
作者&投稿:单于诚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

标题:Electric locomotive traction buffering device common faults and performance maintenance
正文This paper briefly introduces SS3B SS1 type, type electric locomotive used on next role type 13 CheGou, MX - 1 type rubber buffer and spring type CheGou recovery device of basic structure, action principle. Enumerated CheGou hook tongue break, hook head suppress strength, CheGou automatic separating the use and maintenance in the fault. Detailed introduced new compilation repair technology and new add the CheGou jump preventer device, and the use of these properties maintenance measures after the effects achieved. Combining forward mounted by real CheGou hook TouGai etc of the traction buffering device structure improvement Suggestions. And to lead the buffering devices and train longitudinal motivation relationship, CheGou buffering devices of development and harness type CheGou buffer device are clear introduction. (英文)
본문 을 소개 했 SS1 형, 형 SS3B 전력 기관차 에 사용 된 아래 식 13 번 车钩 역할, 투 싼 이 - 1 형 고무 범퍼 와 용수철 식 车钩 복원 장치 의 기본 구조, 동작 원리 다.열거 했 车钩 훅 이 라며 혀 를 내 둘 렀 고, 낚다 머리, 车钩 몰아넣다 의기 자동 분리 등 에서 운용, 점검 중 고장 이다.새로 편성 을 상세히 소개 했 加装 공예 와 신 한 점검 한 车钩 국방 점프 장치 를 도입 이 들 과 성능 수호 조치 이후 가장 효과 를 거 둘 수 있다.실제 제시 했 加装 결합 운용 에 대한 질타 가 车钩 갈고리 등 견인 완 충 장치 구조적 인 개선 을 제안 했 다.하 이 완 충 장치 와 열차 수직 적 동력 관계, 车钩 완 충 장치 의 발 전과 密接 식 车钩 완 충 장치 를 명 료 한 소개 했 다.(韩文)
Le présent document donne un aperçu de SS1, a SS3B locomotive électrique, sur le rôle de la CheGou au titre de caoutchouc, MX pare-chocs blindés et dispositifs de relèvement sont CheGou, la structure de base. La CheGou crochet énumère les suffoquer robuste, interrompre la séparation, CheGou automatiquement à des pannes, la révision. A exposé dans le détail la nouvelle révision de tels procédés et dispositifs CheGou la sauter, ainsi qu’à l’adoption de mesures qui, après la recherché. Grâce à une combinaison de systèmes d’information prévus pour constituer un CheGou crochet remorquage tampon structurelles des suggestions d’amélioration. Capter tampon et avec le CheGou verticale, moteur de développement et MiJie tampon, a CheGou tampon claires.(法文)


10 virtuous 斯s receive virtuous-the plum 森 2001 button up a big match mild and dull but the between the legs of the plum 森 change the hand atmosphere to unfold, it make the person enjoy in retrospect everlasting.
9 especially the thunder west-Michael space thunder 迪 05 years 怒 button up big bamboo pole to be good enough to see he bounces with the explosion dint.
8 阿玛尔 -斯 towers are virtuous to exceed the 尔 wild beast to send of represent three areas inside pull out to button up a basket at will, the super and strong strength is incomparable.
7 virtuous bosom boon-韦 are virtuous now each hot fire game the 韦 is virtuous and will offer several record grace of button up a basket.
6 the 贾森 -Richard virtuous 森 two boundaries button up a king
5 the 斯蒂 man-弗朗 west 斯腾 empty king not the wave get hollow reputation, the highest point cherished to hurt Carter towards definitely buttonning up a big match ascend in 2000.
The 4 sections ratio-the cloth 莱 boon especially although isn't a nba to jump nowadays of tallest of with lend super and strong 滞 empty and coordination always will let a person's regrets the sky is a section ratio of.
3 勒 Brown-ZHAN MU3 SI regardless the strength or highly small emperor is the all the most good, but his action seemed to be hard.
2 invite 什 -Smith's intense emotion four shoot of buttonned up a basket to compare with the elder generation"mankind the movie essence" to have it but all and.
1 text 斯 -Carter believe need not much say the list says 2000 buttons up a big match the classic list theory button up a Carter and do not lose Jordan the slightest.




