
作者&投稿:惠郑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.They gave the money that they made to charity.
2.He is the top person of the dancing world.
3.Tom,it's your turn to clean the blackboard.
4.Have you ever sung songs in front of other people?
5.Wa have had several songs which are in the top ten.
6.I hope to receive your letter.
7.Thanks to your help,I passed the English exam.
8.I certainly believe that the goal of this activity is giving you a chance to study.
9.His family is like a tall tree that has deep root.

1.Do you know who have given out the leaflets at the shcool gate yesterday?
2.Do you know who gave out the leaflets at the school gate yesterday?
3.They set a calling live program centre for the parents.
4.I can't solve the problem.
5.I put enough flowers into the basket.
6.His heart is full of joy at once.
7.Being both deaf and blind can't be imagined by the most people .


1. When my father 19 years of age on the 1 Medical University.

2. Mother After graduating from college I became a teacher.

3. His return, I put this CD to him.

4. JONE and MARRY since five years ago after leaving school, did not meet each other again.

5. His left side while singing.

6. Unless he wore the uniform, or else he looks like the police.

7. If good weather tomorrow, we go to the Great Wall.

8. Where people need him, and he went where.

1.Went to a medicine department university when my father was 19 years old.

2.My mother's university becomes a teacher after graduate.

3.Once he come back, I give him this CD.
4. JONEs and MARRY after 5 year agos left a school, each other met any further.
5.He is walk and sing a song.
6.Unless he put on uniform, otherwise he has a liking for to be unlike a police.

7.If tomorrow weather good, we go to the Great Wall.

8.People where need him, he goes where.

1.My father went to a medical college when he was 19.
2.My mother became a teacher after she graduated from university.
3.I will give the CDto him as soon as he come back.

My father went to a Medical University when he was nineteen years old.
My mother became a teacher after she graduated from university.
I will give him the CD as soon as he come back.
After Jone and Marry lest the school five years ago,they don't see each other.
He is walk as he sing.
Unless he put on his uniform,ohterwise he dosen't look like police.
If tomorrow weather good,we will go to the Great Wall.
People where need him, he will go where.

of this word?7`It seems that you're worried about something.Is everything OK?8`The food is too much,we could't eat it up.9`My father would leave today or tomorrow.10`Hearing the news,they're all surprised.这些都是我自己翻译的,没什么文采,但确保没有什么语法错误 ...

1.他去过上海3次了。He has been to Shanghai for three times.2.他刚刚去了上海。He went to Shanghai just now.3.昨天,他去了上海。He went to Shanghai yesterday.4.下一周,他将要去上海。He will go to Shanghai in next week.5.上一周,我看了这部电影。I saw this movie last...

1.can you tell me if your machine has been disposed or not?2.when do the buyer come and take the ware?3.we have no place to help you keep these machine.4.wether you can move your machine as soon as possible?5.i am sorry ,we can not help you any more.6.would you ...

1 同学们散座在教师的各处讨论问题,就在这时他们的老师进来了 2 我去年卖了这幢房子,所欠房款还未付清 3 我的朋友向我点点头,然后仔细考虑我提出的问题 4 住房成为当今的流行话题,这是不难理解的 5 你渐渐习惯了老房子的这些问题,就像习惯了自己的缺点一样 1: schoolmates individual seats ...

Suddenly, I have six years from a child becomes now junior high school students. In recent years, let me understand a lot, a lot of. Between heaven and earth is the most valuable of friendship. But the real friendship with is not much. As I didn't seem to like me, ...

1.What's wrong with you?\/What's the matter with you?2.How long have you been like this?3.Don't worry. Maybe you've got a bit cold.4.Take this medician three times a day, and you will be\/get well soon.1.I am studing in No.20 middle school.2.My classroom is on...

英语高手帮我汉译英几个句子行吗?回答:请注意,汉译英时务必将 XGSYDSK先生所提供的每句之后的短语用上;并特别应注意句子的时态!1)做对外贸易时我们应该注意文化差异。(beware of)Beware of the cultural diffrences when(in) doing foreign trade.2)我们刚碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友。(come...

1.努力学习 study hard 2.学好一门外语 learn a foreign language well 3.跟我交朋友 make friend with me 4.看她的父亲 look after her father 5.在房间里唱歌 sing in the room 6.要不要给他回信 reply him or not 7.别在街上玩球 Don't play ball in the steet.8.去车站怎么走 ...

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
8.大学毕业才一年,她就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人.It`s within one year that she went from one person who pusured her dream to one person who cared about nothing.9.我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会.I had been given the permission ...

1. My homeland is Quanzhou in Fujian Province, which is a beautiful place.我的家乡是福建泉州,那是一个美丽的地方。2. I like play sports, such as running, beacuse it can give me an healthy body.我喜欢运动,比如跑步,因为它能使我保持一个健康的身体。3. I have been study here...

西盟佤族自治县17041637493: 帮我翻译几个句子..初三的. -
挚彼思特: 1.我爸爸19岁时上了一所医科大学. 1. When my father 19 years of age on the 1 Medical University. 2.我妈妈大学毕业后成为一名教师. 2. Mother After graduating from college I beca...

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西盟佤族自治县17041637493: 求助英语翻译麻烦大家帮我翻译成英文句子,初中水平 1.他们感到高兴 2.我们知见他正在河里游泳 3.他问了我一个问题 4.那个男孩死了 5.学生们每天打扫教... -
挚彼思特:[答案] 1.They feel happy. 2.We see he is swimming in the river. 3.He asked me a question. 4.That boy is dead. 5.The students clean the classroom everyday.

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挚彼思特: 1. She teaches a class history lesson. 2. What a lovely girl she is. She is such a lovely girl. How lovely she is! She is a very lovely girl.

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挚彼思特: 老师应该知道得多 (用be supposed to) The teacher will be supposed to know more. 明天不要忘了把你的作业带到学校 Don't forget to bring your homework to school tomorrow. 下周他要为他姐姐开派对 He is going to have a party for his sister next week. tom在一个冷的冬天早上发生交通事故 Tom had an accident on a cold morning in winter.

西盟佤族自治县17041637493: 谁能帮我翻译一下这几句话(初三的水平)我急着要,谢谢 -
挚彼思特: 1.Our school lies in the suburb of the city, green tree makes a pleasant shade, beautiful scenery2.Our school is an old campus, have a history of...

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挚彼思特: 1.Mr. Robert has rich experience in the treatment of adolescent(青少年的) problems.2. My book to be come(被动) out next month.3.Please cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth.4.(My )dad gave me some advice on how to develop the ...

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挚彼思特: 1.Please hurry to the airport as soon as possible, or you will miss the flight to Japan. 2.A person who is ready to help others never asks return. 3.The secret of succeess is whatever you do, you must stick it out.

西盟佤族自治县17041637493: 帮我翻译几个初三水平的句子 -
挚彼思特: 1.一个偶然事故使我未能准时到这儿.2.那位科学家将给我们作关于月球未来的报告.3.比尔.盖茨对软件的开发做出很大贡献.

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挚彼思特: 1 we should put things on the basis of credibility 2 obviously,that driver can not control his car 3 that will be a great method to satisfy both teachers and students 4 i know sometimes we get quarrel with each other, but we do learn things from each ...

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