
作者&投稿:单于陆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 If you want to visit Chengdu, come in July.
2 You can get a glimse of the way people in Chengdu enjoy their live
3 Everybody can find his or her fun, and nobody will leave this city with regret

这个零部件是安装在汽车那个地方?The 1 part is installed in the vehicle the place?
.这个零部件是跟那个部件装配的?The parts are assembled. With that part?
3.A和B是装配在一起的。A and B are assembled together.

1.can you tell me if your machine has been disposed or not?
2.when do the buyer come and take the ware?
3.we have no place to help you keep these machine.
4.wether you can move your machine as soon as possible?
5.i am sorry ,we can not help you any more.
6.would you like to let us help you rent a warehouse to keep those machine?

1) I want to ask once, you of whether machinery equipment has already sell or not?
2) Does the buyer when take goods?
3) We had no place to depositted those machines for you again.
4)Can you move out machine as soon as possible?
5)Very sorry, we can't help you again.
6)Whether need to rent warehouse to place those machines for you?

1 I would like to ask you whether or not the equipment has been sold?
2) When the buyer to pick up?
3) We do not have places to help you store those of the machine.
4) You can remove it as soon as the machine?
5) Sorry, we can not help you.
6) the need to help you to rent warehouses to place those machines do?

1 同学们散座在教师的各处讨论问题,就在这时他们的老师进来了 2 我去年卖了这幢房子,所欠房款还未付清 3 我的朋友向我点点头,然后仔细考虑我提出的问题 4 住房成为当今的流行话题,这是不难理解的 5 你渐渐习惯了老房子的这些问题,就像习惯了自己的缺点一样 1: schoolmates individual seats ...

of this word?7`It seems that you're worried about something.Is everything OK?8`The food is too much,we could't eat it up.9`My father would leave today or tomorrow.10`Hearing the news,they're all surprised.这些都是我自己翻译的,没什么文采,但确保没有什么语法错误 ...

5.我们将在音乐会上弹奏吉他.We will play the guitar in the conert.6.音乐会结束后,经理将在餐馆见他们.After the concert finishes, the manager will meet them in the restaurant.7.我就要洗澡了.I will take a bath.8.电话本在哪里?我去给你拿来. Where is the number book? I...

if the problems can not be solved, I will work with relevant departments, so that they can help me.3、I feel pets are very good, it can narrow the gap between people's feelings, and we can have a small partner!不负责任滴喊句:错了跟我是无关的啊~~~(PIA飞!)...

1.The 29th Olympic Games is being carried out in Beijing,China like a raging fire.2.All of the Chinese athletes are trying their best to perform best.3.Let's wish them best results.4.I Wish all of them to win the gold medals.5.I'm glad to start my life of middle ...

1. My homeland is Quanzhou in Fujian Province, which is a beautiful place.我的家乡是福建泉州,那是一个美丽的地方。2. I like play sports, such as running, beacuse it can give me an healthy body.我喜欢运动,比如跑步,因为它能使我保持一个健康的身体。3. I have been study here...


你好,翻译如下 How's it going recently? I miss you so much. I've made a great progress in my English study except that I still have some problems. I have a poor pronunciation and what should I do to correct it? Looking forward to hear from you. Hope you could come to ...

1 We consider it a good idea to let the children contact Chinese traditional cultrue.2 The sottish driver is to blame for the severe traffic accident yesterday .3 We should be careful not to make friends with people who will have a bad impact on us.4 You must cut out ...

1、我觉得学英语很难,但我从未放弃过!I think English is hard to learn, but I never gave up.2、让我来告诉你怎样从机场到我家吧!Please let me show you how to get my house from the airport.3、我觉得她是个漂亮惹人喜欢的女孩子!I find her a pretty and pleasing girl.4、她...

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我翻译几个句子(用英文)1 他喜欢听音乐2 他对玩篮球很感兴趣3 昨天晚上我去了电影院4 她最终通过了考试5 约汉一家在看电视6 我已经吃过午饭了7 妈... -
地鲁氟哌:[答案] 1. He likes listening to the music.2. He is interested in playing basketball.3. Last evening I went to the cinema.4. Finally she passed the exam.5. John and his family are watching TV.6. I've already ...

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我用英文翻译一下几个句子.2.我周末有很多家务要做(mountains of)3.比起看电视,我更喜欢看书(prefer) -
地鲁氟哌:[答案] I have mountains of housework to do in the weekend. I prefer to read than watch TV.

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我用英语翻译几个句子啊谢谢啦,要准确率高的啊.1,他没有向父母求助,因为他不想让父母知道自己正踏上以音乐谋生的道路(on the way to dong)2,他... -
地鲁氟哌:[答案] 1.He did not turn to their parents for help, because he did not want to let parents know they are on the way to making a living in music. 2.They should make use of the strong growth momentum to push reform. 3.Once you have begun to learn, it should ...

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我用英文翻译几句话 -
地鲁氟哌: 1.这是我的节日 This is my holiday 2.我可以放假 I can leave 3.我可以玩不用上课 We will hold a get-together at the school, students work together to do games, along with performances.

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我用英文翻译下面几个句子不同国家存在不同的文化习俗 在一些国家,看见不幸的事情如某人跌倒受伤时,大笑是正常的 在一些西方国家,收到礼物后一... -
地鲁氟哌:[答案] Different countries have different cultural customs in some countries, saw the unfortunate matter if someone fall wounded, laughter is normal in some western countries, to receive a gift in front of the giver commonly after the surface open their presents

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我用英文翻译几个句子: -
地鲁氟哌: 1My hometown has undergone tremendous changes in the past few years . 2 Those days he spent in the countryside has great influence on his lifetime . 3Many experts have been invited to propose for this object .

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我翻译几个英语句子 -
地鲁氟哌: 滴水穿石 water constantly dripping wears holes in stone.骄必败 Arrogant leads to failure.事实胜于雄辩 Actions speak louder than words 一燕不成夏 One swallow does not make a summer.长江入东海 river goes to sea 月球上没有水 There is no ...

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我用英语翻译五个句子.英语高手进
地鲁氟哌: 你好,可分别翻译为:What happened here/What's going on here?A teacher supervise our painting class.The museum became more attractive/inviting.Can you suggest a good way for us to make everyone send us the money?The most important is our education must be served for whom.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

蓝山县15778848267: 帮我用英语翻译几个句子
地鲁氟哌: One love,one day, love day day making`````

蓝山县15778848267: 请大家帮我用英语翻译一下这几个句子:1.我今天收到了中国学生送给我的礼物,我很开心2.礼物很可爱,有卡片、玩具等3.收到这么多礼物,我很高兴,因... -
地鲁氟哌:[答案] 1.我今天收到了中国学生送给我的礼物,我很开心 I was very happy to recieve presents from Chinese students today. 2.礼物...4.不用过分担心,没有人会熟悉所有知识 You don't have to be too worry cause no one can know all the knowledge. 5.要对自...

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