找个英语高手帮忙翻译一下 别用什么谷歌在线 主要是题目要怎么翻译 翻译好了再加20分

作者&投稿:嵇炕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语翻译 (不要百度或是谷歌翻译的)~




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talking about the little man of the story of Mr lao she。
summary:the style of mr laoshe‘story is more likely Witty Humor,gentle and plain, but the true meaning back of the Witty Humor article is showing of the deeply Tragedy consciousness,which shows of on the little man。Mr lao she who was borned in a poor family,and these magafamily living experience let him konws well of those little man who was living underclass,Mr lao she is not only sympathy but also sign with emotion of those little man’s tragic fate。there have some common feature of those little man of mr lao she‘s story,that they have had fighted against with their targic fate,but finally they can’t overcome themselve‘s personality and go to the miserable fate。these little man give us some hard-to- erase memories 。

Mr. Lao she works style is more humorous humor, gentle plain, but this humorous plain article but revealed profound behind the tragedy of consciousness. This kind of consciousness is more outstanding reflected in a body. Lao she was born to a poor family, grew up in big miscellaneous of life experience to let him know those who suffer from the bottom end of the little people, Lao she is a sad fate of sympathy and regrets, Lao she's nobody have common features they once were and their tragic fate had rebel, but ultimately failed to win over their own human nature and the fallen to tragic end. These little people for we all left an enduring impression.

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逐次如下:The country needs a period of calm without more surges of radical change...国家需要安静的期间,不用根本变动更多 浪涌 Jones himself was a curious mixture of radicalism and conservatism 琼斯是激进主义和保守主义一个好奇混合物 The trial was a radicalizing(使 激进,激进化) ...

求英语高手帮忙翻译五个汉译英 急用!!!万分感谢!
1如果明天有空的话,他回来参加你的生日聚会 He will attend your birthday party if he is free tomorrow 2所有的工作都必须在这周五完成 All the job must be done before this friday.3他刚一进家门雨就下起来了 as soon as It started raining as soon as he arrived home.4只要我努力学习...

TAE—— where there you are, there is sunshine I even can not remember it is when I started to watch his TV play. Because I was so young that when he palyed roles in the TV series. At that time, I just thought he was handsome and the role he played is very good to ...


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With the acceleration of globalization, English, as an international language has become attracted more and more attention onto people.People's enthusiasm of learning English soars to unprecedented heights. As demands determine the market,all kinds of English culture industries emerge in ...

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7.除了英语以外,我们还学习俄语和西班牙语。(apart from)Apart from English, we learn Russian and Spanish as well.8.由于上班一再迟到,他被老板炒了鱿鱼。(fire)He was fired by his boss, because he was late for work over and over again.9.大多数学生发现靠父母给的那点钱生活很...

英语翻译 高手来帮忙...!
这是因为印尼近几年的大部分长期开发投资是以短期融资为基础的,而这些短期融资源于一个结构不合理、管理不规范的金融业。大部分资金被注入过度膨胀的建筑领域。然而这个国家的最大弱势在于其脆弱的政治制度,年迈的总统执掌该国政权,他拒绝向 十多年来一直倡导改革的压力妥协。政府未能有效遏制印尼卢比贬值...

师宗县15625798463: 请英语高手帮我翻译一下,不要翻译器的,谢谢~ -
栾泡爱邦: 朋友,你好,我又快又好的给你翻译完了.我以前是做翻译的,请你放心本文的质量,任何场合都可以拿去用.别忘了把我的答案设为最佳答案,以后要是再有什么东西需要翻译的话,可以再找我.哈哈,谢谢.As technology is developing, ...

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栾泡爱邦: 1.He goes to moives once a week.2.She always gets up early,but she plans to get up late today.3.Where was he the day before yesterday? He was in Paris.4.

师宗县15625798463: 请英文高手帮忙翻译,别用翻译软件.谢谢帮忙 可追加 -
栾泡爱邦: A requirement concerning the measuring accuracy of the stop watch in accordance with ISO 3795, 5.6 has been introduced (5.1.8)关于秒表精确度的测定要求应...

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栾泡爱邦: 不怕遇到神一样的对手,就怕组上猪一样的队友.I am not afraid of GOD-like opponents but afraid of GOOSE-like teammates.(注:在英文中一般不用猪来形容人蠢,而是用鹅goose) 击中不到人,真的很吓人.It really horrify/shock us a lot by your continual missing.(missing 动名词,表示未击中)

师宗县15625798463: 英语高手帮忙翻译一下!!!不要翻译软件的!! 希望来位高手中的高手! -
栾泡爱邦: TC7 是由A.V. Balakrishnan,J.L. L...

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栾泡爱邦: 楼主,您好~ 虽机翻译是蛮多的错误` 但百度你不多悬分数,很难找到有很多精力的人来帮的~ 我发你,你自己大概处理下吧~ 谅解了~~ On the website of the art design and production of color matching skills Abstract Today, the development of the...

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栾泡爱邦: I want to run after her, if she gets married to me, I will run after her for a lifetime; if she get married to others, I will run after her till she got married.

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栾泡爱邦: I have learnt how to play properly my role in all kinds of work. I am restrained but strong-minded, silent but persistent, so that I can always be responsibe for my life and my work. 纯手工翻译. I have learnt how to play properly my role in all kinds of ...

师宗县15625798463: 求英语高手帮忙翻译一下,不要软件翻译的,越精确越好 -
栾泡爱邦: 1. 我们没有意识到工作提供的心理满足的程度可以将充实的与空虚的生活区分开. 2 .门一开,一下子跑进来一群穿着各式各样化装衣服的孩子. 3.他们说,科学进步,并非是通过伟大的天才人物们的洞察力,而是更多来源于普通事物,比如改...

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