
作者&投稿:步促 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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I also wanted to close, but you have to go farther and farther。


Dear ASOS,
It's awfully sorry to tell you that I haven't received the dresses, for they have been detained by the Customs for nearly 40 days, which are greatly essential for me. which I must obtain before Apr. 10.
If my dresses would not be sent to me before Apr. 10, their purchase value will vanish and therefore, it is not necessary for me to obtain them but I only want to get back the refund.

Regret to tell you that I haven't received the clothes, because my clothes detained nearly 40days have not arrived on my hand, those clothes for me very important, must be in before April 10th and get my clothes.
Before if not in April 10th to me, those clothes will lose his purchase value, so relative I don't need those clothes and want my clothes money back. Thank you

Very sorry to tell you I haven't received clothes, because my clothes were the customs to detain has nearly 40 days has not sent to the my hand, the clothes very, very important to me, must be in the April 10, get my clothes before.
If not in April 10 sent to me before it, the clothes will lose his purchase value, so relative I don't need to those clothes and want to get back to my clothes money. thank you

Regret to tell you that I haven't received clothes nearly 40days, because my clothes was detained by customs , the clothes very important to me,it must be in my hand before April 10.
If I can`t receive it before April 10, it will lose value, so I don't need to those clothes and want to get back to my money. thank you.

Dear ASOSRegret to tell you that I haven't received the clothes, because my clothes detained nearly 40days have not arrived on my hand, those clothes for me very important, must be in before April 10th and get my clothes.Before if not in April 10th to me, those clothes will lose his purchase value, so relative I don't need those clothes and want my clothes money back. Thank you。

Dear ASOS,
I am sorry to tell you that till now I have not received the clothes. They have been held in custody by customs for nearly 40 days. Those clothes are very important for me, I should receve them no late than 4/10th.
If you could not send me those clothes before 4/10th, the clothes would lose it's own value, then I will not need these clothes any more, so I will require you to return the money.
Thank you

My school Day I'm Betty.I'm twelve years old.I study in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.I get up at half past six in the morning and then have breakfast.I go to school at seven.The school is next to my home.Our lessons start at half past seven.There are four lessons ...

and an active part in their children's activities, and the kids were growing up. Americans attach great importance to the child's responsibility to educate, from small start, from the little things. They want to establish a child responsible for his own sense of responsibility, the...

There is a very important cognition: image is not the thing itself, but people's perception of things. Different people really don't have the same perception of the same thing, so their accuracy is affected by our consciousness and cognitive process.由于意识具有主观能动性,因此事物...

Jiaozuo is a rich tourist resources of the city. Won the "China Excellent Tourism City", "national garden city" title. One is the mountains. Taihang Mountain, the distribution of more than 1000 sites, in Jiaozuo landscape dependencies, male containing show, spring flowers, summer to...

My mobile phone doesn't support korean, so I have to send you email and hope you can get it soon.2009年已经来了,我希望你能健康幸福!The year 2009 is coming, I hope you get more health and happiness!我想我们之间有点误会!我真的不希望存在着什么误会!I think there is some ...

sacré in the movie industry.monstre sacré 是一个英语中的外来词,来自法语,意思是行为怪诞不羁,但却为大众谅解和欣赏的名人,用在这里十分贴切。不然的话可以用wizard,wizard不仅有巫师的意思也有奇才;高手,名家的意思,例:Edison was a wizard at invention.爱迪生是一个发明奇才。纯手工翻译 ...

age. I promised him that I will study hard, and improve on my Maths and English in the next three months. I now spend two hours a day learning English and memorising English words. I believe that if I start from the basics, I will definitely improve.希望对你有帮助~天上~...

帮忙翻译成英语 谢谢
Please give me a chance, I will repay you with dazzing glorious!The most important is ability, believed your firm can think I am the right person for this position!Look forward to your interview!我 是 一名记者 曾经在加拿大 工作过一段时间,我英语和地道的老外比不算太到家 ...

At present, in the teaching of college English, owing to lack of importance attached to culture teaching, classroom still heard of using the traditional approach and grammar-translation method, led students to British and American knowledge of cultural background, beliefs and customs, and...

The peaceful and healthy most attractive place is the sea lake, the sea lake water is very clear, is very static, is static looks like a mirror. Inside the lake has the fish and shrimp the Hanjiang River is also the peaceful and healthy special place, the Chinese rivers and ...

武城县18774555955: 急!!帮忙翻译成英语!!! -
慎肯护肝: 亲爱的ASOS非常遗憾告诉你我还没有收到衣服,由于我的衣服被海关扣留已经将近40天还没有寄到我手上,那些衣服对我非常非常重要,必须在4月10号之前拿到我的衣服. 如果不能在4月10日之前寄给我的话,那些衣服将失去了他的购买价...

武城县18774555955: 急!!!帮忙用英语翻译~
慎肯护肝: I go to school at 7 am in the morning,get back home at 6 pm,lots of homework to do after dinner ,no time to watch TV,have to practice the piano on Sat.I don't have time to take care of my stuff.I reall feel that I've got too much pressure,especially I don't ...

武城县18774555955: 急,帮忙翻译英语 -
慎肯护肝: I feel like shit?你喜欢这姑娘吧?这话翻译了估计你觉得不爽!

武城县18774555955: 急,帮忙用英文翻译出来
慎肯护肝: I come from China, live in yangjiang city, guangdong province on the west county Yang village. Our hometown is beautiful and the sea, where can eat delicious seafood, is the ideal place to travel resort. Welcome to my hometown free holiday

武城县18774555955: 急:帮忙翻译成英文,用被动语态(专业一点) -
慎肯护肝: In this article it was described how to make a composite material by means of extrusion by melt blending method, with PP / PNBR as the raw material, PP-g-MAH as the compatibilizer, and HGB as the filler. The mechanical properties of the ...

武城县18774555955: 急!帮忙翻译成英文
慎肯护肝: Spring Festival is an important Chinese traditional holiday. It is the day for a family to gether and people greet each other. It is also a favorite holiday for the children. During Spring Festival, children can ask their eldership for lucky money.

武城县18774555955: 急帮忙翻译成英文!谢谢!
慎肯护肝: The longest distance in the world is neither that i stand before you while you don't know i love you nor when i am online you are offline. It's that when we are both online while you don't talk to me.

武城县18774555955: 急!!帮忙翻译这句英语 -
慎肯护肝: 第3,4 水箱经常出现水位过高的警报 - 有没有一个自动开关装置,当水灌满后可以自动关闭入水处的电磁阀门? 楼上的 interlock 的定义很准确,但不好理解. 举个例子就明白了: 打开冰箱门,里边的灯就亮了,或打开洗衣机盖,机器就停转了,就是interlock的控制.

武城县18774555955: 急 帮忙翻译成英文 谢谢
慎肯护肝: She doesn't want to disappoint her friends I get along well with my classmates.

武城县18774555955: 急~帮忙翻译成英语,谢啦
慎肯护肝: China is also a very interesting country, of course, when there are many dining etiquette, dinner Do not speak loudly ... I hope you play happy.

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