谁说话? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! 那是我听到的最愚蠢的事!

姓凝13770772315问: 英语 长难句 I provide aservice that people can do w -
芦山县大安回答: 这句话有些毛病,应该改为 people can't do without〔主句〕I provide a service (我提供一种服务) 〔定语从句〕that people can't do without (人们离开它干不成的〈服务〉) 〔直接状语从句〕when they're concerned about saving some dollars.(在人们关心节省一点钱财时,我提供一种他们离不开的服务)译文:在人们考虑积攒一些财富时,我会提供一种缺了也能照常进行的服务.

姓凝13770772315问: 英语 大学英语6级长难句 最后一段 从But the idea. 一直到just im -
芦山县大安回答: 分析下:整个句子主体是:But the idea isn't just impossible.而 that statisticians can then capture an objective reality 修饰的是idea,表明idea的具体内容.

姓凝13770772315问: 英语长难句 -
芦山县大安回答: 逗号之间的是插入语,修饰practice.后面的of 也是接在practice后的.整句翻译:因此,对顾客来说,根据银行的决定把顾客的名字印在支票上的做法没有风险.

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