
作者&投稿:员雁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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Second, the design of the task
In the task-based teaching process, the focus of task is to solve a practical problem, teachers should according to specific teaching target and the teaching content, teaching conditions, combining with the current students through close contact of daily life, hobbies, customs, scientific culture and other aspects of the topic, design of specific operational tasks. Below is the design of several types of the teaching task.
1 and authenticity.
According to the students' interest in study and life experience, directly from the real life in class to choose a suitable in real life mission speech teaching. Such as "75 please" language program, can design a questionnaire, lets the student.
And as the Numbers in teaching content, the teacher had the task in this design before collecting students bicycle car keys and bicycle license number in class, students listen and write down everything number, upon hearing of his bicycle, and bring up when the license number keys, If it wrong to listen or leakage, unable to get his bicycle key. This task for the immediate interests of students involved, forcing the students to complete, thereby Numbers in classroom teaching rich practical significance.

Second, the design of the task
In the task-based teaching process, the focus of task is to solve a practical problem, teachers should according to specific teaching target and the teaching content, teaching conditions, combining with the current students through close contact of daily life, hobbies, customs, scientific culture and other aspects of the topic, design of specific operational tasks. Below is the design of several types of the teaching task.
1 and authenticity.
2, the real task.
The task of adapted from life, which can be launched in classroom teaching contents and and could use in real life. This task can improve students' practical ability of using language. If your Unit in teaching Ⅰ 14 Whose banquet.pick nowadays, can design are the lost-luggage "mission", through the input language time-efficient color... Whose... Getting about... ... Look like... We're... Achieve things in English description of things, such as identifying functions in Ⅱ close when they Party, also can set contents related tasks.
Time Talking (skill) : 1, the receiver birthday is already come to your birthday party makes a dialogue, then act it out in groups.
Time: 2 (skill) back sorry that stands in your glasses' ll makes you write letters / - -.

Second, the design of the task
In the task-based teaching process, the focus of task is to solve a practical problem, teachers should according to specific teaching target and the teaching content, teaching conditions, combining with the current students through close contact of daily life, hobbies, customs, scientific culture and other aspects of the topic, design of specific operational tasks. Below is the design of several types of the teaching task.
1 and authenticity.
2, the real task.
3, fill sex task.
According to the surface of the information and hidden information to complete the task, so the task set require students to go through various channels, and other information and information combination, and finally reach the goal to finish the task.
In teaching the language project Asking rationally, teachers can design task, a woman goes to town see her son, with half of the map to help you broke, she is complete. But you also don't know the way, must ask others (half), the holder of the information to help understand her draw a complete map. There are two tasks: 1) Asking a map Drawing rationally. This exercise students use language communicative ability and the training of drawing. While this task but also reflects the English and other subjects of knowledge.

4 and communicative task.
In real life, such as dealing with people through interview and investigation and consultation etc, these tasks tend to finish the task in extracurricular activities. With the task-based teaching ideas -- from in-class extends to outside. As in the language teaching tabs, that student research project of the shoe store man near species.

5 and creative task.
Creative task refers to the exploratory task and openness. This task can stimulate the students' thinking and cultivate their imagination and creativity. If your affiliate. Ⅰ patterns in teaching, can let students to design a sales house ads. First group cooperation through advertising design, each one to make the sales manager, all the students (customers), according to the house of sales order quantity to advertising design (task).
In the first stage and as production, design, make card every student card and card of independent design shape, size, color, layout design and content varies from person to person. Clew language: (1) does it grade and scale-up of Full name and Nick name (3) I... Best wish/favourite... Is... 4 "Home", telephone, E-mail and hobbies. This task is to cultivate students' creative thinking, and cultivate students' practice ability

