
作者&投稿:涂别 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

what's this in English?

My Family

Hi, everyone, my name is Yuwei Hong. There are three members in our family, my dad, my mom and I.My dad is a worker. He wares glasses, and thin and tall. My mom is an accountant. She work very hard. I'm 13 years old. And I will go to Beijiang Experimental Middle School.I like playing jigsaw. This is my family, I love my dad and mom.


From a psychological angle, the image is an entire impression of certain object that is formed through the vision, hearing, tactile, taste, and kinds of sensory organs, in short it is the perception, that is emersion of various of feeling.

There is a very important cognition: image is not the thing itself, but people's perception of things. Different people really don't have the same perception of the same thing, so their accuracy is affected by our consciousness and cognitive process.

Because consciousness has a subjective activity, various images that things form in people's minds will have different infections on human behavior
Enterprise image is an entire feeling ,impression and cognition inside and outside of enterprise,and it's also comprehensive reflection of the situation of the enterprise.

From a psychological point of view, the image is that the people through the visual, auditory, tactile, Taste, and other sensory brain in the form of some things the overall impression, in short is the perception, that is, feeling nothing. A little knowledge is very important : things is not the image itself, but people's perception of things. Different people of the same thing will not be the same perception, and thus their accuracy by man's consciousness and cognitive process. Because consciousness is a subjective activity, So things in people's minds the image formed on the different behavior of different effects. Corporate Image is the enterprise and outside of the overall impression that the impression and understanding of enterprises comprehensive reflection of the situation. The impression, on the basis of people's accession to the judgment, and the formation inherently, tendentious and relative stability of public attitudes, and the majority of people in the affirmative or negative attitudes shape public opinion. Public opinion through the mass media and other channels, repeatedly role in the human brain, the final impact on human behavior.

From a psychological point of view, the image is that the people through the visual, auditory, tactile, Taste, and other sensory brain in the form of some things the overall impression, in short is the perception, that is, feeling nothing. A little knowledge is very important : things is not the image itself, but people's perception of things. Different people of the same thing will not be the same perception, and thus their accuracy by man's consciousness and cognitive process. Because consciousness is a subjective activity, So things in people's minds the image formed on the different behavior of different effects. Corporate Image is the enterprise and outside of the overall impression that the impression and understanding of enterprises comprehensive reflection of the situation. The impression, on the basis of people's accession to the judgment, and the formation inherently, tendentious and relative stability of public attitudes, and the majority of people in the affirmative or negative attitudes shape public opinion. Public opinion through the mass media and other channels, repeatedly role in the human brain, the final impact on human behavior.


Good morning, dear teachers. I’m very glad to be here to take part in the oral test. My name is Taotao,and I'm 21. I come from Xinyu, a small city of Jiangxi Province . My last one-year university life will be completed in Xinyu College. My major is solar ...

请语言学专家和高手来帮忙找个形容速度和稳定的词语。 速度和稳定并存...
速度:缓慢 缓缓 迅速 飞快 日月如梭 光阴似箭;疾如闪电,电光火石,离弦之箭,迅雷不及掩耳是势,刹那间,快如疾风;稳定:稳如泰山;纹丝不动;坚韧不拔

钟灵毓秀 【解释】:钟:凝聚,集中;毓:养育。凝聚了天地间的灵气,孕育着优秀的人物。指山川秀美,人才辈出。【出处】:唐·柳宗元《马退山茅亭记》:“盖天钟秀于是,不限于遐裔也。”【示例】:不想我生不幸,亦且琼闺绣阁中亦染此风,真真有负天地~之德了。◎清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第三十六...

潜滋暗长 报仇雪恨 卑躬屈膝 灾梨祸枣 争权夺利

VIET NAM DAN CHU CONG HOA 共和民主越南 DOC LAD TU DO HANH PHUC 独立 自由 幸福 CHINH PHU 政府 NUOC VIET NAM DAN CHU CONG HOA 共和民主越南国家 TANG 奖励 HUY CHUONG 徽章 DOAN KET CHIEN THANG GIAC MY 团结战胜美国侵略者 Dighi dau tinh doan ket chien dau chong de quoc My xam...


12.欲しい是想要,想要的对象用が来提示 13.つもりはない表示没有...的打算 14.ので接在连体形後面表示原因 15.てから表示两个动作的先後关系 16.とか・・・とか・・・用来举例 17.と是言う的内容,称为XXX 18.という接在名词後面,作为定语修饰另一...

韩语高手进 帮忙给翻译几个韩语句子~
1.nan yier(一后面加儿化音)bu luo ha nen ge a ni ya 男 一儿 不落 哈嫩个 啊你呀!2.a ni (比较口语化,也有不是的意思)啊你 (你不要发3声,发轻声)3.yi jia xi gi (一般是年龄稍大的人对稍小的人说的,同龄之间还是不用为好,不尊敬的成分比较多。开玩笑的时候...

1、is swimming 2、are want 3、Do drawing (你的第三个句子貌似有点问题,是不是题目抄错了,因该是去掉一个play吧?)4、Does is cleaning 5、is singing is singing 1、Tom can speaking Chinese.2、We are having four lessons.3、I am watching TV every day.4、She is working ...

甲 举一反三 乙 一举两得

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手来帮忙翻译
浦劳复方: I have said that no matter what happens, I will love you and even though you don't love me, I will be with you and never let you run away

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手来帮忙翻译下
浦劳复方: 北林区:你需要打开通向远处集装箱装卸站的通道.终点站在CORRAND 中心.那个单词看不清楚,应该是个地名吧~~

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手帮忙翻译成英文 -
浦劳复方: Today I lost myself on my life journey.相信这个可以比楼上两位的更确切一些吧,大家取长补短吧.

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手来帮忙翻译下!~看见很多人:有的人在游泳,有的人在打沙滩排球,有几个男孩子在踢足球,有些女孩子在唱歌跳舞,还有人躺在沙滩上,沙是... -
浦劳复方:[答案] To see a lot of people: some people in swimming, and some people playing beach volleyball, there is at some boys play football, some of the girls singing at dancing and have people lying on the beach, sand is hot, but water is very cool .

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手请帮忙!!请问这句话怎么翻译??? -
浦劳复方: Teach children three years to 30 years for the children for the motherland and the people want three hundred years

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手来帮忙翻译一下!
浦劳复方: I love music and I like listening to it very much.However I don't like singing,because I am not good at it. I like songs of Bon Jovic and Simple plan. They are English pop singers and their songs are passionful.

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手来~!!!帮忙翻译句子 -
浦劳复方: 用强调句型最好,手工原创!It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一.

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手来帮忙把这句话翻译成英文
浦劳复方: Life is long,however, love is not only about being together,my heart will belong to you as always, and I will be blessing for you stilly forever. 生活是漫长的,爱情也不仅仅是能够在一起;我的心将会一直属于你,我也会永远地默默地为你祝福.

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手来帮忙翻译下!~ -
浦劳复方: To see a lot of people: some people in swimming, and some people playing beach volleyball, there is at some boys play football, some of the girls singing at dancing and have people lying on the beach, sand is hot, but water is very cool .

将乐县13970016813: 英语高手来帮忙翻译.最好快一点
浦劳复方: Dear * * * : my name is li hua. Very pleased to be able to participate in this activity, now I'm looking forward to your arrival of this foreign friend. Get the news my family is very happy, but also for your arrival is prepared, Ready for you the room and all ...

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