
作者&投稿:徐咏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Book 1 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 CACAB 16-20BCCAB 21-25 ADCBB 26-30 ADCDB
31-35 DDDBA 36-40DBACF
41-45 BDACB 46-50DACBD
51-55 ACBDA 56-60CBDCA
61. distance 62.It
63. a 64. getting
65. at 66. saw
67. off 68. that /which
69. dried 70.to do
71. ... a two-weeks summer ...
two-weeks→ two-week
72. ... much new places ... much → many
73. ... goes to Europe... goes → went
74. ... of the country. country → countries
75. ... always in hurry. hurry前加a
76. Li Hua was neither ... neither → either
77. ... he returned back ... 去掉back
78. ... was very tiring. tiring → tired
79. ... that he travel ... he → you
80. ... or you'll be ... or → and
One possible version:
Dear Tom,
I'm writing to tell you that my parents andI are going to New Yorkfor a vacation. I would appreciate it if you could help me.
First, I want you to recommend severaltourist attractions which we shouldn't miss while we are there. Besides, sincewe have never been abroad before, I think a travel agency may help us a lot. Ifthere is any agency that you are familiar with, please contact one for us. Wewill arrive in New Yorknext Friday. If possible, could you meet us at the airport?
Looking forward to your reply.

A篇 (日常活动)
21. A。细节理解题。由第一段中的My husband had insisted on watering the flowers和he asked me for help可知,A项说法正确。
22. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的the plane hadn't left Spain for technical reasons可知,作者的飞机出了故障,故选D项。
23. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Our plane had arrived and taken off ... we had been forgotten可知,作者可能会很生气,故选C项。
24. B。主旨大意题。由于飞机延误,作者和丈夫被安排在机场附近的宾馆过夜,然而飞机在夜间抵达时却没有人通知他们,于是他们错过了那趟航班,故选B项。
B篇 (语言学习)
25. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的he asked one of his customers to teach him可知,B项说法正确。
26. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的he ... creating a letter for each sound和第三段中的the eighty-five sounds in theCherokee language可知,他发明的字母表中共有85个字母,故选A项。
27. D。词义猜测题。由该词后面的Ayoka was able to repeat their words without being present可知,那些长者感到非常惊讶,故选D项。
28. C。标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了Sequoyah是如何为切罗基族人的口头语言设计出一套实用的书写文字,这是一份无法用价钱来衡量的礼物,故用C项作为标题最恰当。
C篇 (文学)
29. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的they describe the two sides of good and evil very clearly可知,童话故事对孩子们的影响大是因为它们将善恶很直白地呈现给了孩子们,便于他们辨别是非,故选D项。
30. B。推理判断题。由第三段中的we learn about the importance of living with and accepting othercultures可知,当孩子们和外国人结交朋友时,《小美人鱼》会告诉他们如何去接受其它文化,故选B项。
31. D。写作目的题。总览全文可知,作者主要介绍了童话故事对孩子们的积极影响,故选D项。
D篇 (旅游)
32. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的We plan ... for a beach picnic和It's on Sunday, June 30可知,D项说法正确。
33. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的you just need to pay $6 to $10 for each dozen, depending on the size可知,购买大点的牡蛎,价钱很可能就是十美元一打,购买两打,即二十四只的话,就需要二十美元,故选D项。
34. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的Bring some briquettes if you would like to grill可知,如果打算烧烤的话,应该自带煤球,故选B项。
35. A。推理判断题。Paul Hawking通过本文旨在告知学生们周末野餐活动的安排情况,所以这篇文章很可能来自学校网站的通知,故选A项。

36. D。由该空前的This means that ... your least favorite color和下文相关内容可知,D项内容符合此处语境,即:如果你想要一个温馨舒适的卧室,就需要好好规划一下了。
37. B。由该空前的what to do with some space in the corner ... a desk or a smallsitting area可知,在卧室的角落处还可以安置书架,故选B项。
38. A。由该空后的just keep your walls and furniture white可知,这里是说卧室中的颜色,故选A项。
39. C。由该空后的You can put up dry erase boards, chalkboards, and pictures可知,这里是说如何布置卧室的墙壁,故选C项。
40. F。由该空前的try to find something that adds energy and life to your bedroom可知,这里是说需要摆放一些植物,故选F项。