Second, the mission design
In the course of task-based teaching, the focus of the mission to solve a practical problem is that teachers have specific educational objectives and teaching content, combined with the existing teaching conditions, select students through close contact with the daily life, interests and hobbies, customs, areas such as scientific and cultural topics, the design of specific operational mission. The following is the author of several types of design teaching mission.
1, the authenticity of the task.
According to the students interest in learning and life experience, directly from the real-life selection of suitable carried out in the classroom to real-life language teaching mission. For example, in "Food and Drink" language project, a questionnaire can be designed to enable students to achieve.
Another example is teaching the content of Numbers in English, the teachers have such a mission had been designed, in the classroom before the students to collect the car keys and bike bicycle license plate number, in the classroom requires students to listen and write down all the numbers, when the their own bike license number, up from the keys; if the mistake or omitted to listen to listen to, you can not get their own key to cycle. Such a mission because of the direct benefits to students, forcing students to seriously have to finish, so Numbers in English classroom teaching with practical significance.
2, to be the real mission.
Mission to be derived from the adaptation of life to make it up in the classroom can be carried out in line with the teaching and probably have to use in real life task. This mission will enhance the students ability to use the actual language. Such as teaching at Book Ⅰ Unit 14 Whose clothes are these when the design of "Lost and Found" mission, through the input language What color ... Whose ... What about ... ... look like ... Let's ask ... so as to achieve things in English to describe things, to identify functions, such as in the Book Ⅱ Birth Party content may also be the provision of the relevant mission.
Task 1 (Talking skill): Suppose today is your birthday, your friends come to your birthday party. Make a dialogue then act it out in groups.
Task 2 (Writing skill): you have received some presents from your friends. You'll write thank-you letters to them.
3, to fill the task.
Information in accordance with the surface finish and hidden information mission, this mission requires students to set up its efforts through various channels to get the other half of the information, and a combination of existing information, and ultimately to achieve the purpose of the completion of mission.
Such as Asking the way in teaching the language of the project, teachers can design such a mission, a grandmother in town to watch her son, brought a map half the damage, you want to help her complete draw. However, I do not know the road you need to ask someone else (the other half of the holders of information), find out before she can help to draw a complete map. There will be two mission here: ① Asking the way ② Drawing a map. In this way, language training of students interpersonal skills, and training of its ability to draw. At the same time, this mission is also reflected in English and other subjects of knowledge between the contact.
4, communicative mission.
Require students in real life to deal with people, such as through interviews, surveys, consultative manner, such as mission, these tasks often carried out at extra-curricular. Is in line with the idea of task-based teaching - from the extended to the extra-curricular class. Such as shopping in the teaching of the language project, called the store near the students investigate the types of men's shoes.
5, creative mission.
Mission refers to a creative exploration mission and openness. Such a mission could be to stimulate the students thinking, cultivate their imagination and creativity. Such as in Book Ⅰ there be sentence teaching allows students to design a house for sale ads. Designed to ads through the team, the group elected to do a sales manager, to all students (customers) to sell, under the Housing Order of ads designed to evaluate the quantity (mission) is good or bad.
Another study at the first stage, the design mission card game production, so that each student independent design business cards, business card shape, size, color, layout design and content varies from person to person. Language tips: ① The name of the school grade and class ② Full name and nick name ③ I like ... best / My favourite ... is ... ④ Home address, E-mail address, telephone number, hobbies ... such a mission, not only the students cultivate creative thinking, cultivate the students and the practical ability

他短小矮胖的身体上覆盖着灰色的软毛。澳大利亚人注重对考拉的保护。他们建造能住的地方。小动物们在这里是安全的。没有人能为了夺取美丽的皮毛而杀死它们。他小的像小脚指。他大的像鞋。这文章不错,哈哈。 完全手动啊,结果有人抢先了,忍。

Lift up: 升起;提起来;拿起,举起;举起 set out: 开始;动身,起程;摆放;陈述,阐明 supporting evidence: 附属证据;有利的证据;证据 think of a method:想出一个办法 put...into: 把```投进 put ...into action: 使……付诸实施 put...into English: 把……翻译成英文 face ...

11、1月 January 2月 February 3月 March 4月 April 5月 May 6月 June 7月 July 8月 August 9月 September 10月 October 11月 November 12月 December 12、Monday(星期一)Tuesday(星期二) Wednesday(星期三) Thursday(星期四) Friday(星期五) Saturday(星期六) Sunday(星期日)...


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Located in the southwest of China, Sichuan is rich in tourism resources. It boasts lots of places of historic interest and scenic beauty.

而苏州的园林,也非常独特,有狮子林等,园中苏州所独有的特色更是浓郁,林中有狮子林十六景,堪称秀美。假山既多且精美,绝对是游园林的好去处。苏州有着东方威尼斯的美称,因为她小桥流水,充满着浓郁的古典气息,古色古香,是一个历史悠久,风光秀丽,精致迷人的秀丽的城市。Suzhou gardens are very ...

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红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下.英语 -
汉佳扶正: If she wished, she was very happy. Refueling

红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下(汉译英)
汉佳扶正: 1. It lies in the north of Jiangsu. The mountains are green and the water is clear. The air is fresh. The pollution is less than that in big cities. 2. There are many wide new roads. It is faster to get to other cities. 3. There are many tall buildings on both ...

红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下 -
汉佳扶正: 1.希特勒的失败造就了罗斯福的成功,就像在滑铁卢战役中,惨败给惠灵顿的拿破仑.2. 没有比他要的赞同更好的提议了.(就是他只想要别人的赞同,其他不需要)

红花岗区13482734046: 请帮忙翻译一下英语 -
汉佳扶正: Let's walk.on and on... 让我们继续走下去...or让我们一直走下去...Earlg Summer 初夏

红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下~~~ -
汉佳扶正: All students 用于不需要限定student范围的时候.比如:All students should wear school uniform.All the students 用于有限定条件时.比如:All the students of X School are wearing school unif...

红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下!~(英文翻译)
汉佳扶正: 1 If I were you, I will remove them. 2 If I met Li Hua, I told him. 3 If I have time, I'll help you. 4 He suggested that our class should be divided into five groups. 5 He told us, as if he been there. 6 I hope he can on my side.

红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下. -
汉佳扶正: The work location:Peking is last Make collective report the object:Section manager of IS The work job and accomplishment:Be responsible for the company network equipments, server equipmen...

红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下下~~~~ -
汉佳扶正: 原话少了一个on,ory应该是cry:If you need a shoulder to cry on, you can always count on.假如你需要肩膀让你靠着它来哭诉,我是你永远的依靠.——————据说很多男人肩周炎、肩部风湿之类...

红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 -
汉佳扶正: 本身这句话有问题,应该是 i just want a shy guy..后面都对.我只想要个内向的男人,他就是那样的男人,是我拥有的男人 或 非我模数 或 只能是我的人...

红花岗区13482734046: 帮忙翻译一下 -
汉佳扶正: 一旦完成,经贸部将会颁发所需的行政许可文件,来指定外国公司的业务范围

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