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Zhang Ailing (September 30, 1921 -1995 year September 8) Zhang Ailing, pseudonym Liang Jing, Shanghai Writer, Writer important in the history of modern literature, was born in Shanghai, Hebei, rich countries of origin. Born in Shanghai in 1921, the United States in 1995 and left in Los Angeles, no one around at that time, the reunion coincides with Chinese holiday - "Mid-Autumn Festival."

Said Zhang Ailing Chinese literary history are a "different number" When not an exaggeration. Characters in her works only with real life, straight into the hearts of you go. Zhang Ailing people enjoy the book for her really enjoy, reading their own reading of the people will be able to give great pleasure. Happiness is only read at her and we can get, at least for me this is the case. Read other book you might be able to know the truth, know the knowledge, been shocked, but only you read is the article of Zhang Ailing's happy. Even a little tragedy means that the "Eighteen Springs" remains the same!

Zhang Ailing are secular, but so delicate secular There is no other way it can be compared to the second person. Read her works you will find that her life is really wonderful view of the pleasure! Zhang Ailing's playing is that she found, and tell you to write it down, let yourself feel! She told you, but she did not show off! Zhang Ailing's best-known from a collection called "legendary" In fact, used to describe the legend of Zhang Ailing's life are the most appropriate of all.Zhang Ailing have illustrious family, but she has been this generation is the last stop, and Zhang Ailing's childhood are not happy their parents divorce, his father was once again threatened to kill her, and she escaped from his father's home where her mother, the mother shortly England went on, she was originally admitted to the University of London, but to catch up because the Pacific war, only to read the University of Hong Kong, it is necessary to graduate, and the fall of Hong Kong, only to return to Shanghai.胡兰成her marriage is also a big misfortune. Originally, at literary fame is a good thing, but it actually became the counts in the post-liberation, and finally had to leave it rural!

Zhang Ailing's gathered a lot of character in contradiction: She is a good art of Living, Living Art of hedonism, and it is a tragic sense of life is full of people; her door who are after the House Miss You, but proud claims that he is a self-reliant people; people pity her sad days, from time to time insights mortal "ridiculous" behind the "poor", but real life seems indifferent; she Mastery, but regardless of her own clothing others are business as usual alone moon subscript.At the same article where she readers, but has maintained a distance from the outsiders were not allowed to look into her heart; her forties at the Shanghai ubiquitous, goes for the moment, however, decades after the United States in her deep Home shallow that live isolated lives, and someone said: "Only Zhang Ailing can simultaneously dazzling to bear the noise and extreme loneliness."

In autumn 1995, once attention Polydora Zhang Ailing Chinese literary sudden death in one apartment in Los Angeles at the age of 75 years old.

Her death made her name in the literary scene once again on recovery. The sinking of the writers for many years one night to another floating on the sea surface, and the United States are unprecedented. It carved the United States is eternal, because of Zhang Ailing's lonely journey of life, left behind a desolate and endless sighs into the glass coffin, guardian of her glorious past. Across space and time of the glass wall looking back, the more glorious achievements of the more miserable.