41. B。下文的go on bike trips和go swimming等信息是提示。
42. D。由下文的This is fine可知,父母“鼓励(encourage)”“我”多出去晒太阳。
43. A。由下文的We often go on bike trips可知,“我”和朋友喜欢一起“出去(go out)”。
44. C。骑车出去游玩给我们带来很多“快乐(fun)”。
45. B。日照时间长了,我们就可以好好“享受(enjoy)”了。
46. D。因为是夏天,所以晚上八点钟后“通常(usually)”还有太阳。
47. A。上文的The sun stays out longer是提示。
48. C。由该空后的get a suntan可知是说“躺下(lie)”。
49. B。该空前后是因果关系,故填because。
50. D。由该空前的we often take a walk outside可知,这样可以使我们保持“健康(healthy)”。
51. A。由该空后的since we don't get very much sunny weather和上下文语境可知,对我们来说,这是一年当中“最暖和的(warmest)”时候了。
52. C。下文的in my country是提示。
53. B。一年当中大部分时间,要么清凉“潮湿(wet)”要么寒冷多冰。
54. D。由上文的it's either cool ... cold and icy可知是“糟糕的(terrible)”天气。
55. A。由该空后的we go out, have barbecues可知,“我”和邻居们出去“庆祝(celebrate)”夏天。
56. C。夏天是作者最喜欢的季节,所以这里应该是吃着烧烤,“快乐地(happily)”聊着天。
57. B。由上文的The sun stays out longer可知,到了晚上大气中还有余“热(heat)”。
58. D。这里是对全文内容的概括总结,故填In short。
59. C。夏天有很多“我”喜欢去“体验(experience)”的事情。
60. A。由文章首句及全文的介绍可知,这(夏天)是一个最“吸引(interests)”“我”的季节。

61. distance。考查名词。设空处前面有形容词修饰,故填名词distance。
62. It。考查it作形式主语的用法。设空处作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式短语,故填It。
63. a。考查不定冠词。trip是可数名词,且此处表示泛指,故填a。
64. getting。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。介词后接动词-ing形式作宾语,故填getting。
65. at。考查介词。at times是固定搭配,意为“有时,不时”。
66. saw。考查一般过去时。see表示的动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时。
67. off。考查副词。get off是固定搭配,意为“下(车、船)等”。
68. that / which。考查关系词。设空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词food,且在从句中作宾语,故填that / which。
69. dried。考查动词-ed形式作定语的用法。dry与fish之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且dry表示的动作已经完成,故填dried。
70. to do。考查不定式作目的状语的用法。设空处表示目的,且I与do之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填to do。

1. B。词义猜测题。由该段中的It is not always a good thing to praise children和Words such as “well done” may make them doubt their ownabilities可知,经常对孩子说一些表扬的话可能会妨碍他们今后在学校的发展,故选B项。
2. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的he advises ... use words like “trying really hard.”可知,D项说法正确。
3. C。写作目的题。第二段中的最后一句He also mentions research showing that children who are heavilypraised probably perform worse at school是提示。
4. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的In his book, Mr. Grosz writes, “How could I explain to the teacher that I would prefer it if she didnot praise my daughter?”可知,对于老师表扬孩子的那些话,他不是很满意,故选D项。
5. A。主旨大意题。作者通过本文旨在说明对孩子进行过多的表扬会给他们带来不利影响,故选A项。

