求英语高手帮忙翻译五个汉译英 急用!!!!!!万分感谢!

作者&投稿:达奚宁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Red Sea Sui Chi tunnels to Suifenhe section of the rail tunnel Mudanjiang expansion and reconstruction project, the design of tunnel-type import and export are used hat oblique Portal to meet the aesthetic requirements. The New Austrian Tunnel construction methods, lining are made of composite lining.Ⅲ ~ Ⅴ grade wall rock songs are used with the tunnel invert lining structure, Entrance by Myeong excavation, to advance support and overall lining. Tunnel ventilation with forced ventilation. Drainage design to take "anti-, row, section, block combined with local conditions in a comprehensive" principle; in the water-rich location and there are strict requirements on the water environment of the lot, take the "block-based, limited emissions"Principle. In accordance need to set up an inclined shaft of the tunnel as an auxiliary tunnel. Tunnel equipped with fixed lighting, additional emergency lighting, special chamber set to a fixed lighting. The construction, excavation by blasting, over and under strict control digging, shotcrete initial support wet spray process and carry out scientific construction management.
Key words: composite lining; ventilation; lighting; smooth blasting

High-tech modern society, material technology conditions more and more developed, paper-cut art is not only stay on the scissors and paper of the two items narrow level, but as an art form in carrying forward.Previous paper cutting tool is limited by economic and technological only scissors and knives, now you can use the tools more and more, the market various types of paper quality and wide variety of colors, all for the future of paper-cut animation on the materials provided a rich material resources.We can also produce three-dimensional paper-cut characters, still by the paper as the material, and then with reference to the puppet animation and film shooting principle of clay animation, like paper-cut animation will bring the audience a kind of new visual enjoyment.And, of course, can also be combined with 3 d technology, produce contradiction space, and so on.In stories, the early paper-cut animation from traditional folk stories, paper-cut animation development in the future, we can combine with modern story, it's more simple fashion.

He will attend your birthday party if he is free tomorrow

All the job must be done before this friday.

3他刚一进家门雨就下起来了 as soon as
It started raining as soon as he arrived home.

4只要我努力学习我相信我的梦想一定会实现 as long as come true
My dream will come true as long as I study hard.

5什么也不能阻止他们按时到达那里 prevent from
Nothing will prevent them from getting there on time.

1 If you have time tomorrow, he would come back for your birthday party.
2 All work must be completed this Friday.
3 as soon as he stepped into the house to rain again.
4 as long as I work hard I think my dream will be realized.
5 Nothing can stop them on time to get there.

1. He will come to your birthday party if he is free tomorrow.
2. All the work needs to be finished by this Friday.
3. As soon as he got home, it started raining.
4. As long as I study hard, I believe my dream will come true.
5. Nothing can prevent them from arriving there on time.

1. He'll attend your birthday party if he's free tomorrow.
2. All the works must be done at this Friday.
3. As soon as he enter the house, rain started to pour.
4. As long as I study hard, I believe my dream will come true.
5. Nothing can prevent them from getting there on time.

1.You always tell me that you don't like me, now?2.I don't think you may buy the two cars, you can't afford it.3.Every time he talked about learning English, I'm always very upset 4.I stood in line for two hours to get to me 5.Every weekend, the boss will ...

Bill Smith is an Australian businessman.He likes to play on the computer and listen to music.He has a wife who is a doctor and a son.He works hard and is willing to help others.He has opened two factories. Ten poverished children have received their education with his help....

4.在那些日子里,我能弄到什么就看什么,只要是英文写的 In those days,i read whatever i can find as long as written in English.5.我敢肯定那座楼在空袭中一定被完全炸毁了。i can confirm that building had been blown down in air attack.6.她被这突如其来的打击吓得好几分钟讲不出...

2.He was a director and actor.3.He film his first movie "Hong Kong Police", since he was 8.4.He good in Chinese Kung Fu. Humor is his perform style.5.He did great contribution in film industry and was repute Superstar in Asia pacific.我接受英文教育的,这些是我翻译的,...

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5.请不要靠近那些动物,很危险。(keep..away..)please keep those animals away,that's dangerous.6.瞧!你要找的人来了。look!the person who you are looking for is coming.7.直到天色已晚我们才回家。we didn't go home until it's late.8.刚发生地震又闹水灾。the earthquake was ...

5.郊外的一切都是那么平静。(peaceful)Everything in the suburbs is so peaceful.6.公司花了大笔资金更新设备。(update)The company spent large sum of money updating equipment.7.除了英语以外,我们还学习俄语和西班牙语。(apart from)Apart from English, we learn Russian and Spanish as ...

我们有一个足球. We have a football 他们没有一个棒球 They don't have a baseball 我的爸爸妈妈没有一辆小轿车 My parents don't have a car 他有一支黑色的钢笔 He has a black pen 迈克有一个红色的笔记本吗? Does Mike have a red notebook?她的妹妹没有闹钟 Her younger sister ...

如果你是写那种五句话文章的话,可以加点连词.A blizzard in January hit more than 10 provinces and cities in China.It had brought a lot of inconvenience to the people's production and daily life.Unfortunately,roads, transportation, electricity, communications and other facilities were ...

不管怎样,我们都应该找到一个折中的办法。如果政府试图提高英语流畅度的计划威胁到马来语的存在,那么政府就要冒着在马来保守的政党的引起怒火的危险。但从影响这回发展计划的实用主义的观点来评判,过去的一些民族主义狂热份子开始放弃这种看法。5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though...

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里砌迈格: 1. It is our great honor to have Professor Spark here with us this afternoon. 2. First of all, on behalf of all the people present at the meeting, please allow me to extend our warmest welcome and highest respect to the guestes coming afar. 3. He ...

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里砌迈格: 1. The rock and roll rhythm feeling is very strong 2. We must promote between both countries mutually to understand 3. His same modern life is not in harmony 4. These years, the robot application is more and more widespread 5. He reluctantly acknowledged in the statement error place

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里砌迈格: 1.Jackie Chan born April 1953 in Hong Kong.2.He was a director and actor.3.He film his first movie "Hong Kong Police", since he was 8.4.He g...

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里砌迈格:[答案] The girl was found lying on the ground, barely alive. Her parents very regret did not take better care of their daughter.Although the exam I fall behind, I'm not discouraged. I think that as long as ...

通渭县13326694969: 请英语高手帮忙翻译几句话(中译英)谢谢! -
里砌迈格: It is a trade-off between social equity and efficiency to choose between large-sized units and small-sized units. The contradiction between the two, to some degree, is a measurement of the difference between maximization an enterprise's ...

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里砌迈格: cultural differences should pay attention to not only the differences between different ethnic groups but also the great differences within the same ethnic group. although most fahters are seldom paid attention to, they always want to be a good father ...

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里砌迈格:[答案] Five, the cole flowers in Menyuan,Qinghai province in July,.Above is an azure sky with white clouds that are often seen in ... mingled with the colors of blue,and green in nature,become the heartshaking beauty beyond description. 纯人工翻译

通渭县13326694969: 求英语高手帮忙、汉译英?
里砌迈格: I want to wear lovers, hand in hand, I want to watch the sunrise, watching the sun set, I would like you, believe a white head, I will always guard your side, for life,if you do not leave, I will not abandon

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