最讨厌有人这样去研究一个人了。鄙视你~ 多学习人家作品不就得了吗? 张爱玲基本故事我知道一些:父母不和,家庭背景复杂,母亲追求外国新潮,难得有时间中国她。张爱玲从小比较孤独,后妈虐待她,欺负她!幸好她有一位姑姑时刻照顾她,但在张爱玲的影响里她姑姑理想化了,似乎为了爱情或者自己的某个理想可以放弃任何东西,比如 有一次她不小心撞倒花盆,她姑姑似乎更在乎自己所爱的那盆花,以至于爱玲忍住泪水赶紧去帮她买回来。童年的时候,有些可爱的玩伴,但后来都消失了。母亲回来过几次看她,都是那种无所谓的关心,让她很受打击,虽然自己知道母亲还是爱她的,可无能为力成了母女间一辈子的沉默!张爱玲后来遇到追求者,两人走在了一起,然而政治间的问题,让他们分道扬镳,背对背转身离开,爱玲从此对爱情有了另一种解释;或许不是该来的时候。还有些激动的经典:我只是你转身就忘掉的路人甲,怎能陪你蹉跎年华到天涯!于是,励精图治为政治奋斗,却是连连碰壁,于是再次拿起手中的笔,纵身与文学海洋之中。当再次遇到对文学有特别认识的另一个他时,爱情的火花再一次擦亮!而这时对她日思夜盼的姑姑却还是独守空房,直到2009年78岁才结婚,呵呵~~ 等待50多年的爱情终于有句号的时候,爱玲已经看不见了!她遇到的他,没多久去世了,于是她去了国外,除了每天去同一个地方喝上一杯的咖啡,就是写作了,更多的时候是看见她一个人对着天空发呆,某一天别人在地上发现她沉沉睡去7天了,于是全国震惊!为纪念她,世界各国文学者都开追悼会,表示致敬!

Original name Zhang Luo, pseudonym Liang Jing, whose ancestral home is rich in Hebei,

Born in Shanghai, family origin, are re-granddaughter Li.

Career in 1942 writing career start.

Shanghai 40's famous female writer, creative擅长psychoanalysis.

To go to Hong Kong in 1952. To settle in the United States in 1966,

Died Los Angeles apartment in 1995.

     Modern well-known writer and forties Gudao fame in Shanghai,

His novels have a women's delicate and classical beauty,

People grasp the psychology of amazing,

The author's unique attitude towards life, also at that time are extremely rare.

The early fifties she was removed to the United States via Hong Kong,

In the meantime once created novel "Yangge" and "Love赤地"

Because one of the mainland at that time involved in society and the status description be regarded as anti -

Moving works.

Subsequent few works,

A Dream of Red Mansions study only about one concept can be.

急求,把这些翻译成英文,谢了 【关键词】张爱玲;萧红;母亲形象;传统母性...
[ Key words ] Eileen Chang; Xiao Hong; the image of the mother; the traditional maternal view; criticism [ Abstract ] Eileen Chang and Shaw red works appeared in the mother are mostly negative image, they wrote the mother or egoistic, or unfeeling, or sinister and vicious. The...

或者 The Golden Cangue 就这两个了,也许后者用的多一点。自己看看吧!http:\/\/www.google.cn\/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&q=%E9%87%91%E9%94%81%E8%AE%B0+zhang+ailing&meta= the story of gold key 回答者:JulieAndrews - 魔法学徒 一级 10-29 18:48 Eileen Chang (张爱玲)《...

Among thousands of people meet you will meet people, in thousands of years, boundless wilderness, no early, no late, what else is there to say, a salutation gently: "oh, you're here, too?于千万人之中遇见你所要遇见的人,于千万年之中,时间的无涯的荒野里,没有早一步,也没...

Love in a Fallen City 《倾城之恋》是张爱玲的小说。电影是根据张爱玲的同名小说改编而成的。

Matthew 1 A record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham:2 Abraham was the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers,3 Judah the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar, Perez the ...

凄凉的晚景 1968年,张爱玲本想搏一搏,将《金锁记》推广到西方世界中去,用心翻译成英文后,给夏志清看了看。夏志清对她的翻译并不满意,又动手给她修正一番才发表出去。夏志清帮张爱玲翻译的事件传回国内,国内关于张爱玲英语写作水平不行的传言甚嚣尘上,但也有人持反对意见,毕竟英文是外文,用起来...

你好,翻译为:“Have not had early single-step in the time nothing margin wilderness, have neither had late single-step , have not overtaken accidentally in coming across person needed to come across by you among thousand ten thousands of people, in thousand all ages,that neither ...