Book 1 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BACCB 6-10 ABABC
11-15 BCCAC 16-20 BBBCA
21-25 BDCBC 26-30 CDDAB
31-35 ADACC 36-40 BCADA
41-45 CBDAC 46-50 CBDAA
51-55 CDBAC 56-60 DCADC
61-65 BBADA 66-70 CCBAA
71-75 EFAGC
76. At night.
77. Because they have to come out of the earth to breathe.
78. By feeling movements in the earth.
79. The earthworm’s new front part.
80. By making a pain-killing chemical.
81. ..., and I wasn't ... and → but
82. ... I felt boring. boring → bored
83. ... Mom comes in. comes → came
84. ... to choose gift ... gift前加a
85. ... on next Saturday ... 去掉on
86. ... almost two hour ... hour → hours
87. ... how many time ... many → much
88. ... spent choose gifts ... choose → choosing
89. ... thankful to me, ... me → them
90. ... what we should ... what → that或去掉what
One possible version:
Dear David,
I am writing to tell you about my trip to Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province.
Last week my parents and I travelled to Chengdu by train. After we got off the train, we went to Mount Qingcheng, where we got close to nature and enjoyed the beautiful sights. The next day, we visited Du Fu's Thatched Cottage to show our respect for the poet who really cared about the poor. On the third day, we toured Dujiangyan, which has existed for thousands of years. All in all, we had great fun going sightseeing in Chengdu. I hope you can visit it next time you come to China; it is really a beautiful city.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua
21. B。by air 乘飞机;由in a new film 可知在此用play a part 表示“扮演一个角色”。
22. D。题意:我妹妹问我在美国距离(distance)是否通常以英里而不是千米为单位来测量。
23. C。由语境及发话者but 后的分句的时态可知,前一个分句应用现在进行时表示按计划即将发生的动作。
24. B。题意:你突然那样敲窗户真把我吓死(frightened)了。
25. C。根据上下句语境可知,此处指“我们”的英语老师过去在北京外国语大学学习了四年英语,故用一般过去时。
26. C。根据句中的ran round and round the playground 可知,孩子们绕着操场一圈一圈地跑,直到他们感到筋疲力尽(exhausted)。
27. D。根据语境可知,此处指“交通堵塞三个小时使我心情不好”,故空格处用动词-ing 形式作主语,且根据短语be caught in ..(. 陷入……)可知D项正确。
28. D。题意:在你书中的第二页你可以找到我在讲课期间提到(refer to)的那些书目一览表。lead to 导致;point to 指向;turn to开始干,求助于,转向。
29. A。分析句子结构可知,_____ we spent together 为定语从句,修饰先行词days,引导定语从句的关系词在从句中作spent的宾语,故选which。
30. B。根据so 后的分句可知,“我”穿着过时的(out of date)衣服参加宴会会感到尴尬。out of sight 看不见;out of order次序颠倒;out of work失业。
31. A。感叹句一般用what 或how 引导,what 修饰名词,how 修饰形容词或副词,又由于句中的scenery 为不可数名词,故选What。
32. D。根据句意可知,publish 与report 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用publish的过去分词作后置定语,修饰report。
33. A。分析题意可知,主从句之间为让步关系,故选although。
34. C。由for Finland 可知take off 作“离开”讲,符合题意。keep off 远离;put off 推迟;turn off 关(灯、水、煤气等)。
35. C。根据答语第二句(它非常快,我没意识到就到了浦东机场)可知,应答者赞同发话者的观点(乘坐磁悬浮列车真是令人惊奇),故选C项。Absolutely意为“当然,对极了”。
36. B。由上文的hurrying可知。
37. C。由下文的The lion awoke可知。
38. A。由上文的The lion ... caught the mouse 和下文的the lion let him go 可知,老鼠哀求狮子放了它。
39. D。由上文的I'll do something for you in return 可知,狮子表示像老鼠这样的小动物对它不会有任何的帮助。
40. A。由上文狮子说的话How could a small animal ... such a big and strong animal as me?可知,狮子觉得老鼠说的话很可笑。
41. C。老鼠对于狮子来说太小,因此不会使狮子饱餐一顿。
42. B。由下文的the mouse he had set free a few days ago可知。
43. D。由下文的the animals 以及狮子落入圈套可知。
44. A。由下文的take them back to a zoo 可知,有些人想抓一些野生动物回动物园。
45. C。由上文的One evening 可知,狮子当天没有捕到猎物,因此决定回家。
46. C。47. B。由上文的a piece of meat 可知,狮子是闻到了肉的香味并找到了那块肉。
48. D。The lion tried to get away 和it was no use之间为转折关系。
49. A。狮子试图挣脱网却没有成功后,它停止了尝试。
50. A。不一会儿,狮子听到一点动静。
51. C。由下文的the little mouse had done what he had promised to do可知。
