
作者&投稿:子车药 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


This graduate design topic is a automation kind design topic, solar photovoltaic power of solar energy utilization, as a major conference 2010 world sun city is the main full use of sun power generation. Now commonly used solar cells have monocrystalline cells and polycrystalline silicon battery box of the silicon thin film cells.
Solar though is a kind of clean energy, and its application is rapid growth worldwide. Electricity is a USES sunlight is the way with solar energy, but at present the resume a solar power system cost or higher, from the present stage of solar power to see, they spent on the cost of solar cell module for that costs about 60 to 70 percent.
According to demand, through the design and field measurement and formula foundation in this article, we mainly discuss different direction and dust for solar panels, the influence of generating power from the nets power generation system low temperature on the influence of battery discharge performance in the square, and solar panels, etc. Problem
Keywords: photovoltaic power; Solar panels; From the nets power; Battery;

  1. 我还以为在我们这麼一闹下,他们可能会把你五花大绑再把你关起来。

    I just thought有“刚刚有的想法”的意思是虚拟语气。第一句裏的their应该是they才对。jump all over sb.扑向某人的意思。

  2. 他对我了如指掌,轻易洞察我的一举一动,甚至从一个表情变化看出我的心情。

    read me like an open book,直译像读一本打开的书一般读懂我,另一个意思是我对他来说是个没有秘密的人。

  3. 我知道我要说的话会激怒他,但他看我时脸上露出的表情让我忍不住了。

  1. 我只是在想,我们那一幕后(可能指闹翻了,或者在公共的地方吵翻了等),他们会将你逮捕并关起来。(语法错误,是they 不是their)

  2. 他对我了如指掌。看我跟看书一样,我的心情稍微一变动他就能看出来

  3. 我知道我要说的话会激怒他。但是他看我的表情让我实在是忍不住了。

我只是觉得我们经过那次事件之后,他们会 对你大发雷霆并把你关进牢房。


知道我要说什么时,使他大为恼火。 但当他带着那种表情看我时,我实在没有办法了。

We got a lot of grumble from our client as we cannot provide this accessory to them,So Please confirm the delivery time asap.Thanks in advance!

解答如下 (1)It was difficult to go through the motions and not bring home the bundle of joy at the end 只是走个过场而最终没有给家里带来任何欢乐是非常困难的 1.检查, 审查, 搜查 They went through our luggage at the customs.海关人员仔细检查了我们的行李。2.完成, 做完 Let's go...

1, on the economic growth essential for the accumulation of physical capital.2、 引进国外的先进设备和技术诀窍。 2, the introduction of foreign advanced equipment and technical know-how.3、 占世界技术贸易总量90%的许可证贸易。 3, accounting for 90% of total world trade, technology li...

I just thought有“刚刚有的想法”的意思是虚拟语气。第一句裏的their应该是they才对。jump all over sb.扑向某人的意思。他对我了如指掌,轻易洞察我的一举一动,甚至从一个表情变化看出我的心情。read me like an open book,直译像读一本打开的书一般读懂我,另一个意思是我对他来说是个没有...

1.To help us with our enquiries, please would you kindly place an X against your answer to the questions below.为方便我们进行调查,麻烦您在以下问题所选答案处划X号。against 紧贴着,紧靠着;毗连;倚靠,凭:例句: the house against the church 教堂隔壁的房子 该处可译为“紧靠着“,...

I am good at Word,Excel,Powerpoint and so on.Also I have mastered listenning, speaking, reading and writing. I have mastered some literature,and when I was in school, I organised some activities.What's more, I do well in learn myself,and am absorbed in working.And I am a...

of us have done something wrong ,we should forgive each other. OK, baby? I don't hope we will break up this time , I do not want to hear the words5% from our mouth. I hope we have long future, I love you. Zhiling 愿你幸福啊 那是翻译,我也祝你幸福,开心 ...

求 英语达人 帮翻译几个句子 急!!!
1, The seeds of accounting were most-likely first sown in the city of Babylon around 4000 B.C. when record keeping probably began in this civilized area.早在大约公元前四千年的巴比伦,会计的种子就已被播下,当时在这一文明地区可能已经出现了帐簿记录。2, It was beautifully ...

1.这两种语言在许多方面都不一样(SVC结构)The two language are different in many ways.2.聋哑人即不会说也不能听(SV结构)Deaf and dumb people can neither speak nor hear.3.那个英国人意大利语说得非常好(SVO结构)The Englishman speaks Italian very well.4.请递给我一杯咖啡好吗(SVOO...

Each Appreciation activity has a promoting special webpage respectively.每个鉴赏活动拥有独立的宣传专题页面。Attractive rewards lure people into restaurants. In turn, their original reviews will express the highlights of the brands, therefore making the brands known by more people.通过吸引人的...

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译 -
长孙受小儿: She had been tough on me these last few weeks and hopefully it would pay off today.过去几星期里她都对我很严格,希望今天能得到回报.

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译下 -
长孙受小儿: Sir: How are you doing! we already receive the post expense $102 you sent. we have already called FedEx to post the sample to you.

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译几句简单的话 -
长孙受小儿: i went home for the Spring Festival, during this period i can not surf on the net ,so i read your email just now.请告知我们,什么时候可以安排付款.

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译下!!
长孙受小儿: 你好,这六个词组的意思分别是:一夜情,给某人打电话,响铃一次,挂掉电话,(为了)让我知道,你成功了. 第一个,不用多说了,字面意思. 第二个,固定搭配. 第三个,好像没有这个词组,硬要连起来就直接翻译了. 第四个,固定搭配. 第五个是不定式词组,直译就好. 最后一个应该有语法错误,或者是新出来的词组.

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译一下. 英文翻译:相遇 相识 相知 相守 尽量准确一些,印刷品上用的,在线等,谢谢.请英语达人帮忙翻译一下.英文翻译:相遇 相识 相知 ... -
长孙受小儿:[答案] Encounter Acquaintance Friend Companion/Partner 若有补充,看评论

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译 -
长孙受小儿: 很显然,关于毕业派对的谣言正在悄然散布着,故而他们让两个"素有恶名“的教员来巡逻,以压制学生们的行动.

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译几句话 -
长孙受小儿: I have been contacted with the banks, and banks tell me that money is frozen, it normally takes three weeks to thaw, and if you can directly cancel the order, the bank can immediately unfreeze the funds, so funds can go back to my account on, so please help cancel this order, thank you

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译一段话(英译中)I had this realization that no one would wave a magic wand and turn me into what i thought i could be .So I would have to ... -
长孙受小儿:[答案] 我意识到没有人可以回这魔法棒把握变成我希望的人.所以我不得不拒绝每一个有关我的事业的简单的方面,从我穿的衣服的商标.我意识到这有多么粗俗,你不得不把它解释得很详细 大概就是这意思.我只能翻译到这层次了 理解还是靠你自己 GOOD ...

门源回族自治县18888632223: 英语翻译请英语达人帮忙翻译 She also gained a lot of experience advocating for herself with the Queen. -
长孙受小儿:[答案] 你确定是这个句子,觉得有点问题,可能是没有前后文的原因吧. 姑且翻译为:通过为她自己与女王辩护,她也获得了许多经验.

门源回族自治县18888632223: 请英语达人帮忙翻译下一个句子 非常感谢请英语达人帮忙翻译下一个句子 非常感谢on the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of ... -
长孙受小儿:[答案] 从整体上看,得出这个结论需要一定程度的自信,但是只要这个孩子和那些与他作比较的孩子持有相同的考试态度就好.

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