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Glorious history of ancient lamps, but since the advent of electric light sources, the development of China's lighting is far behind Western countries. Most of the enterprises with the China Lighting OEM or sample in the form of the development of China replica lighting. The use of national elements of the lighting design of development is slow, but the potential for the development of national elements can be great. Name of national culture and national characteristics of the best design elements. Lighting market through the analysis, the use of national elements of the lighting in the material, shape, color, etc. are insufficient to foreign lighting. Constraints in these areas of national elements in the use of lighting design.
For this reason, this shape from lighting, color, national elements use the design aspects of the home with modern lighting. Through a representative understanding of the Yi lacquerware, lacquer ware in the final use of the color of the Yi, home lighting design pattern elements. Yi-depth study of lacquer shape, color, pattern, to a good use of the elements of Yi lacquerware to modern lighting design at the same heritage, promote the Yi culture.
Keywords: market research materials lighting design elements Yi lacquerware style

Americans are more supportive than the protection of children, encourage children to do all sorts of attempts, through study and try to develop the abilities, interests, the most important is to establish self-confidence. Americans are right to guide their children rather than educate, and an active part in their children's activities, and the kids were growing up. Americans attach great importance to the child's responsibility to educate, from small start, from the little things. They want to establish a child responsible for his own sense of responsibility, the children learn that they are responsible after they realize the family, social and national responsibility.

Americans pay more attention to children's encourage rather than protect them.They encourage their children to try everything, through learning any thring , to cultivate children's abilities and intrests. The most importance is to establish their self-confidence.
Americans would rather guide their children rather than educate them,and take active part in children's actions growing with them together.Americans lay great importance to children's responsibility education.Start early, from the little things.They want to establish a child responsible for his own sense of responsibility. After thhe children learn to be responsible for themselves,then realize the family, social and national responsibility.

The Americans give the children more encouragment than protection, the children are encouraged to try different kinds of things. By learning and trying, the children increase their capabilities, build their interests, and most important, they build their confidence. The Americans provide the children more guidance than instillation, eagerly participate the Children's activities, and grow with the children. The Americans emphasize the children's responsibility education from the trivial things ever since the children's childhood. The parents want the children to creat the sense of responsibility for themselves. After the children learn how to be respnsible for themselves, they would be responsible for the families, society and the country.

Americans are more supportive than the protection of children, encourage children to do all sorts of attempts, through study and try to develop the abilities, interests, the most important is to establish self-confidence. Americans are right to guide their children rather than educate, and an active part in their children's activities, and the kids were growing up. Americans attach great importance to the child's responsibility to educate, from small start, from the little things. They want to establish a child responsible for his own sense of responsibility, the children learn that they are responsible after they realize the family, social and national responsibility.

When educating children, Americans prefer to encourage than protect. By ways of encouraging childern to try and learn, they train children's abilities interests. The most important is they have helped children build self-confidence. They guide children more than indocte them, and are active in children's activites togeter with children's growth. They make much account of children's responsibility education from little things and their childhood. They want their children to establish sense of responsibility for their own, then for their family, society and country.

2. be tied up. 举例:I'm tied up at the moment. 我这会正忙着呢。3. have got a lot of stuff to take care of. 注意,take care of这个短语,不光可以表示照顾某人,也有忙于某事这个意思。4. 在汉语中,形容特别忙,我们会说忙的连喘息的功夫都没有。英语中同样可以这么表述。举例...

1, very busy非常忙 2. tied up 忙得不可开交的 3.I am not available我没空 4. hands are full 非常忙

一、busy 英 [ˈbɪzi] 美 [ˈbɪzi]adj.忙碌的;繁华的;占线;爱管闲事的 1、Are you busy tonight?你今晚忙吗?2、Kate's busy with her homework.凯特正忙着做家庭作业。二、engaged 英 [ɪnˈgeɪdʒd] 美 [ɛnˈɡed&...

忙于某事。【翻译】:1、第一种:be busy doing sth .【举例】:I am busy cleaning my bedroom . (我正忙于打扫我的卧室)2、第二种:be busy with sth .【举例】:Jim is busy with his homework . (吉姆忙于写家庭作业)


他很忙 用英文怎么说啊
你好,这道题的正确答案是:He is very busy.very 很,非常 busy,忙,忙碌 ^__^祝你学习进步,如果有疑问,请追问,如果对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!

I'm sorry, but I'll be tied up that day. How about next Thursday?对不起我那天没空。下个星期四怎么样?02.have\/get one's hands fullhands full “手头满了”,也就是事情多,忙碌 have\/get one’s hands full 直接翻译的意思是“两只手都满了”,可以引申为“忙得不可开交、应接不...

hurry的意思翻译成中文是匆忙。hurry,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,作名词时意思是“仓促,赶时间;急忙”,作动词时意思是“仓促(做某事);匆忙,急忙;催促;急送;(朝某方向)迅速移动;迅速处理”。一、短语搭配 1、hurry up:赶快;赶紧;快点;匆匆完成。2、please hurry:请快些;请快点...

忙于某事:be busy doing sth 英语中的 be busy doing sth 是一个常用搭配,比如:He is busy writing,他正忙于写作。I’m busy cooking the dinner,我正忙着烧饭。She was busy weeding the garden,她在花园里忙着除草。He’s busy studying for his finals,他正忙着准备期末考试。注:...

最近工作很忙 Recent work has been busy Recently busy with work Recently very busy

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语
底贸吡诺: 1.把…收起来(put .... away )2.写信给(write letter to )3.三瓶牛奶(3 bottles of milk ) 4.一些米饭(some rice )5.两张纸(two pieces of paper )6.想试一下(try to think about it ) 7.冰淇淋(ice cream )8.出去散步(go for the walk )9.儿童医院(children's hospital )10.整理床铺(making bed ) 11.和..交谈(talking to .... )12.向左拐(turn left )

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语: -
底贸吡诺: My name is **,it is my business**,Mr zhangyong from the sonny mobile contracted to us before ,please unstinted inform to us if you could support to us for need.不吝惜的 unstinted以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助!杭州图书馆

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语
底贸吡诺: the man is who i am looking for 【one world one dream,支持奥运支持BINGO,乐意帮忙是我们的宗旨,谢谢~】

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语
底贸吡诺: Because you do not like to talk, and little exchange of students. You should participate in school activities and learn Chinese more exchanges with the students there!

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语
底贸吡诺: Something, somebody make us have a feeling of sentiment when we are alone. Something, somebody reminds us that we have ever shined each other's eyes, just like sacrificing one's life and never stopping missing.

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语
底贸吡诺: 1I am not that expert in tennis,just for the fun of it. 2没什么理由 有一个最快的表示法 就是 “just because”非常口语化的哦 比较书面一点的是 “not for any particular reason” 希望这些对你有帮助

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语
底贸吡诺: there was a farmer works hard in the farm everyday. this story showed nothing is free, we need to work to get what we want, but not to depend on one's luck.

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语
底贸吡诺: Close Go hiking, Say hello to someone, Substitute; Instead, Experience life Taxi

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英语
底贸吡诺: Believe youself,your biggest problem is that you are lack of confidence. Smile to your friends/classmates, try to make them believe you are friendly. Try to talk with one who is shy like you or who has the same favoriate with you, you can ask something ...

增城市15098439125: 帮忙翻译成英文 -
底贸吡诺: 1.What prevents him from attending our meeting is still a mystery. 2.Yesterday's evening party was so joyful that everyone had a good time. 3.When he realized that he could catch the plane in time,he cheered himself up. 4.We are greatly surprised by hearing that she gave birth to such a big baby-boy.

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