52. D。53. B。由上文的How can you help me可知,狮子认定没有人能帮得了它,当然更别说像老鼠一样的小动物了。
54. A。由下文的biting the net with his sharp teeth 和he made a hole in the net可知,老鼠开始行动起来。
55. C。由下文的One of the nature's strongest animals had been saved by one of its smallest and weakest 可知,狮子从那个洞逃了出来。
56. D。细节理解题。根据文中的Gerardo: I use my bike to get to and from school 可知。
57. C。推理判断题。根据文中的Michael: You have to follow more rules and laws when you ride your bike in the city. In the mountains there are laws but not as many 可知,Michael 觉得在山里骑自行 车受约束少一些,更自由一些。
58. A。细节理解题。根据文中的Jackie: My favorite thing is getting a break from being indoors 可知。
59. D。主旨大意题。根据第一段的Reporter Ricky caught up with three of them ... to learn about their experiences with the group 以及下文的问答形式可知,本文主要是对三位骑自行车登山爱好者的访谈。
60. C。细节理解题。根据第一段的a day trip to a beautiful beach village in Peru 和make the climb to an area around the village 可知,作者他们是在村庄附近爬 的山。
61. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的I was soon past the first challenge safely, but not feeling much better about the rest of the climb可知。
62. B。词义猜测题。根据本段中的“必要时,在我身后的朋友托住我的脚,在我前面的朋友搭把手拉我”以及friends helping me by words and actions 可知,作者开始慢慢有所进展,向着山顶前进。
63. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的 Melody encouraged me to go on 和“You can do it, Jean! I'm right here,” Melody called可知。
64. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的 Mozine has a lot of restaurants and hotels for you to choose from可知。
65. A。细节理解题。根据第二段的The special type of land here makes for some very large places which are suitable for skiers of all levels可知。
66. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的Very close to the Spanish border lies Tourmalet可知。
67. C。细节理解题。根据第二段的Many people liked him and they believed his fight against the king was good可知。
68. B。推理判断题。根据第二段的Some experts think that this man may be the real Robin Hood. However, the true Robin Hood may be someone else 可知,关于罗宾汉本人的真相尚不明确。 69. A。细节理解题。根据第三段的In the 15th century, ballads began to tell the story of Robin Hood. But they all told the story in ways that were a little bit different 可知,在十五世纪,关于罗宾 汉的歌谣有着不同的版本。
70. A。标题归纳题。文章讲述了关于罗宾汉的不同故事版本。最后一段的 Although the stories about Robin Hood are different, there is one part that didn't change. Robin Hood is still a hero because he fights for the poor 点明本文主要是关于这个英雄的。因此,A 项作标题合适。
I. 1. What are you shooting your gun at?
2. When I said some people were stupid, I wasn't referring to you.
3. Ben is usually short for Benjamin.
4. I've trained my dog to fetch my shoes.
5. They don't hate the boy any more.
Instead, they begin to care for him.
II. 1. 自行车骑得好的人一天可以骑一百多英里。
2. 从上海到香港的航班起飞晚了一个小时。
3. 如果你的护照过期的话,你将不许出国旅游。
4. 我试着敲了敲后门,但没人回答。
5. 那座废弃的房子昨天被推倒了。
二、1-5 BDCBC
1. B。细节理解题。根据第一段的wanted to clean up all the rubbish in Estonia 和 make a plan about how to clean up the rubbish 可知。
2. D。段落大意题。第三段主要讲述队员去森林里找到相应的垃圾点,然后上传到网络供人们查看,因此D项符合该段大意。
3. C。词义猜测题。根据本段的clean up the rubbish 和They moved over 10,000 tons of rubbish in only one day 可知,get rid of 意为“清理,清除”。
4. B。细节理解题。文章第二段谈到 Let's Do It! Estonia 不仅得到环境部的支持,而且演艺人员等也加入到该工程项目中;第三段谈到科技专家研发电脑 程序帮助定位垃圾;第四段谈到成千上万的人开始来帮忙。由此可知,Let's Do It! Estonia得到全国上下多方的大力帮助。
5. C。推理判断题。根据Rainer Nolvak 在最后一段所说的The most important thing we did was build a team 和When we are together and there are many of us, we are not afraid 可知,他认为人多力量大,团结就是力量。

