
作者&投稿:东野妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In our class,there are 50 students.There are about 15 students, is the bus to school.In addition there are 15 students is a subway ride to school, we do not ban the number of students riding bicycles to school, only just 10 Students. Minority students, about 7 was walking to school, we are only 3 classes students are sitting the car to go to school.

《Write you to see》You are not the best I came across, but because I already have your heart. I do not want to come across the best, I am not tempted not to others, I am not not fall in love with someone else, but I know better how to cherish you, because the feelings are mutual victims, we can be together is not easy, who has been selected, do not easily let go easily, the world's countless good people, but can meet you in a big crowd had enough distance not a problem, then the age is not a big obstacle, as long as you can with my determined even if you are not the best, not even the best, but it is my most cherished, shortcomings can be corrected, the character can run, the course of time the feelings of affection, but missed the chance to miss, some people love is the kind of responsibility now I understand, the original duty is to betray a lifetime, now think about why so many feelings can be a step by step to reach the end, in addition to the depths of love has been used outside, there should be two people helped each other, not separated abandoned!

Various kinds of pollution has had great impacts on people's daily life and health. For example, sound pollution could cause people to become deaf, air pollution would cause irritations in the lung, and soil pollution would cause food to become unhygienic,etc.

Now, lots of countries are trying to solve the various environmental problems. In order to reduce air pollution, government has put controlls on the gas emissions of factories. People start to separate garbage in order to recycle resources. Farmers reduces the amount of chemical products used to prevent further damage to the soil. Government also prehibitted speaking in loud voices in public areas as to lower the noise level.

Hopefully, with everyone's efforts, these various pollutions will be reduced till zero level.



Various kinds of pollution has had great impacts on people's daily life and health. For example, sound pollution could cause people to become deaf, air pollution would cause irritations in the lung, and soil pollution would cause food to become unhygienic,etc.

Now, lots of countries are trying to solve the various environmental problems. In order to reduce air pollution, government has put controlls on the gas emissions of factories. People start to separate garbage in order to recycle resources. Farmers reduces the amount of chemical products used to prevent further damage to the soil. Government also prehibitted speaking in loud voices in public areas as to lower the noise level.

Hopefully, with everyone's efforts, these various pollutions will be reduced till zero level.

A variety of pollution has a great influence on people’s daily lives and health. For example, the noise pollution can make people deaf, air pollution will make people’s lung uncomfortable, soil pollution may cause unhealthy food, and so on.
At present, many countries are making efforts to solve environmental problems. In order to reduce air pollution, the government controls the waste discharge of factories. People separate waste as much as possible for garbage collection. Farmers reduce the use of chemicals to prevent soil from damage. To avoid noise, government regulations have that don’t make noise in public places.
I believe that all kinds of pollution will be reduced or even disappear with mutual efforts.

Various kinds of pollutions have great impact on people's daily life and health.For example,noise pollution will cause deaf;air pollution will cause respiratory sickness;soil pollution will cause ill food,etc.
Nowadays, many countries are making efforts on various environmental issues.To decrease air pollution, the government take output of factorise under control. People devide rabbish to recycle rabbish.To protect soil from destory, farmers decrease the use of chemicals.To decrease noises, the government rules that people shall not make noises in public areas.
I believe that various kinds of pollutions will be decreased and disappeared under our efforts.

首先,这串数字没有出现“0”“0”可以说是数字暗语里经常出现的,为什么会没有呢?一定是因为不是暗语。我一开始这么认为。数字一共有42位……我把它先分为6段,后来改分7段,得出:我用ASCII码翻译了一下 584568就是:-D 也就是一个笑的符号(58是“:”45是“-”68是“D”)21很难...



这次她们来到我们浏阳的文家市,和姐姐她们年级的同学结成对子,吃住在农家,体验农村生活。她们来这里后,帮我们干各种活,还帮我和姐姐复习功课,给我们讲城市里的故事,我好羡慕她们,真心喜欢她们。 黄永旺 语言非常流利,感情十分真挚。 苏振兴 是啊,写得相当好。你念初中几年级? 张琳 初二。杨柳姐姐的作文那才叫写得...