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白雪:我又累又饿。哦,这里有一栋小房子,让我来吃点东西,休息一下。D: 1\\Look, somebody ate my food--- 2\\somebody drank my water--- 3\\someone is sleeping now--- 4\\What a beautiful girl!--- 小矮人:1:看!有人吃了我的东西 2:有人喝了我的水 3:有人正在睡觉 4:多...


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苍梧县17238342657: 有人能帮翻译几句话吗? -
只固双子: Give me your name and question please!

苍梧县17238342657: 谁能帮忙翻译一下文言文? -
只固双子: 译文大意是这样的: 胶西郭氏家谱序曾经读过《周礼》,上面说,小史(古代掌管史书的官)掌握着邦国的史志,就是在他们这里奠定了世系的基础,使人们能够分得清昭穆.按照字面上来分,父辈就称为昭,子辈就称为穆,父子叠相更代就称...

苍梧县17238342657: 有人帮忙翻译下英语么,谢谢咯~~~~~~~~~~ -
只固双子: 2.2.1优势-独特的设计与施工方法-灵活提供定制产品(应该不是民族饰品吧)-来自健全的网站和网络陈列室的全面的分销网络2.2.2缺点-大部分目标市场对当代钛设计的产品的不熟悉(不认同)-公司对目标人群的市场营销宣传的时间和预算有限-无法连续创造新设计-由于公司规模小,可能无法满足(各类)需求供参考

苍梧县17238342657: 有人能帮忙翻译一首诗吗? -
只固双子: 这是一首宋代著名词人晏殊《木兰花·玉楼春》中的一部分译文;杨柳依依长亭畔,最是离人别离时,杨柳、芳草、长亭、远去的道路,每个场景都是离别诗歌最常见的;年少的人儿总以为事业为重,容易抛家弃子远去他方.我睡到五更天被钟声惊醒来却发现一人独拥锦被,孤苦无所依托.三月花开,春雨霏霏,我却在花前雨中思念那人,何时才归来?

苍梧县17238342657: 有人能帮忙翻译一下下面这段话吗? -
只固双子: http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=zh-CN 1,可以翻译任何网页,只需数秒!!! 2,可以翻译任何英语!(只要输入全部句子,一下子就全部出来了!) 3,可以翻译上百种语言! 请采纳我为答案!!!

苍梧县17238342657: 高手能帮忙翻译一下吗?不要机器译的谢啦 -
只固双子: 目标有三种:短期、中期和长期的目标.短期目标是那些与当前活动有关的,可以适用于每一天.这种目标可以在一周、两周也可能数月内实现.正如地基有多牢靠大厦就有多坚固,我们的长期目标依赖于若干短期目标的累积实现.一旦完成了...

苍梧县17238342657: 有人能帮忙翻译一下这个中文地址为英文地址吗? -
只固双子: Room 602, No, 1 of Building 7, Xihuan Street, Beiqiao Road, Panyu District, Guangdong, China

苍梧县17238342657: 谁能帮忙翻译一下? -
只固双子: 师旷论学 【原文】 晋平公问于师旷曰:“吾年七十,欲学,恐已暮矣.”师旷曰:“何不炳烛乎?” 平公曰:“安有为人臣而戏其君乎?” 师旷曰:“盲臣安敢戏其君?臣闻之:少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如...

苍梧县17238342657: 有人帮忙翻译一下这句话吗,谢谢, -
只固双子: My friend said, "I don't know this person either. I had it written like that just to get more cream."orMy friend said, "I don't know this person either. I was just trying to get more cream."上面的是严格依原话译的,下面的更自然些.

苍梧县17238342657: 请问有人可以帮忙翻译吗? -
只固双子: 1)第二,它使用了立法机构冻结预算,并提出分,说明方案必须进行审查和送检广播前的规例.它还试图迫使管理层下台.2)对媒体的控制是一个一党制国家的恶性性质的思考.两个很好的例子是媒体如何不放松管制的规则,尽快就组建政党,以及如何中方政府继续禁止从建立公共广播媒体.

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