Book 1 Module 3 参考答案及部分解析
1-5 BACCB 6-10 ABABC
11-15 BCCAC 16-20 BBBCA
21-25 BDCBC 26-30 CDDAB
31-35 ADACC 36-40 BCADA
41-45 CBDAC 46-50 CBDAA
51-55 CDBAC 56-60 DCADC
61-65 BBADA 66-70 CCBAA
71-75 EFAGC
76. At night.
77. Because they have to come out of the earth to breathe.
78. By feeling movements in the earth.
79. The earthworm’s new front part.
80. By making a pain-killing chemical.
81. ..., and I wasn't ... and → but
82. ... I felt boring. boring → bored
83. ... Mom comes in. comes → came
84. ... to choose gift ... gift前加a
85. ... on next Saturday ... 去掉on
86. ... almost two hour ... hour → hours
87. ... how many time ... many → much
88. ... spent choose gifts ... choose → choosing
89. ... thankful to me, ... me → them
90. ... what we should ... what → that或去掉what
One possible version:
Dear David,
I am writing to tell you about my trip to Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province.
Last week my parents and I travelled to Chengdu by train. After we got off the train, we went to Mount Qingcheng, where we got close to nature and enjoyed the beautiful sights. The next day, we visited Du Fu's Thatched Cottage to show our respect for the poet who really cared about the poor. On the third day, we toured Dujiangyan, which has existed for thousands of years. All in all, we had great fun going sightseeing in Chengdu. I hope you can visit it next time you come to China; it is really a beautiful city.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua
21. B。by air 乘飞机;由in a new film 可知在此用play a part 表示“扮演一个角色”。
22. D。题意:我妹妹问我在美国距离(distance)是否通常以英里而不是千米为单位来测量。
23. C。由语境及发话者but 后的分句的时态可知,前一个分句应用现在进行时表示按计划即将发生的动作。
24. B。题意:你突然那样敲窗户真把我吓死(frightened)了。
25. C。根据上下句语境可知,此处指“我们”的英语老师过去在北京外国语大学学习了四年英语,故用一般过去时。
26. C。根据句中的ran round and round the playground 可知,孩子们绕着操场一圈一圈地跑,直到他们感到筋疲力尽(exhausted)。
27. D。根据语境可知,此处指“交通堵塞三个小时使我心情不好”,故空格处用动词-ing 形式作主语,且根据短语be caught in ..(. 陷入……)可知D项正确。
28. D。题意:在你书中的第二页你可以找到我在讲课期间提到(refer to)的那些书目一览表。lead to 导致;point to 指向;turn to开始干,求助于,转向。
29. A。分析句子结构可知,_____ we spent together 为定语从句,修饰先行词days,引导定语从句的关系词在从句中作spent的宾语,故选which。
30. B。根据so 后的分句可知,“我”穿着过时的(out of date)衣服参加宴会会感到尴尬。out of sight 看不见;out of order次序颠倒;out of work失业。
31. A。感叹句一般用what 或how 引导,what 修饰名词,how 修饰形容词或副词,又由于句中的scenery 为不可数名词,故选What。
32. D。根据句意可知,publish 与report 之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用publish的过去分词作后置定语,修饰report。
33. A。分析题意可知,主从句之间为让步关系,故选although。
34. C。由for Finland 可知take off 作“离开”讲,符合题意。keep off 远离;put off 推迟;turn off 关(灯、水、煤气等)。
35. C。根据答语第二句(它非常快,我没意识到就到了浦东机场)可知,应答者赞同发话者的观点(乘坐磁悬浮列车真是令人惊奇),故选C项。Absolutely意为“当然,对极了”。
36. B。由上文的hurrying可知。
37. C。由下文的The lion awoke可知。
38. A。由上文的The lion ... caught the mouse 和下文的the lion let him go 可知,老鼠哀求狮子放了它。
39. D。由上文的I'll do something for you in return 可知,狮子表示像老鼠这样的小动物对它不会有任何的帮助。
40. A。由上文狮子说的话How could a small animal ... such a big and strong animal as me?可知,狮子觉得老鼠说的话很可笑。
41. C。老鼠对于狮子来说太小,因此不会使狮子饱餐一顿。
42. B。由下文的the mouse he had set free a few days ago可知。
43. D。由下文的the animals 以及狮子落入圈套可知。
44. A。由下文的take them back to a zoo 可知,有些人想抓一些野生动物回动物园。
45. C。由上文的One evening 可知,狮子当天没有捕到猎物,因此决定回家。
46. C。47. B。由上文的a piece of meat 可知,狮子是闻到了肉的香味并找到了那块肉。
48. D。The lion tried to get away 和it was no use之间为转折关系。
49. A。狮子试图挣脱网却没有成功后,它停止了尝试。
50. A。不一会儿,狮子听到一点动静。