大家好!能帮我一个忙吗 帮我绘画一个80平米的房屋格局 就是一室两厅...
很简单的,可以是四方的,长方形的都可以啊,入门一般左右手方向是为什么,然后两个卧室一个客厅一个厨房 OK了




我来说笑话 顺带请大家帮个忙 能帮我打出文本来吗 今天一大
” 病人:“求您告诉我我还能活多久?” 医生:“十……” 病人着急地问:“十什么?十年??十个月???十天???” 医生:“十,九,八,七,六,五……”6、老师:“你能说一些18世纪科学家共同特点吗?”学生:“能,他们都死了。”7、犀粪蜣和蚊子谈恋爱,蜣问蚊子是做什么工作的,...

石家庄市19630477345: 大家帮我翻译一篇作文啊! 中翻英啊! 帮帮忙了啊!
竺物麝香: Today is Saturday, I about ten o 'clock. Because yesterday was Chinese New Year. 12 o 'clock go to bed. After getting up. I washed zao about 10 minutes. Then went downstairs to have lunch. About 12 points. My mother and I went shopping plaza. ...

石家庄市19630477345: 大家帮个忙、帮我写一篇50字左右的英语作文 -
竺物麝香: baby ,please!turn down the voice of video!it is so loud that disturb our neighbours! you can listen it quietly.i know you like music,but please,quiet!ok?you should learn how to consider other's felling,do a good boy do!i am sure you can do the best!come on!

石家庄市19630477345: 英语作文,大家帮个忙吧.
竺物麝香: Dear Mr.Zhang, I'm sorry to tell you that my mother has a fever by accident and I need to take care of her.Because my father is going to Beijing on business.Therefore,may I ask you for 2 days off?I'll go back to school as quick as possible. Sincerly LiPing

石家庄市19630477345: 大家帮我翻译一下这篇英语作文吧、、、 -
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石家庄市19630477345: 帮忙翻译一篇作文?唉,又要写作文,烦,英语一直是本人的致命弱点,英语作文大家帮个忙.(每间学校对学生都有它的规则,在学校我们要穿校服,在课堂... -
竺物麝香:[答案] Each school to students have its rules, at school, we want to wear school uniform, in class, we should listen earnestly, homework to finish on time and in earnest, we must keep quiet in the library, a...

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竺物麝香: Yesterday was a good weather. My father and I went to climb the mountain, the mountain is very high, my father and I spent a long time to climb the mountain. The mountains many flowers and birds. We went down later, went to the lake fishing. I only ...

石家庄市19630477345: 大家帮我翻译下短文,初中的
竺物麝香: She is a lovely gilr.She doesn't wear glasses.She is a little shorter than me.She is outgoing,and often laugh.She is very smart,so her record is very good.But she often say rude words.Otherwise she likes to help other students who have difficulties. All ...

石家庄市19630477345: 麻烦大家帮我翻译一下这篇作文..
竺物麝香: 1.On a sunny Sunday morning,I came to park for fun. 2.How beautiful the park was!Hills,lakes,trees and flowers!There were several boys who were boating on the lake. 3.There were many people in the park.Two girls were flying kites.Some old ...

石家庄市19630477345: 请大家帮忙翻译一篇小作文:谢谢! -
竺物麝香: 一个星期天早晨,Jack坐在窗边,透过他的双筒望远镜观察一只正在樱桃树上吃水果的松鼠上.“多么美好的一幕!”他想.过了几分钟,Jack看到了一对黄色的鸟.午饭后,他再次去到窗边,他一下子就看到了一只翠鸟,它低低地在金鱼池上跃着.Jack担心它会“偷”走他的宠物,但是这只鸟仅仅是想把自己弄湿一下.在晚饭时分,一对野生鸽子停在了长满草的小块土地上,他们来来回回寻找食物.对于Jack来说,这是一个观看鸟的非常棒的周末.他当他的新“玩具”小心放到抽屉后,他回想那天听到的与见到的美妙的声音与风景

石家庄市19630477345: 帮忙翻译一下小作文 -
竺物麝香: 首先,我们没有足够的钱,而且我们太忙了.其次,我没钱,而且我也忙.故事"男孩子:狼来了"的那个故事里面的调皮的男孩已经长大了.现在他在他所在的村子里当天气播报员.一天,他在认...

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