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76. It is impossible to identify and isolate an “English” culture that is common to all the speakers of English.那是不可能的鉴别和隔离一个“英语”的文化,所有的演讲者是常见的英语。77. A President should be imbued with a sense of responsibility for the nation.一位总统应该充满对...

文化的英语:culture; civilization;文化的定义: 笼统地说,文化是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物,同时又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物。确切地说,文化是凝结在物质之中又游离于物质之外的,能够被传承的国家或民族的历史、地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、...

Coral reefs are found un warm ocean waters all around the world.Coral reefs are importan because they are home to a quarter of all ocean plants and animals.They are also important because they help keep the sea clean,and they protect nearby coasrlines from storms and erosion.As...

英文短文 翻译
The computer was one of the most important inventions of last century.计算机是上个世纪最重要的发明。The first computer was like a room. 第一个电脑就像一个房间。Now some computers are as small as television sets.现在一些电脑和电视机一样小了。Some computers can even be made ...

1. 买得起这么大的房子 can\/be able to afford such a big house 2. 正在打篮球 be playing basketball 3. 是由丝绸制成的 be made from silk 4. 世界上最富有的球队 the richest ~ball team in the world 5. 给我来一瓶矿泉水好吗 can i have a bottle of water?\/could you ...

完全人工翻译,保证准确。1。They based their decision on the latest news they had got.他们按照他们所获得的最新信息做了决定。2.Words and expressions are the base of any language.用任何语言来体现文字和抒情。3.The plane has circled over the airport for a few minutes before landing ....

1、有道翻译 有道翻译是网易公司开发的一款翻译软件,其最大特色在于翻译引擎是基于搜索引擎,网络释义的,也就是说它所翻译的词释义都是来自网络。有道桌面词典背靠其强大的搜索引擎(有道搜索)后台数据和“网页萃取”技术,从数十亿海量网页中提炼出传统词典无法收录的各类新兴词汇和英文缩写,如影视作品...

剑萍15865284520问: 中文翻译成英语
宝丰县杞菊回答: 1. 我们盼望着被邀请参加在公园举行的庆祝会look forward to We are looking forward to being invite to the celebration which takes place in the park. 2. 据报道另一座横跨长江的新桥正在建设之中it According to the report, it says that another new ...

剑萍15865284520问: 中文翻译英文 -
宝丰县杞菊回答: 以我的行文方式翻译,非机器翻译.为更好理解,我加入了一些词,而且语气比较委婉.We paid the sea frieght on Jan. 5 by borrowing money as our financial condition is very tight at that moment, so that you could collect the goods in time. The ...

剑萍15865284520问: 中文翻译英文
宝丰县杞菊回答: I want to be police, because my father is also police. He wants to travel on official business every day, only then the week talent comes back to accompany me, but my spot will not be lonely, because my father will be in serves for the people. Therefore I must work as police. 其实有很多不同的写法,因为很多次的意思都相同,最简单的你可以搜搜在线翻译,

剑萍15865284520问: 在线汉语翻译成英语 -
宝丰县杞菊回答: The second time to Hong Kong, and I feel even more excited!

剑萍15865284520问: 中文翻译成英语
宝丰县杞菊回答: 1.因为它空气好,气候好. Beause it has fresh air and nice weather. 2.交通便捷 convenient transportations 3.你去过昆明吗?没有,网上看过相关内容,因此很向往. Have you ever been to KunMing? No,I have't.Since I have read some related materials,so I am very expecting.

剑萍15865284520问: 中文翻译英语 -
宝丰县杞菊回答: 1. Oh! Tomorrow is the New Year's day, I want to give my partner do hat, they will be like.2. That's right, the New Year's day is tomorrow! Can I with my friends play together, first call them! ... Tink. "Hello, sunlit baiyang. I'm LiangYuJie botanical ...

剑萍15865284520问: 汉语翻译成英语~ -
宝丰县杞菊回答: I am sincere service for you with the blue-collar, and my job is to bring you convenience: I put your satisfaction, bring home!

剑萍15865284520问: 中文翻译成英语
宝丰县杞菊回答: 您好! 翻译为:My name is ... ,I am 16 years old.Although I don't like English,and my English is not very good,I will work hard ! I like to eat delicious foods and appreciate beautiful scenerys, I also like to listen music because listening to music can ...

剑萍15865284520问: 中文翻译成英语
宝丰县杞菊回答: 1, He seems not care being fooled by Jack again. 2, An unexpected guest arrived just as they were starting their meal. 3, Mr Zhang don't mind writing the report 10 times, it took him a week to finish it. 4, Honestly speaking, I feel honoured to study in ...

剑萍15865284520问: 汉语翻译成英语
宝丰县杞菊回答: I want a cup of coffee and two piece of bread .2 The teacher asked us to take out a piece of paper to have a test .3 He bought two bottles of beer .Math is the subject that I am most interested in .5 Thank you for so much advice you given me .

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