51. C。由下文的the little mouse had done what he had promised to do可知。
52. D。53. B。由上文的How can you help me可知,狮子认定没有人能帮得了它,当然更别说像老鼠一样的小动物了。
54. A。由下文的biting the net with his sharp teeth 和he made a hole in the net可知,老鼠开始行动起来。
55. C。由下文的One of the nature's strongest animals had been saved by one of its smallest and weakest 可知,狮子从那个洞逃了出来。
56. D。细节理解题。根据文中的Gerardo: I use my bike to get to and from school 可知。
57. C。推理判断题。根据文中的Michael: You have to follow more rules and laws when you ride your bike in the city. In the mountains there are laws but not as many 可知,Michael 觉得在山里骑自行 车受约束少一些,更自由一些。
58. A。细节理解题。根据文中的Jackie: My favorite thing is getting a break from being indoors 可知。
59. D。主旨大意题。根据第一段的Reporter Ricky caught up with three of them ... to learn about their experiences with the group 以及下文的问答形式可知,本文主要是对三位骑自行车登山爱好者的访谈。
60. C。细节理解题。根据第一段的a day trip to a beautiful beach village in Peru 和make the climb to an area around the village 可知,作者他们是在村庄附近爬 的山。
61. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的I was soon past the first challenge safely, but not feeling much better about the rest of the climb可知。
62. B。词义猜测题。根据本段中的“必要时,在我身后的朋友托住我的脚,在我前面的朋友搭把手拉我”以及friends helping me by words and actions 可知,作者开始慢慢有所进展,向着山顶前进。
63. A。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的 Melody encouraged me to go on 和“You can do it, Jean! I'm right here,” Melody called可知。
64. D。细节理解题。根据第二段的 Mozine has a lot of restaurants and hotels for you to choose from可知。
65. A。细节理解题。根据第二段的The special type of land here makes for some very large places which are suitable for skiers of all levels可知。
66. C。细节理解题。根据第三段的Very close to the Spanish border lies Tourmalet可知。
67. C。细节理解题。根据第二段的Many people liked him and they believed his fight against the king was good可知。
68. B。推理判断题。根据第二段的Some experts think that this man may be the real Robin Hood. However, the true Robin Hood may be someone else 可知,关于罗宾汉本人的真相尚不明确。 69. A。细节理解题。根据第三段的In the 15th century, ballads began to tell the story of Robin Hood. But they all told the story in ways that were a little bit different 可知,在十五世纪,关于罗宾 汉的歌谣有着不同的版本。
70. A。标题归纳题。文章讲述了关于罗宾汉的不同故事版本。最后一段的 Although the stories about Robin Hood are different, there is one part that didn't change. Robin Hood is still a hero because he fights for the poor 点明本文主要是关于这个英雄的。因此,A 项作标题合适。
I. 1. What are you shooting your gun at?
2. When I said some people were stupid, I wasn't referring to you.
3. Ben is usually short for Benjamin.
4. I've trained my dog to fetch my shoes.
5. They don't hate the boy any more.
Instead, they begin to care for him.
II. 1. 自行车骑得好的人一天可以骑一百多英里。
2. 从上海到香港的航班起飞晚了一个小时。
3. 如果你的护照过期的话,你将不许出国旅游。
4. 我试着敲了敲后门,但没人回答。
5. 那座废弃的房子昨天被推倒了。
二、1-5 BDCBC
1. B。细节理解题。根据第一段的wanted to clean up all the rubbish in Estonia 和 make a plan about how to clean up the rubbish 可知。
2. D。段落大意题。第三段主要讲述队员去森林里找到相应的垃圾点,然后上传到网络供人们查看,因此D项符合该段大意。
3. C。词义猜测题。根据本段的clean up the rubbish 和They moved over 10,000 tons of rubbish in only one day 可知,get rid of 意为“清理,清除”。
4. B。细节理解题。文章第二段谈到 Let's Do It! Estonia 不仅得到环境部的支持,而且演艺人员等也加入到该工程项目中;第三段谈到科技专家研发电脑 程序帮助定位垃圾;第四段谈到成千上万的人开始来帮忙。由此可知,Let's Do It! Estonia得到全国上下多方的大力帮助。
5. C。推理判断题。根据Rainer Nolvak 在最后一段所说的The most important thing we did was build a team 和When we are together and there are many of us, we are not afraid 可知,他认为人多力量大,团结就是力量。

