
作者&投稿:恽鸣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Glorious history of ancient lamps, but since the advent of electric light sources, the development of China's lighting is far behind Western countries. Most of the enterprises with the China Lighting OEM or sample in the form of the development of China replica lighting. The use of national elements of the lighting design of development is slow, but the potential for the development of national elements can be great. Name of national culture and national characteristics of the best design elements. Lighting market through the analysis, the use of national elements of the lighting in the material, shape, color, etc. are insufficient to foreign lighting. Constraints in these areas of national elements in the use of lighting design.
For this reason, this shape from lighting, color, national elements use the design aspects of the home with modern lighting. Through a representative understanding of the Yi lacquerware, lacquer ware in the final use of the color of the Yi, home lighting design pattern elements. Yi-depth study of lacquer shape, color, pattern, to a good use of the elements of Yi lacquerware to modern lighting design at the same heritage, promote the Yi culture.
Keywords: market research materials lighting design elements Yi lacquerware style


I also wanted to close, but you have to go farther and farther。


My Father:

I spent the National Holiday with my parents. My father has always been a serious and hard working person, and very strict towards me. I am scared of him since I was little, but this year, I realised that he has aged with lots and lots of white hair and his attitude towards me changed significantly. Even though I am still very scared of him, I realise that even someone as strong as my father would age. I promised him that I will study hard, and improve on my Maths and English in the next three months. I now spend two hours a day learning English and memorising English words. I believe that if I start from the basics, I will definitely improve.



My dad: 11 holiday I was my father and mother and they spent together, my father is a serious man, I'm tough, I was very afraid of him, I find him a lot older many white hair. But I also have very great attitude change, but I'm afraid of him, I just found out that strong he will old. I promised he would learn, insist on three months to improve the English and maths. Now I spend two hours learning English vocabulary, from the most basic began to learn, I will improve soon

希望采纳给分 谢谢

"My Dad": eleven vacation with Mom and Dad and I spent with them, my father was a serious person, very hard on me, I grew up very afraid of him, this year I found a lot of his old a lot of white hair. But my attitude has changed a lot, but I am afraid of him, I found the original so strong he would old. I promise he will learn, persist within the 3 months to improve the English and mathematics up. I spend two hours a day learning English words back, starting from the most basic science, I will soon improve.

I spent the national holiday with my parents. My father is always strict with me. I was afraid of me when I was young. But now I find that he is gray haired. And his attitude to me has changed a lot.I promised him I will work harder to improve my English and maths. Every day, I spend at least 2 hours memorizing vocabulary.From the bottom to the top, I will try my best!

Can you tell me why you are so busy?最好委婉点礼貌点的去询问别人。

...工作的时候请请不要打扰我 翻译成英文怎么说
I'm busy at work this month,please don't bother me.Thank you=这个月我很忙、工作的时候请请不要打扰我

您拨打的用户忙用英语:The subscriber you dialed is busy.subscriber的意思是用户。(1)subscriber 英 [səbˈskraɪbə(r)] 美 [səbˈskraɪbər]n.用户,订户;定期捐款者;预约者;签署者。例句:Sorry, the subscriber is power-off.对不起...

他们都在忙自己的事情 They were busy with their own things 如果觉得满意请在右上角选为满意答案,您的支持是我最大的动力,谢谢

忙着活,忙着死 这个句子 用英语表达 翻译为 : Busy living, busy dying.

What have you been busy with? 你一直忙什么呢?What are you busy with? 你在忙什么呢?What are you up to? 又忙什么呢?(指当时的状态,但多指对方在动歪脑筋,淘气呀,等等。)

翻译成英文 1.李老师是一个人忙碌的人 2.我父母正忙于我的生日聚会...
1. Mr Li is a busy man.2.My parents are busy with my birthday party.3.He is indeed very busy.4.Jack is busy doing his homework.

busy man

最近是不是很忙?翻译成英文是:Have you been busy lately?相关单词学习:lately 英[ˈleɪtli] 美[ˈletli]adv. 近来,最近; 不久以前;[例句]Dad's health hasn't been too good lately 爸爸的健康状况近来不太好。[其他] 比较级:latelier 最高级:lateliest ...

我的妈妈比我的爸爸更忙 翻译:My mother is more busy than my father.

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英文 -
潜扶灭澳: help

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英语
潜扶灭澳: We no longer write each other ,instead of it we use E-mail.We can buy more goods that we can't carry with by not going out of home. Many companies depending on the Internet to send and receive messages. If for some reason the network ...

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英文
潜扶灭澳: Belong to me is, to share with others, I would rather not 属于我的就是我的,要跟别人分享,我宁愿不要

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英语
潜扶灭澳: the man is who i am looking for 【one world one dream,支持奥运支持BINGO,乐意帮忙是我们的宗旨,谢谢~】

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英文
潜扶灭澳: 1.Helps people learn about current events, provide the entertainment, is education tools. 2.For action inconvenience people especially is beneficial.

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英语
潜扶灭澳: Believe youself,your biggest problem is that you are lack of confidence. Smile to your friends/classmates, try to make them believe you are friendly. Try to talk with one who is shy like you or who has the same favoriate with you, you can ask something ...

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英文
潜扶灭澳: I hope that one can become a world-class designer 2 I feel very lucky to have a happy family 3 I am very happy, because I have love my family, have dear friends, and my favorite doll! ! 4 I believe that tomorrow is better

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英语
潜扶灭澳: No one would approve you or respect you before you have proved your value or amount to something 没人会认可你或尊重你在你证明自己的价值或有所成就之前

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英文
潜扶灭澳: 1 There're only two possible . 2 The result is to be announced at once. 3 He would rather die than accept the result.

刚察县18456121041: 帮忙翻译成英文
潜扶灭澳: 1 go to London for holiday 2 go to school by bicycle 3 be ill in bed 4 a little earlier 5 be in smile 6 this time today

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