浅谈:a brief introduction to或者discussion on 劳伦斯: Lawrence 张爱玲:Eileen Chang 女性形象:female image 相似点:similarities A Brief Introduction to (Discussion on) the Similarities of Female Images of Lawrence's and Eileen Chang's (Female Images in Lawrence's and Eileen Chang's ...

《truth in the dream dreaming can see the truth》《18 SPRINGS》


盐津县13331562615: 找一篇介绍张爱玲的英文文章 -
第良小建: EILEEN CHANG, also called Zhang Ailing in Chinese, was born into an aristocratic family in Shanghai in 1920. Her father, deeply traditional in his ways, was an opium addict and her mother, partly educated in England, was a sophisticated woman ...

盐津县13331562615: 求张爱玲简介,英文版 -
第良小建: Zhang ailing, Chinese modern writers, specific ZhangYing, was born in Shanghai public concession of west megan road, a house built in 313 in late qing dynasty of imitated western curtilage. Zhang ailing's family ZhangPeiGuan is prominent, ...

盐津县13331562615: 张爱玲 英文介绍 60~80词语 -
第良小建: Eileen Chang (September 30, 1920 – September 8, 1995), also known asZhang Ailing or Chang Ai-ling, was one of the most influential modern Chinese writers. Chang is noted for her fiction writings that deal with the tensions between men and ...

盐津县13331562615: 求一篇关于张爱玲的文章,要中英文对照版的 --
第良小建: 三十年前的月色——关于张爱玲 “年轻人想着三十年前的月亮该是铜钱大的一个红黄的湿晕,像朵云轩信笺上落了一滴泪珠,陈旧而迷糊.老年人回忆中的三十年前的月亮是欢愉的...

盐津县13331562615: 张爱玲名字来历.英文版 -
第良小建: 张爱玲十岁的时候,母亲主张把她送进学校,父亲一再大闹着不依,最后母亲像拐卖人口一样硬把她送去了,因为已经有相当基础,所以进黄氏小学四年级插班就读,在填写入学证的时候,因为“张瑛”这两个字嗡嗡地不响亮,她想给重取一个名字,一时踌躇着不知填什么名字好,支着头想了一会,说“暂且把英文名字胡乱译两个字罢”,这个词描述她当时的心情:ailing,意为烦恼.张爱玲这个普通的名字只是母亲烦恼心情的随意表达,后来却响彻了整个文坛.母亲一直打算替她改而没有改,再后来,爱玲不愿意改,也没必要改了.(团结出版社《张爱玲传》) 资料供参考

盐津县13331562615: 介绍张爱玲的英文作文80词 -
第良小建: 张爱玲 Eileen Chang张爱玲 Eileen Chang

盐津县13331562615: 谁知道关于张爱玲的资料 -
第良小建: 原名张煐,笔名梁京,祖籍河北丰润,生于上海,她是清末著名“清流派”代表张佩伦的孙女,前清大臣李鸿章的重外孙女,出身名门闺秀.1942年开始职业写作生涯.40年代上海著名女作家,创作擅长心理分析.1952年赴香港.1966年定居...

盐津县13331562615: 张爱玲简介以及作品集. -
第良小建: 张爱玲,中国现代作家,本名张瑛,出生在上海公共租界西区的麦根路313号的一幢建于清末的仿西式豪宅中.张爱玲的家世显赫,祖父张佩纶是清末名臣,祖母李菊耦是朝廷重臣李鸿章的长女.张爱玲一生创作大量文学作品.类型包括小说、...

盐津县13331562615: 关于张爱玲的外文文献有哪些,能不能发给我呢,要原版英文的呢zhouyingqing@163.com -
第良小建: 我虽然没有你要的东西,但是有本书是讲张爱玲的,叫《苍凉与世故》. 内容简介 《苍凉与世故》的前半部分谈论张爱玲,苍凉代表了张爱玲自己的美学观点,世故则体现了作者对张爱玲的看法.后半部分则是作者在香港生活的所思所行,对...

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