”,回答一般是“I‟m fine, too.”,意为“我也很好。” 9. D 英语中元音字母一共有五个,分别是a, e, i, o, u, A项中的k,B项中的n和C项中的j均是辅音字母。 10. B 题意:我的名字是汤姆。my name是第三人称单数,故be动词用is。 11. A 题意:“这是什么?

17. B。根据本句中的go on to the next good part及下一段的skip the bad parts可知,小女孩把书中晦涩的部分“略过(jump)”不读。18. D。这部分讲读书的过程,故应该是先“找到(Find)”一本书。19. D。此处与下文的skip the bad parts相对应。上一段的good part是提示。20. A。根...

1. B。根据上一句内容可知,如果能克隆出生产更多奶和肉的牛,那么“这个新品种应该是更好”。2. G。根据本空后的Many animals are born with abnormal shapes ... make it lessexpensive可知,目前克隆的“过程不能总是完美,而且价格相对比较昂贵”。3. D。根据本空后的内容不难看出,这里是介...


,故第一空用a;at an early age意为“在小时候”,是固定表达,故第二空用an。 名词和冠词专练参考答案1-5 CDACD 6-10 BACDD11-15 CBCAA 16-20 BCBDB21-25 BCADD 26-30 CDDAB31-35 DCDCB 36-40 CACAD解析1. C。由“而不是用它帮助别人”可知,戴维是为自己用钱,故选benefit。for one's ...

一、1.Chew2.Comics 3.anymore 4.chat 5.candy 二、1.watching 2.has changed3.used 4.learning 5.get6.to dance 7.like 三、1.all day 2.chat with3.take to 4.has changed;past few years 5.play basketball; on6.Are;afraid\/terrified of; in front of 四、1.afraid of 2.Did;...

根据第一段的a day trip to a beautiful beach village in Peru 和make the climb to an area around the village 可知,作者他们是在村庄附近爬 的山。 61. B。细节理解题。根据第三段的I was soon past the first challenge safely, but not feeling much better about the rest of the climb可知。 62...

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,故第一空用a;at an early age意为“在小时候”,是固定表达,故第二空用an。 名词和冠词专练参考答案1-5 CDACD 6-10 BACDD11-15 CBCAA 16-20 BCBDB21-25 BCADD 26-30 CDDAB31-35 DCDCB 36-40 CACAD解析1. C。由“而不是用它帮助别人”可知,戴维是为自己用钱,故选benefit。for one's ...

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野竹复方: 记住,狗狗不能喝人喝的牛奶,你可以为狗狗买点狗粮,不仅喂起来方便,狗粮里也含有丰富的营养物质,能够增加狗狗的免疫力,平时也可以买点宠物饼干或零食给狗狗吃着玩.如果是两个月大的小狗,建议你买营养量较高的狗粮,用温水泡软了喂狗狗,要泡到没有硬心为止,不能用热水,也可以买点宠物专用奶粉喂狗狗.别给小狗吃水果和巧克力.和太硬的骨头. 因为它会肚子痛.太硬的骨头会把小狗的胃撑破

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野竹复方: 出生后30-50天为断奶期 小狗出生后的前30天主要以母乳为生.狗乳和人乳相比,含有更多的蛋白质和脂肪. 出生3周后幼犬开始长牙,这时,除喂给它狗乳外,还应稍加一些断奶食品.断奶期是小狗成长中最关键的时期,一定要防止它营养...

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